I don't like her

Seraphina's POV

As I walked through the hallway with Irina and Roxana walking beside me, my mood was spiraling fast. It had already been a rough morning—I hadn't slept well, I felt irritable, and everything just seemed to be off. And then I saw her.

Electra. But she wasn't alone.

She was walking with some girl I didn't recognize, a girl who, despite my immediate instinct to dismiss her, had this quiet beauty about her. Something about the girl reminded me of myself—not entirely, but enough to annoy me. Her demeanor, her obvious shyness, even her hair, even though mine was no longer as striking as hers, had a similar flow to it.

It was ridiculous. I had no reason to care who Electra walked with or talked to, but the moment I spotted them together, my stomach churned in a way I didn't like.