Kidnapping Viviane

That night, Viviane saw her mother in a new light—powerful, unyielding, and fiercely protective. Her curiosity piqued, she approached Aurelia, her eyes reflecting the stars outside. "Mama, what did you do?"

Aurelia looked down at her daughter, her expression softening. "Sweetheart, I just used a little magic to keep us safe," she replied gently.

But the truth was, Viviane's innocent question had unearthed something profound within her. That night, she realized that she too wanted to protect her family with every fiber of her being. And as fate would have it, she discovered she had inherited more than just her mother's fiery spirit and her father's playful charm. Her blood sang with the power of both clans, a potent mix that could change the course of their lives.

Her system had awakened—a gift from the god themselves, offering her the chance to surpass the Great Red and claim a place among the legendary beings of their world. The very thought filled her with excitement and determination.

The next one and a half years passed in a whirlwind of change. They moved from town to town, leaving a trail of whispers and puzzled townsfolk in their wake. Yet amidst the chaos, Viviane found joy in the simple moments: baking cookies with her mother, the sweet scent of vanilla wafting through the air, and the quiet lessons from her father, who taught her the art of the hunt—not for prey, but for knowledge and understanding of their lineage.

The system guided her, whispering in her mind with instructions and challenges that grew more complex with each passing day. She trained in secret, her body adapting to the influx of power, her reflexes sharpening and her senses heightening. It was a thrilling game of hide and seek, not just from their pursuers but from the very essence of who she was becoming.

But it wasn't all fun and games. The shadows of their past grew longer, and the whispers grew louder. The elders had not forgotten, nor had they forgiven. They pursued the family relentlessly, seeking to reclaim what they deemed rightfully theirs—Viviane's very essence.

One moonlit evening, as they rested in a cozy village, the inevitable finally occurred. The air grew thick with the scent of their pursuers—the elders had found them once more. Desmond's eyes darkened with resignation as he gathered Viviane and Aurelia close.

"We knew this day would come," he murmured, his arms tightening around them. "Remember, our love is your greatest strength."

Aurelia nodded, her eyes gleaming with determination. "And your talents, Viviane. Use them wisely."

Their words of encouragement fueled Viviane's resolve. Her heart raced as the elders breached their sanctuary, the house trembling with the fury of their approach. Desmond and Aurelia stepped forward, their forms enveloped in a fiery aura of power.

But the elders had come prepared. In a swift, brutal battle, Desmond and Aurelia were struck down, their cries of anguish piercing Viviane's soul. She lunged forward, her newfound abilities surging within her. Yet, she was no match for the centuries of experience that the elders wielded. A powerful blow sent her reeling, and she felt her consciousness slip away as darkness claimed her.

Viviana awoke to a world of torment. She was bound, unable to move, her eyes stinging with tears as she took in the aftermath. Her parents were gone, their lifeless forms a stark reminder of the price of their defiance. Rage and grief collided within her, and she swore to avenge them. The elders had taken everything from her, but they had also given her purpose.

Her captors had underestimated her, thinking her weak and powerless. But she had the blood of two great clans coursing through her veins, and now, the power of a system that whispered ancient secrets. The elders had taken her parents, but they had also ignited a spark that could not be extinguished.

During her unconsciousness, Viviana's mind drifted to a past life she hadn't remembered until now—a life where she had been a teacher, guiding young souls to reach their potential. In that life, she had wished for a way to protect those she loved, for the power to stand against the dark forces that sought to harm the innocent.

Her thoughts grew hazy as the room spun, and she felt a strange sensation—a voice, deep and ancient, resonating within her. It was the voice of the system, a divine gift that had been granted to her in her past life. It whispered of the three wishes she made, each one a weapon in her arsenal.

The first wish was to be reborn with the system. The second, to become a vampire with the potential to surpass even the Great Red. And the third, the power to gain the bloodline and some magic of any being whose blood she drank.

With a sudden jolt, Viviana's mind snapped back to the present. The elders loomed over her, their eyes cold and unforgiving.

"Why?" she choked out, her voice raw with pain. "Why did you take my parents?"

Someone who she thought was their leader, a sly vampire with a wicked smile, leaned in close. "Your mother and father were merely obstacles," he hissed. "It is you we have sought all along. We intend to experiment with your bloodline."

Viviana's heart clenched with horror. Her parents hadn't been the target; she had been!