Chapter 6: Blood Transfusion

"Really, why surround the island with magma? Are there enemies on the island?"

The red magma walls melted away, revealing a wide gap.

Accompanied by a group of vigilant navy soldiers, Skye stepped onto Red Leaf Island.

Initially, she was upset about the obstruction caused by Akainu's magma, but she froze in place upon seeing the large area of smoldering ashes and scattered corpses in front of her.

"Didn't I tell you to stay in the ship's cabin and rest?"

Akainu stood up from his crouched position.

The soldiers behind him, experienced and knowledgeable, quickly grasped the situation upon seeing the horrifying scene on the island.

Without Akainu needing to give orders, a commander began assigning tasks, sending soldiers throughout Red Leaf Village to start rescue, firefighting, and capturing operations.

However, for the young Skye, it was the first time witnessing such a horrific scene, something that could be found in navy textbooks. This scene had a massive impact on her young heart, leaving her standing in place, stunned, for about ten seconds before her face turned pale, and she covered her small mouth, starting to retch.

As she turned and took a few steps away to try and vomit, Akainu lifted his right hand slightly, seemingly wanting to stop her, but he lowered it again when he heard his daughter's scream.


When Skye bent down, she saw, close to the ground, a person whose face was severely corroded and disfigured.

The person's features were a mess of bloody and mangled flesh, and where the eyes should have been were two deep, blood-filled pits.

The nose was flattened, forming a clear depression.

The shattered mouth was half-open, and the lower jaw was hanging weakly due to the loss of both sides of the chewing muscles.

Most horrifying was the missing skull above the ears, revealing a brain that looked like a magnified walnut, exposed in Skye's eyes.

Skye's mouth opened wide, her pupils dilated to the maximum.

"This is what happens when you don't listen to your father." Akainu sighed, then forced a smile, attempting to ease the atmosphere as he spoke to his eleven-year-old daughter, who was vomiting, "It's okay, Skye. You'll get used to it next time."


"Medic! Come over here and check this kid, see if there's any chance to save him."

Akainu called out to a nearby military doctor carrying a medical kit.

The military doctor who had accompanied them on the ship carefully examined the unconscious Rosha.

"His pulse is weak but resilient, he's lost a lot of blood and needs an immediate transfusion. Oh, these... so many wounds, it's a miracle he's still alive."

As the military doctor cut away Rosha's coarse clothes, even he, with his extensive experience, couldn't help but gasp at the severity of Rosha's injuries.

Rosha's tall, bare body was covered in horrendous, intersecting wounds.

His hands and legs were full of lacerations from sharp weapons.

On his chest and abdomen were two large gashes over a foot long, crossing to form an X-shaped scar.

The scar was so deep that bones were visible, and through the gaps in his ribs, one could see the red internal organs moving.

If these two intersecting wounds had been any lower, without the hard ribs blocking them, Rosha's intestines might have been severed.

The military doctor roughly counted and found that Rosha had suffered at least thirty-one knife wounds.

The blood flowing from his body had stained him a dark red.

The coagulated blood had stuck his wounds to his coarse clothing, and as the military doctor carefully tore away these blood-soaked and dusty cloth pieces, Rosha's wounds reopened.

Blood gushed from the wounds uncontrollably.

The military doctor shouted, "No way! The medical kit doesn't have enough supplies and bandages, and he needs immediate surgery to clean the wounds, prevent infection, and start a blood transfusion! This guy's body is unusual, the blood flow is incredible, he has an exceptionally strong heart, regular bandages won't hold, we need to stitch the wounds. Sakazuki Admiral, I request we move him to the warship for immediate treatment."


Akainu said in a deep voice.

Then, under the astonished gaze of the military doctor, he bent down and lifted the unconscious Rosha effortlessly.

With a step, he leaped tens of meters into the air, his white Justice cape billowing like a great white bird.

In an instant, he covered a distance of over a hundred meters and landed on the warship's deck with a thud.

"What are you waiting for? Move!"

"Yes, sir!"

The military doctor wasn't an ordinary soldier; he was also a master of physical combat.

He grabbed his medical kit, glanced at Skye, who was still retching.

Hesitating for a moment, he stepped forward in a few strides, grabbed the little girl's arm, and leaped up.

Boom! Boom boom!

The military doctor stepped through the air, producing sonic booms, and boarded the warship.

As soon as he set Skye down, he dashed into the cabin.

Quickly, sounds of rummaging came from inside.

Moments later, the military doctor rushed out with a pile of medical equipment, dropping several items on the deck along the way, making Akainu frown.

"First, we need to get the blood transfusion going, then start stitching the wounds. Let me see, what blood type is he?"

The military doctor took out several items that Akainu didn't recognize, took a bit of Rosha's blood from a wound, and tinkered with it on the deck for a while before mumbling:

"He's type F blood. Sakazuki Admiral, please notify the soldiers and officers with type F blood to come over. Yes, call several of them, he needs a lot of blood due to his special physique."

"Type F?" Akainu raised an eyebrow, opened his military coat, and pulled out his right arm, extending it to the military doctor, "No need, use my blood. I'm also type F."


The military doctor, not particularly surprised this time, took the blood transfusion needle and aimed it at the vein in Akainu's hand.


With a light sound, the needle broke.

"Admiral... please ease up on the Haki, it's hard to insert the needle."

The military doctor said with a twitch at the corner of his mouth.

"Hmm, it's just instinct."

Akainu coughed, indicating the doctor to try again.

This time, the needle didn't break and successfully entered the vein in his hand.

The crimson blood flowed through the transfusion tube, connecting to Rosha's arm.

Then, the military doctor revealed a smile that made Akainu's face darken.

The doctor rubbed his hands excitedly, laughing strangely, and raised the surgical knife towards the unconscious Rosha.

"Hehe, I think this will be an interesting surgery."


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