chapter 3: Draw and epic win

Chapter 3:draw and epic win

Seoul city

A beautiful mansion could be seen at the heart of Seoul, with "Hale mansion" boldly written at the top.

Inside this mansion that could only be described as luxurious,five handsome dudes were sitting on the dinning table.

Cough, cough, cough...

"What the fuck is this !,is this supposed to be called food" exclaimed Neon

"Is this the so called experience chef JP got us" said Vinson

"At this rate one of us might really die of food poison" Jeremy said while dropping his spoon. The rest also did the same.

Wondering what is happening here,

Well hale boys are having their dinner, and as usual the food isn't to their taste, despite the fact that JP ( the entertainment company snow work for) recently hired a really popular chef this time.

The last chef was fired because,she tried to seduce Lamian ,their first member.

Now this one's food taste like shit . they've fired up to 10 chefs in just one month, crazy right?.

It's not that the food is not tasty or something,

Heck, not everyone has the opportunity to taste chef Tina's food, and here they are calling it shit,

You can't blame them though, I mean people who have ate a food made by the best chef in the world, what do you expect,

Lamian stood up while catwalking to his room.

"Where are you going" asked Jeremy

"To my room of course" he replied, you don't expect me to continue eating that poison " he said pointing at the food.

Jeremy also stood up and left, leaving the three snow members.

"Our photoshoot is taking place tomorrow,I need to go get my beauty sleep "charming the youngest member and also the cutie of the house said and left for his room.

The other two also left.

Rosei and ammie apartment*

Two girls were seen watching a movie,

Omoor (oh my), they were actually watching a kdrama (spoiler:sweet home s3)

"Aishhh " cha hyun sun was currently fighting a monster

"Why is that damn monster so strong"ammie said frustratingly,

Right,rosei agreed

The scene is about a boy cha hyun sun fighting a monster,he killed the monster and the monster keeps waking up continuously.


Your phone is ringing" Rosei told ammie.

Aishhh who is that damn caller" ammie cursed,she grummbily took the phone and then stood up to go answer the call while signalling rosei to pause the movie.

She picked the phone,


Heyyya (hey) so if I didn't call now, you wouldn't have called me, came from the other side of the call,

Ahh appa(dad) she said realizing who it was ,

Appa I was going to call you yesterday,no I mean today ,I mean tomorr.....

Aishhh chincha(realizing she doesn't have an excuse) she sighs,

Appa bianeh hm (dad am sorry hm),

I promise I'll be calling you every day from now on she promised,

Chincha(really) Mr park asked,

Yeah(yes) ,yaksu (I promise) she answered,

Ok I'll let you off today, how is Rosei Mr park inquired?

She's fine" she answered

Send My regards to her, also make sure you eat on time and don't stay late outside ok; he advised,

Yes Mr park she answered jokingly



Back to the sitting room

Hey "she called ,Mr park asked of you "she told rosei,

"Chincha, how is he ?rosei inquired

"He's okay, she said sitting down ready to continue the movie, only to see it in another scene,

Wha ,wha, what,hey,hey "I told you to pause the movie,why didn't you pause it"she asked angrily,

You were taking long,so I continued Rosei answered blinking innocently,

"Heyyya give me the remote" ammie said stretching her hand to collect the remote from rosei,

Nope" rosei said standing up ready to run , cause she knows ammie quite well .

Heyyya ammie screamed with All her might and then the chase start,

Over here rosei said showing the remote to ammie teasingly,

Ammie run there immediately, and rosei quickly run away,

Just wait till I lay my hands on that remote ammie muttered to herself and smirk evily, before continuing to chase Rosei,

The moment she caught up with her, she snatched the remote from rosei and ran to her room,

Here! ammie called when she reached her room door" come get it " she said and then stick her tongue at rosei, she entered her room and locked the door with the remote.

Aishhh" rosei said frustratingly as she stared at ammie's locked door while breathing heavily.

She looked at the sitting room not knowing what to do, she walked to the TV, and then a crazy thought entered her mind

"Well she can have the remote, I'll just take the TV " she said and laughed in her mind

She remove the TV from the holder and then took it to her room,

"Now it's a draw win" she said to herself with a satisfied smile.

Meanwhile ammie was jubilating in her room for the epic win,if only she knows what her crazy bestie has done.....