Chapter 46: The Pest Extermination Team in the Northern Seas

In the ruined streets, houses had collapsed and shattered, the ground was filled with craters, and blood was splattered here and there like a child's random drawings.

In the distance, the giant insect was rolling destructively, emitting deafening cries.

"It turns out robots also die when they lose their heads."

The size of the massive dinosaur began to shrink gradually, and Drake wiped the blood from his face, panting slightly, heading towards the shattered robot with its head crushed under Rorschach's foot, and kicked it away.

"Next, is that big insect? It's the first time I've seen a Zoan fruit user of this size, an insect bigger than a dinosaur."

Law cast a glance at Drake and pointed to the giant white insect in the distance.

The four gathered together, each with light or severe injuries.

Fortunately, Law was there with his abilities as a surgeon and user of the Op-Op Fruit, allowing him to repair the torn skin and muscles on Hawkins and Rorschach without needing stitches.

Rorschach was holding his growling stomach, looking amazed at his fully healed chest, and said, "Is that all? Law, your ability seems like creative magic."

"What is that?" A question mark appeared above Law's head.

Then he embraced his sword "Kikoku," looked at Rorschach and Hawkins, and said, "I only reattached your torn tissues using the surgical space. I didn't heal you completely. If you make violent movements, they will tear again for sure."

Law paused, smiling, and looked at Hawkins.

"Sorry, we've been fighting for a long time without introducing ourselves. I'm Rorschach."

Rorschach pointed to himself, then to Drake, whose face was filled with black lines: "This one-eyed guy is Drake."

Drake silently removed his black eyepatch.

Then he pointed to Law: "And this is Trafalgar Law."

"In short, our goal is to reach the royal palace, find the new king of this country and the hidden hands, capture or eliminate them. Mr. Hawkins, would you like to join us?"

Rorschach said in this manner.

Both Drake and Law covered their faces with their hands at the same time.

Drake was screaming internally.

"Did you take any medicine when you decided to bring this kid on the mission? Who would dare go with you to this dangerous place this way, you idiot!"

"It's fine, I also have something I need to take from the royal palace."

Hawkins replied coldly, making Drake's expression change wonderfully.

Rorschach placed his hand on his shoulder and said seriously:

"It has been proven that our plan to infiltrate Prince City was completely successful. Not only did we enter successfully, but we also gained two major assistants."

"Do you call this infiltration?" Drake said, looking at the destroyed houses, the scattered corpses on the ground, and the rampaging giant insect in the distance, unable to find anything to say.

Rorschach took a deep breath and raised his voice seriously.

"So! Guys! Let's work together to eliminate this pesky insect first!"

"I say, why don't we take this opportunity while this thing is causing chaos here and head to the royal palace to do other things? This creature has no eyes; it won't be able to chase us for sure."

The four began running towards the rampaging insect.

Drake asked his question while running.

"Let's try first, see if we can kill this beast amidst the chaos."

Law was running, his right hand extended beside him, a vortex of air gradually forming.

"This creature is very powerful, and if we let it reach the royal palace and join Trebol and the others, our situation will be much worse."

"Now we have a rare chance to attack, in any case, let's try first, see if we can kill it or cause significant damage. If we don't succeed, we'll quickly withdraw and head to the royal palace to join Bepo and the others!"


Law waved his right hand, and a semi-spherical dome appeared, covering the four as they ran.

Rorschach grabbed the long sword thrown by Hawkins and shouted loudly: "Drake, distract it from the front! Hawkins, attack from the side! Law, focus on support!"



The transparent dome descended, and the four disappeared from their spot.

Four shadows appeared around the rolling white insect out of nowhere.

Drake landed in front of the insect, and the moment his feet touched the ground, his body rapidly swelled, transforming again into a huge green dinosaur seven to eight meters long, opening his mouth filled with fangs, and charged towards the insect's body.

He was a Zoan fruit user of the dinosaur type, the Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Ancient Model, Allosaurus.

The regular Zoan Fruit grants the user strong healing abilities, robust defense, and abundant strength.

The Ancient Model Zoan Fruits are among the best Zoan types.

People with these abilities are like human tanks with thick skin.

They are even more enduring than robots made of steel!

However, the rare Mythical Zoan Fruits surpass all other Zoan Fruits, and Drake's fruit is among the best.


With a deafening roar, the dinosaur opened its large mouth, about to bite the white insect in front of it.


In the next moment, a louder and more majestic roar filled the city's sky, like sudden thunder.

In the dinosaur's huge eyes, the head of the giant insect rose, revealing a deep, abyss-like mouth.

The cylindrical body had no eyes, nose, or limbs, only a terrifying bottomless mouth.

The mouth, more than four meters in diameter, extended to the maximum, revealing numerous teeth arranged like stalactites in caves, hanging in the insect's dark red mouth.

With the insect's roar, violent winds mixed with foul-smelling slime, engulfing Drake's head and body.

Despite the dinosaur's massive body, the sound wave from the insect's roar pushed it away, and it fell heavily to the ground.

At the same time.

From above, left, and right, Rorschach, Hawkins, and Law attacked with the swords in their hands.

Cutting sounds, the swords slashed the insect's hard skin, piercing into it.

Red lines appeared in Rorschach's eyes, he pressed down hard on the sword and pulled it down!

The insect's back was torn open by a long sword, creating a gash over two meters long.

Blood gushed out like a fountain, covering Rorschach, making him look like a bloody human.


The insect groaned in pain, its long body rapidly shrinking, transforming from twenty meters to less than three meters, resembling a large water tank.

The insect's muscles tightened like a massive spring, gripping the three weapons, making them impossible to pull out.

The insect's body muscles moved like waves, gradually swallowing the sword Law held.

"Damn it! My sword!"

Law tried to grasp the disappearing sword handle, but he heard Rorschach shout: "Don't lose your mind! Transfer us!"

Law gritted his teeth angrily, opened the dome, and surrounded the three.


The insect turned into a ball of flesh, then suddenly expanded into a white ball ten meters in diameter, smashing the surrounding buildings.

Boom boom boom!

The insect rolled quickly towards the three who had just landed.

Every time it passed, houses turned to dust.

Dust filled the city sky in an instant.

Rorschach frowned and said: "Why can it find us accurately? Does it also possess Observation Haki?"

The three were puzzled.

Behind them, Drake, who had turned into a dinosaur, was running towards them.

Suddenly, Hawkins saw two familiar figures standing on the roof of a nearby house, staring at them blankly.

They were the fat tavern owner and his son, Jimmy.

No, they weren't alone.

Somehow, the streets were filled with the city's residents, standing blankly, looking at the three with strange eyes.


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