The way to a woman's heart? Candy!!!!!!!!!!!

We bought three weeks worth junk, an arm load of pie and burgers. June's sooo NOT going to know what hit her by the time she sees us right at her door. She'd so overwhelmed at it all that she'll jump in on us for a large group hug, forget that she was ever mad at us and we'll live happily ever after! ( Without a prince of course I mean, who needs boys?)


June positively glared at us right from the door and shielded it like she was preventing an alien invasion. She looked terrible with those red-rimmed eyes and pale sogged up face. I put on my prettiest cutest and most humble face ever and held out the bag of treats and pies with a big wide smile.

" Hi June" I tried. She glowered at me and the treats.

" What do you want?"

" We wanted at say hi" Dawn said " And to check on you"

" Well I'm swell thanks" She said, glaring at her and then back at me " What do you want for the last time"

" We want to talk June." I begged " Please just give us a chance"

" Hell no. I don't want to see you and I certainly don't want you here so please, you'll be doing me a favor by leaving"

" June please? We want to make things right. Please give us a chance. Please"

" Yeah. We could..." Carlizza began, stepping up and getting a door slammed in her face. We gasped and looked down sadly. Carlizza huffed in shock.

" That could have been my pretty face" She turned to us " And my way out of the broadcasting industry" She walked up to me and grabbed a burger " She must be really mad at us "

" Was to be expected though" Shayna moaned " This is hopeless. june hates us"

"But she shouldn't have any reason to be mad at you Summer. You didn't do anything wrong" Carlizza said. I shook my head.

" Max broke up with her and she thinks it's all my fault"

" But it's not. We were too dumb to think"

" Fuck Diego Sanchez" Dawn mumbled.

" Unfuck him Dawn. He's innocent too" Dawn spun round and glared at me. " Oh what now has he brainwashed you too"

" No. I can only see the truth now. Apparently, someone's been sabotaging us, playing us around their dirty finger"

" What do you mean?" Carlizza asked.

" Diego didn't know about any of you liking him or him playing you around. It was all a set-up. That person must have been very close to you guys to be able to send letters and texts from Diego to you" Suddenly, Shayna gasped.

" You Summer? How could you do this?!" I sighed and slapped hard on my head. Where's all that tuition going Shay?

" Of course it's not me Shayna! It's Cathy!! Cathy Walker!!!" " What?" They cried.

" Whoa, whoa, whoa hold on a sec, you can't be so sure about this Summer can you?"

" As sure as the fact that Cameron is an ass-hole. It's Cathy. what's there not to blame her. She's malicious, she likes Diego and she hates me. Maybe she wants you three out of the way so she can claim Diego to herself. I don't know about the rumors though but I still suspect Cathy." I looked at their shocked faces " Wait, don't tell me you believe that crap that Cathy's all goody-goody and nice like Diego do you?"

" No but it's all just too hard to take in" Dawn said " And to think that I thought she was a friend and followed her around like a leech"

" I miss June" Carlizza moaned.

" I know. We all miss her too" I said " But we won't give up the fight! " " But how?" Shayna asked. I grinned and rubbed my palms together.

" We kill her with gifts" And believe me we did. We got her candy, her fave choco bars, toys, clothes, books, everything. I even offered to give her my allowance for one year if she promised to stay at least but she ignored me right down and stalked into every class. and no, it did NOT get better. More and more people taunted her. Everyone called her a whore and threw burgers at her, burgers that Shayna was eating right now to my utmost disgust. She was a shadow and acted like one, walking around with a hood and avoiding literally everyone. During TAB, she hid in her locker and secretly packed her stuff till it was half empty. Through each and every corner we met or bumped into each other, I tried and tried so hard to talk to her but she avoided me like a plague.

Ugh! when did my life get SO complicated?