Chapter 19: Branch Lieutenant


The air in front of Hanmol made a sudden explosive sound.

Hanmol's chest was hit by a whip kick from Rorschach, causing him to spit out large amounts of blood.

Hanmol's leg broke free from the long silver hair that was wrapping it, turning into arrows shooting away from the arena.


Amid the flying rocks, a new gap was added to the wall of Branch 177.

"He won! Haha, I knew this kid would definitely win!"

Doss's laughter was the first sound heard in the training ground.

"Great job, Rorschach!"

Chef Dino gave a thumbs up, then turned to the soldiers around the platform and shouted:

"What are you waiting for? Go to the battleship and bring food and kitchen utensils! After this intense fight, Rorschach must be physically exhausted and definitely hungry now."


Skye escaped from Dino's hand and quickly ran towards the platform.

"This kid performed better than I expected."

When Brigadier Adellar saw that Rorschach had won, he breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

Honestly, he was about to intervene to stop the fight between Rorschach and Hanmol.

If someone suddenly had their eyes covered with lime and became blind, they would definitely be confused and terrified.

Moreover, with a very close opponent, they could receive a fatal blow at any moment.

In this dangerous situation, rarely can anyone stay calm and deal steadily with the opponent.

We are not talking about an ordinary person here, but a boy only twelve years old.

But contrary to Adellar's expectations, after the initial confusion, Rorschach took just a second or two to regain his composure. He suddenly stood up from his kneeling position, turned, and raised his arms in front of his face, giving him a chance to block two powerful blows from Hanmol.

Although Rorschach took several steps back due to exhaustion, he managed to maintain his balance.

At the last moment, he used his silver hair to wrap Hanmol's whip leg, then ended the battle with a similar whip kick.

Reaction speed, adaptability, danger sensitivity, all indicate that Rorschach is a natural combat talent!

"Sakazuki's eye was indeed right, we have found a real gem."

Brigadier Adellar smiled and looked at Sakazuki.

Suddenly, he scratched his head and looked again at Rorschach on the platform.

"Huh? Did I miss something?"

His gaze focused on Rorschach's long silver hair, and his expression began to become amazed.

"Was his hair moving on its own? Is it a Devil Fruit ability, or..."

"It's a life-returning ability that surpasses the Six Styles, and it's his innate talent."

Sakazuki answered Adellar's doubts in time.

"Innate talent? Meaning he was born with this ability?"

Adellar's expression was like a salted fish that had lost its dreams, and he sat wearily on the stone steps.

"I trained for a full ten years in the Navy's Six Styles, barely learned the life-returning ability, and yet, Instructor Zephyr praised me, haha..."

On the platform.

Doss was examining Rorschach's eyes.

"Are you okay, Rorschach?"

Skye was a little nervous, looking at Rorschach's wounds with concern.

"I'm fine, Skye, don't worry, these are just superficial wounds that look scary."

After a full hour of fighting, Rorschach felt extremely weak.

As soon as he relaxed, he felt intense pain all over his body.

After Doss's simple treatment, his eyes didn't hurt as much as before.

As for the other eight who remained on the platform, they were so frightened that they fell to the ground when they saw their leader flying away.

"My body is covered in sweat and blood, I really want to take a bath, then have a huge meal and sleep well."

Rorschach muttered weakly.

"You want to bathe with all these wounds? Aren't you afraid of infection? Wait here, I'll bring alcohol to clean your wounds. Yes, your wounds are superficial and didn't hit muscles or tendons, no need for stitches. With your physical strength, you'll heal in three to five days."

"Don't worry, Skye, your boyfriend won't die, don't cry."

Doss continued talking, making both young people's faces turn red with embarrassment.

As Doss got up and asked the officers for the direction of the clinic, Rorschach looked at the little girl beside him who was gently examining his wounds.

The boy felt a slight romantic sensation in his heart.

"Young man! Are you ready for a big meal?"

A loud voice cut through the boy's strange thoughts. He looked up to see the chubby chef Dino holding a large pot and a ladle, leading a large group of soldiers carrying food.

"Uncle Dino!" Rorschach shouted joyfully.

"Today, you must eat all these ingredients!"

"Yes! I love your food, Uncle Dino. I'll eat everything no matter what!"

In the distance, Brigadier Adellar had finally recovered from his frustration and began discussing with Sakazuki about promoting Rorschach exceptionally.

"Brother, since Rorschach is a soldier under your command, he is therefore a soldier of the Central Navy. If we promote him exceptionally, I think he can be a lieutenant in the Central Navy. The same six promotions won't conflict with the rules."

"With the strength and skills Rorschach has shown so far, just a bit of short training, and he'll be able to take on this rank. Even if we inform the center, they won't have any objections."

"What do you think?"

Adellar smiled.

"No need to give him a very high rank, what he needs now is not the rank, but the training. And also to improve his character."

Rorschach's image was reflected in Sakazuki's eyes, as he was eating food next to Skye, who was smiling and serving him.

Skye smiled happily.

Sakazuki raised his eyebrows with concern.

"I understand."

Adellar nodded, agreeing with Sakazuki's opinion.

Immediately, he signaled the branch soldiers to take the injured recruits, then approached Rorschach with a bright smile.

"Hmm, it smells good. Can I have a little?"

Brigadier Adellar smiled and pointed to the food on the platform.

"This food is for the injured, and you are not injured. What will you eat?"

Before Rorschach could speak, the chubby chef who was cooking quickly made an angry expression and rejected Adellar's request without any hesitation.

"Hey, Uncle Dino, don't be so harsh." Adellar laughed bitterly and pointed to Rorschach. "I'm here to honor him."

Adellar looked seriously at Rorschach and said, "Recruit Rorschach, listen carefully, from now on, you are a lieutenant of Branch 177."

"Due to your age and combat experience, the branch has decided to temporarily exempt you from routine duties related to your rank. But in the coming days, you will begin receiving the most rigorous training."

"Are you ready?"


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