She's hiding something

Seraphina's POV

I was leaning against the nearest post, pretending to inspect the bows lined up neatly on the rack. My eyes, however, kept straying to Irina and Roxana as they practiced their enchanted archery.

The way their arrows had this weird sparkle mid-flight, and the closer it got to the target, the more the arrow glowed faintly with enchanted energy before striking the bullseye, and to say it was mesmerizing felt like an understatement.

I'd never seen a real show of enchanted archery before—not in person. Whatever Electra had showed me that one time was definitely a memory I'd rather forget, and now, I had the opportunity to witness the real deal.

I crossed my arms over my chest, forcing my expression into one of nonchalance. I was very much fascinated by the sport, but I reminded myself that I couldn't afford to let it show. As far as everyone here was concerned, I was the leader of the archery team.