chapter 11: fun day

Chapter 11:fun day

Ammie was still taking her stroll when she felt someone drag her hand from the back making her shudder in fear .

Omoor she said jolting in fear making her to turn to take a look and behold the person she was hiding from.

Mr Jeremy she said more like a whisper,

After the revealing face incident she has not met Jeremy again.

Whatsup little Maya, Jeremy greeted jokingly, like they were bestfriends . Jeremy stood there with his signature black mask.

You were the one following me she asked not still able to look at him in face, and whenever she did she would feel like fainting like this man is damn handsome. the most handsomest if there is any word like that.

Yeah, Jeremy answered casually,I saw you walking down while I was in my car and decided to stop and keep your company, besides I've been looking around for you this days he said seriously,I even went to your workplace but I was told you quit Jeremy added.

Hmph quit ,mee I said pointing at myself in disbelief, can't believe that old geezer who fired me and said I quit ,I scoffed in annoyance.

Mr park,I didn't quit but was fired I answered.

Oh is that so he said raising an eyebrow

Yessss I said dragging,or did that old geezer said anything else I asked,

Hmmmm he said in deep thought ,he did say something, something really bad about you he said

Chincha, I asked ،what did he say

Ande I won't tell you he said before walking forward,

Oh c'mon tell me what did he say I said running after him, he's walking really fast cause of his long legs while I have to run in other to keep up his pace .

The moment he saw me getting closer ,he picked up his pace and started running,

Hmph I scoffed,is that how you want it, bring it on I screamed running after him .

A few moments later

Jeremy stopped running ,he stood by a claw machine while he stared at the crazy girl who was running towards him.

Haa haa I breathed heavily like a pregnant woman who just delivered, running after Jeremy was not an easy task,he has a really long legd and if not because of my years of experience at chasing someone,I would have lost him totally.

Heyyya I screamed, what was that for I said hitting him slightly on the shoulder forgetting his identity once again

Haha he chuckled, you are quite a good runner he complemented ignoring my question,

Of course I am ,I said praising myself

Mr park I called

Jeremy he corrected

But you're older than me I said

Hmm you're right,in that case call me anything you're okay with apart from Mr park he said

Then oppa(older brother) I asked more like a suggestion

Haha he chuckled once again and ruffled my hair as if am a kid

Haha I chuckled too .

The rest of the day was fun with Jeremy,we played the claw machine and he won me a doll , before a call came in and he left of course not forgetting to collect my contact.

Right now am back home , and Rosei is still not back so I slept off while hugging my new doll tightly.