Chapter 69: Reincarnation, I am still your Ah-Man

Chapter 69: Reincarnation, I am still your Ah-Man

There is too much information, and Jiang Heng feels that his brain cells are completely insufficient!

Where is Ah Man?

Who is this breathtakingly beautiful woman?

Why did I cry?

And this system, why did it go crazy all of a sudden?!

The mortality rate is 100 billion?!

How did they calculate this?!

Now that you've become like this, why should I run away?

Just die.

[Host, please leave immediately. "She" is invincible——]

[Current winning rate: 0%. ]

[Host, please ding, system error, self-correction in progress——]




"She?" Jiang Heng's brain almost crashed when the system reported an error in his ear.

"She" is referring to her?

Jiang Heng was startled and looked at the woman holding him.

This made him even more confused!

"Don't be sad; I will always be with you."

The gentle sound of silver bells once again echoed in Jiang Heng's ears, and the hand as white as warm jade kept stroking his cheek.

"I, I"

Jiang Heng had a lot to say, but he didn't know what to say when the words came to his lips.


is still unclear.

As if thinking of something, Jiang Heng looked up at the seal characters all over the sky, raised his hand and condensed a silver "seal character" prototype!

This was his "Dao fruit" from his previous life, which was equivalent to the little "deposit" he brought with him after his rebirth!

It was a little less as he used it!

Normally, I would not spend it, but now, there is no choice!


At the moment when the silver "seal character" took shape, a raging fire suddenly ignited around it.

Everything was bathed in flames.

The black flames destroyed the world, devouring and burning everything, including An Hongyi's countless scarlet "seal characters"!

"What is this?"

Jiang Heng shuddered, his head buzzing!

This heaven-defying black flame, which lightly burned An Hongyi's way, was so heaven-defying that anyone could see it!

"Don't cry, I'm here--"

The whispering sound of silver bells rang again in his ears, which made Jiang Heng wonder: "Who are you?"

"I am Ah Man."

"It's you, Ah Man."

Yin Lingsheng sounded happy, let go of the hand that was gently stroking Jiang Heng, and flew back half a meter.

It was not until this moment that Jiang Heng could see her appearance clearly.

Her skin is as white as cream, her eyebrows as cool as the moon, and above her icy skin and bones is a perfectly carved face with red lips and white teeth without a single flaw.

Three thousand strands of black hair hung around her waist, swaying in the gentle breeze.

His pupils were deep, and he was staring straight at me!


Jiang Heng was speechless!

This is the most beautiful person he has ever seen in his life!

But, why hadn't he seen such a powerful cultivation in his previous life?

"You are not A'man!" Jiang Heng shook his head.

Back in the Nangong Dynasty, if Ah Man had one ten-thousandth of this woman's strength, there wouldn't be that "black line" on her head!

"I'm Ah Man."

The woman was neither anxious nor angry. She came to Jiang Heng like a ghost, stretched out her finger as white as a scallion, and touched his forehead when Jiang Heng was completely unable to resist. In

an instant, countless fragments of memory poured into his mind!

170,000 years ago.

In a corner of Beiyuan, a ragged girl was following a handsome boy. The boy was determined to wear a sword and embark on the path of immortality. After the boy left, the girl waited bitterly. A year later, the monks burned the city, and the girl died in the flames.

110,000 years ago,

in a corner of the Eastern Wasteland, a girl in ragged clothes hid in a corner and secretly watched a handsome boy. Later, the boy went out to do business, and the girl died of illness due to missing him.

Eighty thousand years ago , in a corner of the Eastern Wasteland, a girl in tattered clothes walked aimlessly on the street. She was searching with a blank look in her eyes. No one knew what she was looking for. She walked along like a bird without legs.

Ten thousand years ago,

in a corner of the Western Desert, a girl's bare feet were covered with scars. She walked on the yellow sand with a blank look in her eyes, not knowing where to go. She walked westward, all the way, all the way.

Thirty-seven days ago.

A corner of Nanling Mountains, the Nangong Imperial City.

Brother, eat steamed buns, and your heart won't hurt anymore!

Since we met because of steamed buns, I'll call you Ah Man from now on.

Fragments of memory floated around in Jiang Heng's mind like a kaleidoscope, frame by frame, picture by picture, incident by incident.

Seems like it really happened!

Jiang Heng widened his eyes, not knowing what emotion to use to express his feelings at the moment.

In the revolving lantern, the ragged girl is Ah Man.

The young man who appears again and again is me!!

No matter how many lives she goes through, no matter what happens, she is always looking for herself!

Fortunately, they were born in the same place.

Out of bad luck, she was left alone, sleeping in the open, searching for her lover until her death.


most of the time, she is alone, wandering around aimlessly.

Even in these ten thousand reincarnations, she had no name!

Ah Man was her first name.

And every time, he never lived past the age of six.

Once, ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times.

Twenty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine times!

And now!

That time in Nangong Dynasty was the 30,000th time!

"Why, why, why?" Jiang Heng looked at the woman breathlessly, with confusion in his empty eyes.

Ah, Man, why are you looking for yourself?

If he had not been reborn in this life, would Ah Man have been refined in the Nangong Dynasty and buried in the Human Emperor Banner?

Would that be the last time they met?

In the end, what was Ah Man's ending?

Why was it at this time point 170,000 years ago?

At the same time,

Jiang Heng understood!

When Ah Man handed over the "steamed bun" during the Nangong Dynasty, the cause and effect between the two had already been determined.

This cause-and-effect entanglement is so deep that it can no longer be separated.

"Don't feel sad. Ah, Man will always be with you."

The crisp sound of silver bells echoed in his ears, and Jiang Heng felt warmth in his arms. He looked down and saw that the woman had buried her head in his chest.

Constantly murmuring and whispering.

"I see Guanyin and Guanzizai, I see Zhenwu and see my true self, and I am freed from the old shackles."

"Today I know who I am."

Past lives and present lives, the cycle of time, Jiang Heng looked at it all in confusion.

He couldn't imagine that the girl in front of him had been waiting for him for more than 170,000 years and had gone through 30,000 reincarnations.

Thirty thousand times of loneliness and helplessness, 30,000 times of passing by each other, 30,000 times of separation and death.

How much willpower does it take to get through this?

Or what level of obsession does it take to do this?

The girl never gave up or left him in her heart, and she was firm in her choice from beginning to end.


Jiang Heng wanted to say something, but the words stopped coming to his lips.

"No matter how long it takes for me to return to my former self, I will always be your Ah Man." She put her face against Jiang Heng's chest, listening carefully to his heartbeat, with a relaxed expression.

Enjoy the quiet and tranquillity of this moment.

Jiang Heng said nothing, staring at the girl's deep pupils in his eyes.

The dying voice of Elder Jian inexplicably began to echo in my ears.

——Jiang Heng, keep living!


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