chapter 5: Meeting a celebrity

Chapter 5: meeting a celebrity

Jeremy was walking down the street of Seoul with his face mask and a black hat to cover his identity .

The wind blowing past his face, the warmth from the sun and it's bright glow reflecting on him.

He still look so handsome despite the fact that his whole face was covered barely leaving his eyes.

He suddenly come to halt in front of a tea shop "Your Tea" boldly written at the top . This looks like the only teashop around.

He opened the door,and the door bell rang

"Anyeaongseyo it's "Your Tea" what can I offer you sir" ,came a female voice from the store ,

He turned to look at the owner of the voice,

He was taken back by the young lady who look really pretty in face but the rest of her body looks chubby or maybe because her outfit looks big on her.

"Sir", ammie called still looking at the man whose face was covered, but he didn't reply rather he was staring at her like a prey.

What! Ammie exclaimed in her mind covering her body with her hand ,is he a pervert or something why is he staring at me like that , can he see my body figure

"Ande(no) she said shaking her head cause she knew her clothes hid her body well, since she adjusted it into a bigger size"ammie thought in her mind starting to look at masked stranger suspiciously.

Jeremy chuckled in his mind, from the young lady's expression he already got a rough idea of what was going through her mind.

"Jasmine tea" he said cutting ammie from her thought

"Oh ,ok" ammie said hurriedly,and left to get his order.

"Here " she said dropping the tea on his table

"Thanks" Jeremy said grabbing the cup to take a sip

"Adjussi (Mr)" ammie exclaimed holding his hand, stopping him from taking a sip

Jeremy was shocked by her actions

"what " he asked raising his head to look at her

"Are you going to drink with that " she questioned pointing at his mask

Jeremy chuckled at her questions

"What! is he laughing at me" she thought with a frown, she couldn't see his face but with the way it widen from the mask it looked like he was laughing.

Ande(no), jeremy answered her questions,

Then are you going to remove the mask she asked cause that's the only option,

Ande (no) he replied again,

"Then how" ammie asked, her face contorted in confusion

"Watch this " he said,

Ammie watched carefully,

He opened his mouth from the mask without removing it,

"Wow! " she exclaimed, she didn't imagine the mask to have an opening in the mouth side,

Ahjussi (sir), that's amazing she said amazed

"You want one " Jeremy asked noticing how excited she looks,does she really love the mask that much he thought,

Chincha (really) ,can I really get one she asked her eyes shoning brightly

"Yes ". I love the tea here so I'm thinking of becoming a regular here. I'll bring it the next time I come here he said,

The truth is that he is just curious about her , it's been long since someone picked his interest.

"Ok ahjussi" I'll be expecting you she said her eyes still dialating

I'll be taking my leave now Jeremy said dropping his cup and then paid the bills. He turned for the door but suddenly pause

By the way what's your name he turned and asked

Oh right I didn't tell you my name she said in realization,

My name is Amaya park but people call ammie she told jeremy

Amayyya Jeremy said stressing it,it sounded good on his mouth,Nice name he said nodding his head in affirmation.

Good bye Maya he said and finally left .

Oh ahjussi you didn't tell me yours Amaya tried to say but he left already

Oops ammie said pouting,I didn't get to know he's name .

"Maya "she said remembering how he cut short her name ,seems I got another nickname she said chuckling to herself before leaving for her seat .


JP entertainment

Rosei's office .

I gat to use the restroom rosei said to her colleagues and left for the restroom.

On her way, she collided with a hard surface,

Oh my bianeh (sorry) she said quickly adjusting herself but was shocked at who it was

Holy mother of chickennn she exclaimed with her eyes wide opened and mouth frozen

The person in front of her is none other than Neon of snow her celebrity know it's not everyday you run into a celeb , despite the fact that she had been working here for 2 good years she has not run into any celebrity.

" Are you okay " he asked

"Ahhhhhhhh even his voice is as angelic as his face "she couldn't even reply him, she just stood there frozen,

"Excuse me",he said waving his hand at her face , waking her up from her reverie.

Oh yeah yeah I'm ,I'm okay thanks she said stuttering,

"If you say so" he said excusing himself

What was that she asked holding her chest,was that really Neon? she asked still in disbelief

Oops I should have asked him for an autograph she said realizing her mistake or maybe his number she said dreamily.

Aishhh I messed up she said angrily ruffing her hair before walking to the restroom .

"What was that "Neon said and then shrugged it off and left.