Chapter 31: The Razor Pirates

"Captain Drake, are you sure wearing these clothes will let us enter the castle smoothly? Isn't it a bit too risky?"

On the wide street, Drake walked at the forefront, followed by about a dozen people, heading openly toward the gate of Prince's Castle.

The speaker was one of Drake's officers, wearing an open-chested white sailor uniform with a rough cloth belt tied around his waist.

He wore a large gold chain that swayed with his steps, and carried a short flintlock pistol and a sheathed short sword at his waist.

From his appearance, no one would associate him with the righteous navy in any way.

"Pay attention, now we are pirates, and we need to act like pirates. Be a bit wilder."

Drake said in a low voice, without changing his expression, continuing his stride.

He wore a black eye patch, had a scar on his face, a sword at his waist, and a captain's hat, walking with an air of authority.

Drake looked every bit the pirate captain, just as Rorschach had suggested.

If they were at sea and encountered the navy, they would definitely face some cannon fire.

The others were also dressed as pirates.

Among them, Rorschach and Kojaku were the most eye-catching.

Kojaku hadn't changed her clothes and still wore her tight, short dress.

Her curvaceous figure seemed confined in her thin clothes, and her long legs in high heels caught many passersby's attention.

She wore a light pink leather hat, and a black whip at her waist added to her allure.

Rorschach wore blue capri pants and an open white shirt that revealed his bronze muscles, and he wore leather sandals.

His silver hair was tied into a ponytail, and there were two teardrop-shaped tattoos on his cheeks.

He carried a long sword, and his blue eyes had a hint of red.

"These clothes don't make you look like a pirate, but more like a noble from a kingdom visiting Prince's Castle."

Drake said as he looked at Rorschach.

The young man from Branch 177 was too handsome, suggesting they disguise as pirates.

Rorschach thought the Eilad Pirates aimed to turn the Prince Kingdom into a pirate nation, meaning many pirates were now in the kingdom.

Thus, it was their chance.

They could disguise as pirates from the North Sea coming to attend the castle event.

They could enter through the main gate without sneaking in cautiously.

They could also gather information about the royal family this way.

Kojaku approached Rorschach and laughed: "Actually, I think these clothes suit him well. Who says there are no noblemen among pirates?"

"A noble among pirates? If such pirates existed, they'd have been captured by slavers long ago."

Drake said with a jealous tone.

"Are you jealous? Captain Drake~."

Kojaku stepped forward and tried to touch him with her finger.

"Who said I'm jealous? I don't have time for that."

Drake avoided her.

At the gate, Rorschach stopped.

"The gate is indeed closed?"

Rorschach looked at the large closed gate, his blue eyes with a hint of red.

"Oh my, are these the castle guards?"

Outside the gate, some soldiers in armor were lounging, drinking, and eating.

Drake saw the guards acting like pirates, drinking in broad daylight.

Drake shouted: "What are you doing here? Don't you see the gate is closed?"

The naval officers behind Drake tensed, awaiting his instructions.

Drake took a step forward and said with a smile: "We are pirates, invited to attend the castle event."

"Pirates? Who are you?"

The pirate guards were curious but not surprised.

"We are the Razor Pirates, and I am Captain Drake."

"The Razor Pirates?"

The pirates looked at each other, not recognizing the name.

The large pirate waved his hand dismissively: "Never heard of you! You should go back to your villages and bother the weak villagers. You're nothing."

"Are you saying I'm nothing?"

Drake said angrily, pointing at himself, "I am Captain Drake, a well-known pirate."

"Well-known? What's your bounty?"

The large pirate asked sarcastically.


Drake looked at Rorschach.

"You have no bounty yet? Where's your so-called fame? Get out before I kill you!"

The large pirate spat in Drake's face.

Suddenly, the large pirate noticed Kojaku, his eyes lighting up.

"Alright, Drake, if you let this woman stay with me for a few days, I'll let you in."

The large pirate reached for Kojaku.

Rorschach saw this and moved quickly, grabbing the pirate's hand and breaking it.


The large pirate screamed in pain but couldn't finish his scream as Rorschach grabbed his face and threw him towards the gate.


The large pirate crashed into the gate, causing a loud noise.


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