Chapter 30 Please Don't Leave

Chapter 30 Please Don't Leave

Not long after,

these hundreds of people hid in the bushes and secretly "spied" on Jiang Heng.

After some discussion, they decided not to give Jiang Heng a chance to "prove himself".

All his words were filled with memories of becoming famous after killing the "demon".


Jiang Heng discovered these people, and a fight broke out between the two sides. The disciple from the Tianjian Sect was killed instantly!

Jiang Heng tried to persuade and warn them several times, but these people were still full of killing intent and attacked

like moths to a flame.

Killing chickens and dogs

with one knife!

Lei Jue killed a large number of people. Jiang Heng's white clothes were whiter than snow and not stained with dust.

He walked through the crowd like a startled wild goose. Just ahead!

More than two hundred people, but in just a blink of an eye, more than half of them died!


Fuji Ichikawa's mentality collapsed; he started to go crazy and committed suicide.

Daoxuan came



The picture is vivid, with Jiang Heng displaying the "Tao and Fa" and the flying "blood flowers" when the head was cut off.

And the terrifying madness when Fuji Ichikawa committed suicide was seen by everyone, and it was

suffocating. At this moment, countless people were numb to the point of suffocation!

Everyone is so stupid!

They didn't expect that things would turn out like this. These people were just sending people away, forcing Jiang Heng to kill them.

You want to leave if you don't kill me today?!!

Who can stand this?!

"Good words cannot persuade the damned ghosts? Are these people going to die?"

"Nong, are you crazy? Who is Jiang Heng? Going to kill Jiang Heng? What are you thinking?"

"I told you that Senior Brother wouldn't be a demon, but you didn't believe me. You didn't believe me!"

"I, I deserve to die. Why didn't I believe in my senior brother?!"

"Is Fujikawa so useless?!"


A corner of the truth surfaced under the "Heavenly Dao Mirror", and more than a thousand disciples saw the picture.

Many people began to repent and shed tears

that such a perfect, selfless and bright senior brother was forced into this state by them.

Everything I see is false.

It was them who pushed Jiang Heng into the "evil way" step by step!

Everyone present had said cold words to him to some extent, forgetting the "favours" they had received! The Saint Lord Feng Qingtian

in the front

had long lost the majesty of the Saint Lord. Looking at Jiang Heng's indifferent attitude, his expression was filled with endless regret!

He had firmly believed in it!

When everyone doubted, he stood up against all odds, but, in the end, he failed to persevere!

At this time,

he also understood Jiang Heng's feelings. How could such a bright and elegant disciple, who was as calm as a chrysanthemum, not have a temper after suffering such a great injustice?!

Treat everyone as a treasure, but be stabbed in the back by the "treasures"!

"Jiang Heng, I was wrong. Don't leave the sect. I will surrender immediately and let you be the Holy Lord of Piao Miao Holy Land. I believe the Supreme Elders will agree with it!"

Looking at Jiang Heng's snow-white clothes, with wisps of black air seeping out, Feng Qingtian's heart ached.

A good child was forced into this state by them!

I'm going to be possessed by a demon!

"Senior Brother, you have suffered so much injustice—" Behind Feng Qingtian, Hua Changqing had already burst into tears.

"But, but I didn't mean it, can you please forgive me just once?"

"Come back, please. I only ask you not to be possessed by the devil and not to leave!"

The daisy-like long skirt swayed in the breeze. Hua Changqing wiped her tears with her sleeves, and her beautiful eyes turned red.

She wanted to keep

Jiang Heng!

"Yes, Senior Brother, we all know we are wrong. Please don't leave, okay?"

"I, we really didn't mean it."

"Why don't you tell us if you have a grievance?!"

Seeing Zhou Zhou's sudden change in style, Ye Beixuan's eyes became gloomy, but he instantly returned to his innocent look.

Jiang Heng looked at the "attitudes" of these people in

front of him and found it ridiculous!

You ignored me yesterday, and now you are pretending to be at peace with me?

Are you worthy?!

"Xiao Jiang, let's go."

"Leave this noisy place, the place that makes you sad, don't look back, the road ahead will be better!"

"This group of people is not worth your efforts, nor do they deserve your efforts."

Beside him, Elder Jian's drowsy eyes were already filled with tears.

Having lived for who knows how many years, his heart had long since decayed, and he had become indifferent to life and death.

But when he saw Jiang Heng's situation, he felt heartbroken.

Such a good child, it is impossible to describe him with words!


this sad "Piao Miao Holy Land" has been so badly treated by this group of people. Why should we still stay here?

Will you continue to be a "dog" for these people?


"These people asked me to stay just for the sake of profit. With a few words of coaxing, a bright and handsome senior brother will fight for them until his death."

"I am tired of this life. I will not serve these 'cows and horses' like a slave any more."

Jiang Heng sneered!

But it's for myself!

Looking at the group of "cows and horses" in front of him, he felt that his former self was ridiculous.

At that time, he was soft-hearted and stepped into the Conscience Pass to prove himself, but he was still met with cold words from these people.

What these people want is "ease", a "servant" who works like a cow and a horse!!! There is nothing wrong with being possessed

by a demon! Jiang Heng and Elder Jian did not deliberately lower their voices during their conversation, and more than a thousand people in the audience heard it! They couldn't believe their ears!

The gentle and refined senior brother actually called them "cows and horses"!

It was not like this before!

They used to be Jiang Heng's favourite junior brothers and sisters!

"You, you devil, no matter what, it's a fact that you killed so many people!" A fat female disciple screamed in the crowd.

She couldn't accept Jiang Heng's humiliation!

In the past, although she was not good-looking, Jiang Heng doted on her very much. She even thought about marrying Jiang Heng in the future! But

now, she couldn't stand the contrast!

A stone stirred up a thousand waves. Many disciples of Piaomiao Holy Land felt "wronged" at this time!

"Yes, if you leave Piaomiao Holy Land, you will not be our eldest brother, and there is no need for us to protect you!"

"Don't think we will tolerate you just because of a little kindness!"

"Devil, if you dare to leave, you will be judged today—"

"After killing so many people, do you think you can get away?"


Those who were speaking were all disciples of Piaomiao Holy Land!

Everyone had a twisted look on their face, and they hated Jiang Heng to the core.

They couldn't stand the "betrayal"!

Jiang Heng abandoned them!

"Ha, hahahaha——" Facing the condemnation from these familiar faces, Jiang Heng smiled defiantly: "There is no point in saying more."

"Saint Daoxuan, please open the third level, Heavenly Dao Questioning Love!"

Jiang Heng has completely "understood" the people in front of him.

After that halo faded, the meanness of this group of people was so obvious.

When a person gives unconditionally and unlimitedly, the "recipient" would take it for granted over time!


one day in the future, this "devotee" may be "careless" or "delayed"!