Robotic butler

'Fuck! Shit! I wanted to put that on a gods damn terminal not get it downloaded to my fucking head!' I cursed angrily in my head at what just happened.

While my reaction might seem odd it needed to be understood that if the information had been put into a terminal I could have had an A.I or program decrypt it bit by bit until I had the full "recipes" set in a way I just need to manufacture them. Now however I had all this information about Eridian engineering in my head but it was all in Eridian.-

While the alien fuckers weren't so cruel as to stuff my head with information I couldn't use I had basically had my idea of starting a corporation strangled in the cradle with this. Sure I could personally manufacture each and every weapon if I wanted to but there was little hope of me mass producing anything anytime soon.

'At least the alien library is nice I guess.' I think with a frustrated sigh.

Remembering that I was sorta on a time frame here I dashed over to the chests and popped them open before stuffing the contents into my inventory though I did find a legendary weapon that I didn't pause to examine at all before it got stuffed into my inventory. Once I was certain I emptied out the vault I ran to the portal and out of the thing.

"Hurry I think I can hear something ahead!" A voice yelled in the distance when I got in the chamber I fought the bug in.

I snatched up the vault key closing the vault before tossing my house out and running through the portal the moment it appeared. I hit the stealth button before dashing to the teleporter room and got the fuck off this planet and back to Eden six before I got found out.

"Hooo~ shit that was close!" I mutter with a little sweat on my forehead due to the stress.

I waited a few moments before teleporting my house back to Athenas, specifically the archives of the monastery. I dipped my head out the portal of my house and upon spotting no one around put away my house and waited for what I knew was going to inevitably happen. A good thirty minutes of waiting later and my favorite bluenette walked into the archives cautiously.-

She looked around with narrow eyes before spotting me leaning against a wall with a smirk.

"You look like shit." she commented immediately.

"I took an enthusiastic walk through the woods." I said casually.

"And into a volcano?" she teased.

"A VERY enthusiastic walk." I said with a grin.

"So you really went and opened the vault and didn't invite me?" she asked with mock offense.

I chuckled "Trust me you REALLY wouldn't have liked to come to this vault, the damn bug almost fucking killed my ass." I complained.

"Bug?" she asked curiously.

"Yeah the vault monster was this giant red beetle thing with a scorpion tail that moved fast as hell and hit like a truck, oh and it was on fire." I explained honestly.

"Sounds dangerous." she said and i chuckled.

"Yeah, that was kinda the whole reason it was in there to begin with. Theres this theory that vault monsters are just Eridian weapons but I know for certain that is at least for the most part wrong. They are for the most part just creatures that upset the natural order in an extremely dangerous way, anomalies really." I said with a sigh.

"Was it worth it at least?" she asked curiously and with a bit of greed.

"Well I got a whole libraries worth of knowledge on Eridian engineering and the library itself, so kinda." I said making a face.

"That sounds awesome so why the face?" she asked confused.

"Stupid aliens set the information to be downloaded straight into the mind of whoever got it. And I had this whole plan of making my own corporation and everything!" I complained.

"To summarize you can make Eridian stuff and can't share the info?" she asked with a growing smile and I nodded annoyed.

"You're rich!" she exclaimed excitedly confusing me a little until I understood what she meant.

In my self pity I had sorta forgotten that all Eridian tech was worth more than gold and the fact I could just crank the stuff out at all meant I was a walking treasure chest. 

"Huh? I guess I am rich aren't I?" I muttered a little disoriented by the understanding.

Once excitement died down over my newfound hypothetic fortune Maya proceed to explain how things went while I opened the vault from the outside.

Apparently at first it was just someone getting sent out to investigate the signal and power generators but once it was clear that someone was going to the vault it was all hands on deck. Ships started to get scrambled to Athenas to try and take the now open vault for each different party who had been monitoring it for opening. According to Maya the only reason I hadn't gotten caught was because the different corporate troops that were sent to secure the vault al fought in a big skirmish which held them off long enough for me to finish my fight and loot the place though it had been a close call.-

The funny part was that despite clearly understanding that the vault was opened the troops that made it into chamber where I fought(Atlas apparently) thought that I was stealthed and still in the chamber and thus combing it even now. Clearly they hadn't realized that I had teleported out or even that I COULD teleport out of the chamber. Honestly I almost felt a bit bad for them as they were destined to fail at finding anything and had come all this way for nothing.-

"So you want to see the big bug before I turn it to ash?" I asked with a grin after she was done explaining the situation to me.

