He never really kissed me did he?

I stared at him expectantly, trying to guess his next statement. Let's start back where we finished off? So, where were we? Tough luck, because here's what he said next.

"I really should head home now. It's getting late." Okay, like, lame much?

"Oh yeah, sure. Don't wanna get the parents worried."

"Yeah." He looked away and then back at me. "So, I guess I'll see you sometime."

"Yeah, sure," I spluttered. Why wasn't he kissing me already? Or asking for my phone number? Did he find me too simple? Too easy? Well, I'd acted pretty easy all evening, but come on, who wouldn't? We're talking about Diego Sanchez here, guys. What girl wouldn't die to have even his pinky in a selfie?

He leaned close, and just when I thought he was going to finally kiss me to sleep, probably, he missed my lips and gave me a smooth, long kiss on the cheek.

"Good night," He whispered.

"Good night," I whispered back. He patted my cheek and turned down the street, walking out of sight. SERIOUSLY dude? A peck on the cheek and goodnight?

Ok now I'm super sure of it now. Diego Sanchez DOESN'T like me.

I watched him leave, noticing how graceful his every step was and how perfectly arched his arms and shoulders were. I shivered and half-ran back in, cleverly avoiding Henry by taking the back door into my room. I plopped back onto my bed, running my mind through my terrific evening. By far, this was literally the best Homecoming night ever, with my greatest highlight being the fact that Cathy's social life is RUINED! And the second being the fact that Diego Sanchez might not really like me. But what if he does but can't show it? Or he CAN show it but doesn't want to? Was he still into Cathy? Was he even INTO Cathy? Was all of this night just a consolation for being heartbroken? What if he doesn't even like me? What if I'm hoping for no reason… What if I'm running klutz from all this thinking?!


Okay, yeah, I know that was totally uncalled for. But sometimes, screaming's really the best remedy. It clears your mind and helps you remember how to scream again when you're totally lost in massive confusion brain waves you can't handle. Really...

All in all, it's been a great night. The greatest, maybe. And it doesn't matter that thinking about Diego just makes me want to jump out my window and JUST DIE! Or the fact that he might not actually like me is bugging the sleep right out of me. Na-da, no-da. Who needs boys anyway? So long as I have my darling friends, the EPC, and of course my incredibly fashy life, I couldn't ask for more.

Okay, scratch that. I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hope that Diego likes me and NOT Cathy. If he doesn't, I'd just, DIE! But I'm really cool hanging out on my own with my friends and having fun. We'll catch up after all, and I'll be too busy being event famous and making money to bother about Diego anyway.

YARGH! (Is that a yawn or what?) I'm sooo drained out for one night that I'll be terribly surprised to see myself awake till in two months. I've barely got any more pages left in my journal to write some more, so I guess that's all for now. This is me, Summer Scotts, dorky fashion diva, signing out. I'll write to you soon, and believe me, there's certainly MORE drama to come.

Coming soon on Summer Diaries:


If things couldn't get much worse for Summer,

They just did.

All it takes to the crash-survive through sophomore year is a tidal wave of heart-broken friends, a snarly catty witch on the prowl for revenge and a triple gargantuan case of crush-ti-sis.

She has to make the ultimate choice. Go to the prom with her best friends or make a choice out of three boys head over heels for her.

All in all, things couldn't get MUCH worse.

Find it all out in this amazing hilarious sequel to summer diaries. Coming soon on Webnovel.


NAME: That's for me to know and for u 2 find out! on the book cover!! which you've already seen so I think trying to decieve you's pretty stupid next question pls!

AGE: 16 (tan ta raaa! Surprised? let me know in the comments)

HOBBIES: Eating ( that is DEFINITELY hobby-like), writing reading tres romantic and interesting novels and singing all day long ... if possible.

FUTURE AMBITION: To become a famous writer... OK wait, I'm doing that already! and become famous!... on the path already.



IDEAL PET: A blue puppy?

FAVE PERSON: me-self! And u guys too! Else its OFF WITH HER HEAD for me.







Let me know in the comment section what u think!