Metal Monkey

As Kurokawa's commanding voice echoed across the field, the group reluctantly stood up, stretching and preparing themselves for the annoying task ahead. Kaen was bubbling inside, he usually didn't like physical activities but he was still very competitive. Looking over at Gin, she seemed just as motivated if not more, she was jumping around and stretching her arms in the air.

"Alright, let's get this over with," Kenzo muttered, cracking his neck.

"Ready, set, go!" Kurokawa shouted, and the five of them took off, running around the field.

Kaen focused on his breathing, trying to keep a steady pace. The cold air stung his lungs, but he pushed through, feeling his muscles warming up as he ran. He could see Ren running beside him, he looked graceful even though his build didn't look all that athletic.

"Don't push yourself too hard," Ren advised, glancing over at Kaen.

"I'm fine," Kaen replied, forcing a smile. He didn't want to admit that he was already feeling the strain.

Behind them, Yuukie and Kenzo were struggling to keep up. Meanwhile, Gin seemed determined to outpace everyone, with a big grin on her face and her braid flowing in the wind as she flew right by him. She was very small; couldn't be taller than 150 cm, but she was incredibly fast. Kaen's eyes narrowed. He couldn't let her win.

Minutes turned into what felt like hours. The field became a blur of green and brown as they continued to run, each step feeling heavier than the last. Kaen's legs burned, and his breath came in ragged gasps, but he refused to slow down.

The first to drop out was Yuukie. She stumbled to a stop, her face pale and sweaty. "I… I can't," she gasped, collapsing onto the grass. Kaen looked back at her feeling sympathetic, but he continued to focus on the race.

Next was Kenzo. He was holding his side, breathing heavily. "Damn it," he muttered before slowing to a walk and finally stopping. "Guess I'm out."

Ren was the last to drop out before it was just Kaen and Gin. He slowed his pace, giving Kaen an encouraging nod. "You've got this," he said, stepping off the track and taking a seat beside Yuukie and Kenzo.

Kaen and Gin continued running, their breaths coming in harsh gasps. The field seemed endless, the fog still lingering in the distance, but the sun now rising behind them. Every muscle in Kaen's body screamed for him to stop, but he pushed through, driven by a mix of pride and stubbornness.

Gin glanced back at Kaen, a smirk playing on her lips despite her obvious fatigue. "You still think you can beat me, heat guy?"

Kaen didn't respond, saving his energy for the final stretch. He could see the fatigue in Gin's movements, the slight stumble in her steps. She was tiring, just like he was.

They ran side by side, neither willing to give up. Their breaths synchronized, creating a rhythm that echoed in the quiet morning. The others watched in silence, as the two continued running.

Kaen's vision blurred, sweat pouring down his face. He could barely feel his legs, but he kept moving, kept pushing. Gin was right there with him, her competitiveness matching his own.

Finally, Kurokawa's voice broke through the haze. "Enough!"

Both Kaen and Gin stumbled to a stop, collapsing onto the grass. They lay there, panting, neither one having the energy to speak. The cold ground felt oddly comforting against Kaen's overheated body.

Kurokawa walked over, a rare smile on his face. "Well done, both of you. Looks like it's a tie."

Kaen barely heard him, his entire body aching from the exertion. But despite the pain, he felt satisfied even though he didn't win.

Gin rolled over onto her back, breathing heavily. "A tie, huh? Guess you're not so useless after all," she said, a slight hint of respect in her voice.

Kaen managed a weak smile. "Guess not."

The rest of the group gathered around, offering their congratulations. Ren helped Kaen to his feet, supporting him as they walked off the track.

"That was impressive," Ren said. "You really showed her."

"Thanks," Kaen replied, leaning on Ren for support. "But I think I might have overdone it."

"You'll be fine," Ren assured him. "Besides, you earned that breakfast."

Gin walked alongside them, wiping the sweat off her face with her white tank top. "Good race," she said to Kaen. "Maybe you're not so bad after all."

Kaen nodded; he didn't want to admit it himself, but he felt good about her acknowledgment. "You too." He said.

Kaen and Gin found a spot under the shade of a tree to rest. The sun beat down on them, making it uncomfortably warm. In the underground, it was always a bit chilly, not too warm but not too cold at the same time. Kaen's ability had been at least a bit helpful. But now, he wished he had Asahi's power instead - the ability to make himself cold while warming up his surroundings. It was the complete opposite of his own abilities. He often wondered about his parents' powers, as abilities were always inherited in some way from one's parents. Kaen had never known his parents - it had always just been him and Asahi. Asahi once told him that they died when Kaen was just a baby. He was much older than Kaen - 7 years to be exact- and had taken on the role of both parent and brother. Kaen couldn't imagine how difficult it must've been for Asahi. He often wondered if the burden of being responsible for a child when you are still a child yourself led to Asahi disappearing. But as he thought more about it, things became more confusing. Why abandon him now? Why not tell him he wanted to leave and do his own thing? At 17 years old, Kaen felt like he could take care of himself. He didn't need someone looking after him anymore. His thoughts were interrupted by Gin screaming at the sight of the breakfast Kurokawa had brought. As Kaen looked at the food, he felt his mouth watering, realizing for the first time how hungry he was. He hadn't eaten since the day he got arrested, which had been two nights ago. The tray Kurokawa had brought was filled with toast, eggs, and bacon. There was also an array of different toppings to spread on the toast.

"Goodbye, prison food! Heaven, here I come!" Gin exclaimed before diving into the jar of Nutella. She took a spoon and started eating directly from the jar. Kaen was admittedly a bit grossed out, but he didn't judge her; he almost felt like doing the same. He grabbed a piece of toast and started piling random stuff on it. Half of the things they had, he didn't even know what they were. But if it looked tasty, it was going on his sandwich.

"Done," Kaen said, showing his creation to Gin.

"What the heck is that?" she said, with Nutella smeared all over her face.

"This is the one and only Kaen Supreme Sandwich, trademark," Kaen declared. The sandwich was a chaotic mix: various marmalades and butter at the bottom, topped with an egg and two slices of bacon, then more butter, all crowned with a second piece of toast to complete his masterpiece.

"That looks disgusting," Gin said before continuing to eat her Nutella. Kaen ignored her; she simply did not have the mind to comprehend his creation. He brought the sandwich closer to his face and took a bite. As he took a bite, the flavors exploded in his mouth. The sweetness of the marmalade mixed with the saltiness of the bacon and the creaminess of the butter, created a perfect taste sensation. The egg added richness to the bite, making it even better. It was simply magnificent

"Jokes on you, it tastes great," he said, taking another bite. Kaen looked back at the field where the other three were now doing push-ups on the grass. Ren was doing okay, taking breaks from time to time, but it was clear he was better at running. Kenzo was on fire, going faster and faster with each push-up. Kaen swore he had seen him do a one-armed push-up. Yuukie, on the other hand, was struggling to do even one. She had taken off her big hoodie, revealing how small she actually was. Gin was shorter than her, but she was still toned and muscular. Yuukie, however, looked very skinny—almost starved, actually.

However, Kaen didn't have time to ponder further as Kurokawa's commanding voice echoed across the field. "Gather over here, it's time for agility training." With a sigh, Kaen put down his masterpiece and started walking over for more torturous training.