"Yes!" she said eagerly.

I opened my house up again and we went in where she saw the corpse in the middle of my floor and shuddered.

"Ugh, it really is a big bug and it stinks too!" she said holding her nose.

I had to agree as there was a rotten scent coming off the corpse of the bug despite the short period it had been dead that may have been chemical in nature.

Pointing my right hand at the corpse I activated my powers and got a look at the bugs traits.

{ Tithonus

Lifeforce: 57,491

Traits: [Gigantism-Uncommon grade]- 1000 units,[Supreme Exoskeleton-Rare grade]- 5000 units, [Multilimbed-Common grade]- 500 units, [Poor vision-Trash grade]- 50 units, [Fire resistance-Epic grade]-20,000 units, [Elemental body(fire)-Legendary grade]- 100,000 units, [Superior vitality-Epic grade]- 20,000 units.}

"Oh damn son that some good shit right there!" I exclaim in pleasant surprise.

Before Maya could ask what I meant I listed out the traits it had as well as the amount of lifeforce it had. 

"Nice! Those last three in particular sound like the tits!" she said with a wide smile.

I agreed and without hesitation spent the 140,000 units to get them but got back 57,491 from the corpse so two of them basically cost me nothing. Out of them [Elemental body(fire)] was the most impressive because it was what the bug used to flame up as well as harden up and speed up while it was on fire. It was a trait that did exactly that too so it was quite simple in use but powerful without any doubt despite this simplicity.-

The only real catch was that you could only go as hot as your body was able to handle because even if you were projecting it away from you you still got the heat of it all the same. This explained the ungodfully powerful fucking resistance trait the bug had as well. It was there to keep the bug from killing itself by flaming up at any point. The fact that you needed an extra trait for safety reason told me that if I ever came across another elemental trait like this I shouldn't take it without the corresponding resistance trait.-

The corpse fell into a pile of gray ash once I took the lifeforce and traits from it which was a bit annoying but not a huge problem.

"What's that in the ash?" Maya asked surprised and looking carefully I saw that there was indeed something within the pile.

Walking over I brushed away the ash to reveal a round object that made me laugh. It was an Eridian power core.

"I guess we know what it ate before it was sealed in the vault." I joked and we both laughed.

"What even is that?" she asked curiously and I explained "so the tech the Eridians used to power there stuff? Is it any good still?" she asked doubtfully and I looked it over carefully.

"It's dormant but the casing is intact and from what I can tell the rest of the components are as well, If I were to make a recharging station I should be able to use it." i said honestly using my new knowledge.

"I thought Eridian tech had infinite energy though?" she asked surprised.

"Infinite energy is a myth, Eridian tech is just really really efficient so until now we mistook the amount of energy to be infinite. Still even with that being the case a single core like this could power a large ship for centuries no problem." I said seriously.

"What are you going to use it for?" she asked curiously.

"Robot butler." I say seriously.

"What?" she asked dumbfounded by my answer.

"I'm going to make a kick ass robotic butler with lasers and shit, it's going to be AWESOME!" I said excitedly.

"Why though?" she asked horrified.

"Why the fuck not!? I have a whole fuck ton of Eridian engineering knowledge crammed in my head and a power core that is typically made for Eridian seraphs, it's like fate itself WANTS me to make a badass robotic butler!" I preach excitedly.

___________________________________________ treon_loskro


Alexander Drake

Lifeforce: 377,110

Integrated Traits: [Gun expertise-Uncommon grade], [Clever mind-Uncommon grade]X3,[Enhanced senses-Rare grade], [Omega body-Rare grade]x4,[Superior bones-Rare grade],[Armored hide-Rare grade], [Fire resistance-Uncommon grade], [Bone regeneration-Uncommon grade], [Corrosion resistance-Uncommon grade], [Energy projection-Epic grade]x2, [Superior vitality-Epic grade],[Flame breath-Uncommon grade],[Minor regeneration-Rare grade][Iron stomach-Uncommon grade], [Disease resistance-Epic grade],[Amphibious lungs-Uncommon grade], [Thermal sensing-Uncommon grade], [Water resistance-Common grade],[Active camouflage-Epic grade], [Eridian engineering expertise-Mythical grade]

Stored traits: [Amphibious lungs], [Water resistance],[Quick thinking], [Energy reservoir], [Efficient lungs-Rare grade]x4, [Fire resistance-Epic grade], [Elemental body(fire)-Legendary grade], [Superior vitality-Epic grade]