Chapter 12: The Warship Destroyer

The sky was clear, and the sea breeze was cold.

A fifty-meter-long green warship with three sails sailed with its sails filled with wind on the endless blue sea.

The warship moved swiftly with the wind, reaching its maximum speed, leaving a long white trail on the surface of the sea.

"Admiral Sakazuki! We are about to enter the waters near the Isle of a Thousand Rocks. Should we slow down and wait for the reception ship from Branch 177?" shouted the navigator from the main watchtower, holding his binoculars.

"No need, I've informed them beforehand. Head straight for the port," replied Akainu, standing on the warship's deck, with the sea breeze playing with his cloak bearing the symbol of justice.

"Recruits! Don't stare; the cloak of justice is reserved for officers. If you want to wear it someday, work hard! Now, go and gather the secondary sails; we're about to reach the port, we need to slow down!" The voice of a burly bearded man interrupted Rorschach's thoughts with a rough tone.

Rorschach looked at the recruits' uniforms, which resembled elementary school uniforms from his previous life, looking comical on his gigantic body, far taller than Yao Ming.

(Note: Yao Ming is a famous Chinese basketball player.)

But there was no escape. As a marine recruit, he had to wear this blue and white naval uniform and could only choose his own clothes after becoming an Ensign.

As for wearing the pure white cloak of justice, it required becoming an Ensign.

(The rank names in the story are conflicting, and it's giving me a headache.)


When the burly, bearded lieutenant stared with wide eyes, Rorschach hurried forward and grabbed the dangling rope.

The warship Akainu was on was one of the largest in the main fleet.

It was over fifty meters long, equipped with two decks of cannons, a massive main cannon at the front that could rival coastal defense cannons, had immense firepower, and was accompanied by two hundred elite marine soldiers.

On his way to Branch 177, Rorschach witnessed his first naval battle in this world.

That was two days ago.

As the ship sailed, they encountered the "Sea Wolf" pirate crew in the North Sea.

It was said their captain was a new and powerful pirate with a bounty of 44 million Berries.

The pirate crew had three ships, one large and two small, and they were considered a dominant force in that area.

But when the three pirate ships entered within 200 meters of Akainu's warship, the ship's firepower began to unleash a barrage of shells.

There was no need for Akainu or the officers on board to intervene.

Thanks to the soldiers, the double-deck cannons fired only two rounds, turning the three ships into floating wreckage, sinking into the sea amidst smoke and flames.

The pirate captain didn't even have a chance to scream before being completely destroyed by the warship's fire.

This event gave Rorschach a new understanding of the power of cannons in this world.

According to Dr. Doss, even pirates with bounties exceeding 100 million Berries couldn't withstand the barrage of cannons for long, and their energy would quickly deplete.

Even Douglas Barrett, known as the Devil's Heir and one of the strongest fighters at sea, suffered significant injuries under a naval cannon barrage.

This shows that the firepower of warships is not as weak as the manga portrayed.

"Recruit! What are you doing? Haven't you eaten? Use your strength!" shouted the burly bearded lieutenant loudly, breaking Rorschach's thoughts.

"Huh? Sorry, sorry!"

Rorschach smiled awkwardly, grabbed the thick rope with both hands, and pulled hard.

The rope suddenly tightened, the large sail gathered around the mast, making a tearing sound, and the strong fabric began to rip from the middle.

The sail split in half, moving with the wind, flying above everyone's heads.

But it didn't end there.

As Rorschach continued to use his excessive strength, the force transferred to the ship's second mast, causing the top part to snap.

The long mast fell, piercing the main sail, creating a huge hole.

Amid everyone's astonishment, the sail shattered, and the broken part of the mast fell on the deck, making a loud noise.

Lieutenant Bearded: ...

Akainu: ...

Rorschach: ...

Rorschach smiled awkwardly and scratched his head, "Sorry, I messed up again."

"Recruit Rorschach! What are you doing? This is the third time!" shouted the bearded lieutenant.

"You, are you really a marine recruit or a pirate sent to destroy the ship?"

Doss was chewing a cigarette between his lips and placed his hand on Rorschach's shoulder.

"I didn't mean to. I didn't know the mast would be this fragile."

"You're very strong, kid. Who can break the mast so easily?"

Doss's face was full of astonishment, and he couldn't help but glance at Akainu, whose black fist was terrifyingly tight, giving Doss chills. He quickly pulled Rorschach away.

As he passed by the bearded lieutenant, Doss whispered, "Jason, didn't I tell you not to order him to do anything? This kid just recovered from a long physical injury and hasn't received regular training. He can't control his sudden strength."

"But recruits have to do these things; we all went through it. Who knew this would happen?"

Lieutenant Bearded Jason was on the verge of tears.

The warship was destroyed like this, and upon returning to the base, he wouldn't escape reprimand.

Seeing Rorschach being pulled away, Jason was filled with despair.

"I asked him to clean the deck, he cracked the deck."

"I asked him to gather the sail, he tore the sail and broke the mast."

"I asked him to adjust the cannon, he shattered the cannon."

"I asked him to move the shells, he smashed the shells."

"This kid, does he have any merits other than a big appetite?"

"In fact, a big appetite isn't a merit. Since this kid came, I haven't been full for three days."

When Rorschach reached the cabin door, he saw the little girl Skye rubbing her eyes and coming out yawning.

Skye was about to greet Doss and Rorschach, but when she saw the chaos on the deck, she opened her mouth in astonishment, her eyes widening.

"Rorschach, did you destroy the ship again?! You're amazing! How did you do it? I heard Uncle Dino say the mast is made of the best wood, and it's very strong."

Akainu, at the front, smiled tensely.

"Really, you're good for nothing but destruction."

When the warship reached the port of Branch 177, the commander there, Major General Adler, one of Akainu's former officers in the North Sea, looked in shock at the broken mast and torn sail, cautiously asking Akainu.

"Admiral Sakazuki, did a powerful pirate attack you? How did he manage to breach your defenses and inflict this damage on the warship?"


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