
A few hours later, the door of the house opened, and after a while, the woman entered the cabin. I was lying in the corner of the cabin without speaking. The woman didn't say anything for a while; I didn't know where she was looking, but she was probably looking at the blood on me and on the floor.

"Get up and follow me."

What's happening? Where are we going? I wanted to ask, but I couldn't even open my mouth. I just did as I was told. I've been in this cabin for as long as I can remember, and it's the first time I'm entering this house. The place we entered was the back door of the house, the garden door. The house was two stories high. As we entered, I looked around. The house was quite spacious. There was a long hallway with three rooms on the right and two on the left. We started moving forward. The first room on the right seemed to be the kitchen. I could smell delicious food. The large white cabinets in the kitchen, the various pots on the counter, and the dining table caught my attention. The first room on the left was a large dining room; there was a huge table surrounded by many chairs. The chandelier hanging from the ceiling illuminated every corner of the room.

We continued forward. There was noise coming from the second room on the right. It sounded like a machine was running. The door to the room was closed, so I couldn't see inside. The second room on the left was quite spacious, with a large black screen on the wall and people playing inside. It was truly amazing, what was this? I paused for just a second, and the woman turned around and kicked me in the stomach.

"Who gave a worthless creature like you the right to watch TV! You are a pathetic being, you should be thankful to be alive. And who gave you permission to look around? Get up and stop looking at the ground!"

I barely did as told and stood up. So that big black screen was a television. I wish I could have looked at it a little longer. We were coming to the third room on the right. There was a door right in front of me. I guess this door opened to the outside. The third room was not a complete room, it had a large opening, and there was a staircase leading to the second floor of the house. The woman paused for a moment and turned around. I kept looking at the ground, her feet were turned towards me. She leaned in close to my ear and whispered.

"Try to escape if you want. Go out through this door and scream at the top of your lungs 'save me'. Come on, don't hesitate."

I didn't say anything and didn't take my eyes off the ground. I knew she was testing me. If I tried to say anything, she would scold me and beat me, asking, "Did you ask for permission to look away from me?" After whispering to me, she straightened up again.

"Good dog. We've trained you well. Now keep following me."

There was a turning staircase. We went up. There was a long hallway here too. There were several rooms on the left and one room on the right, and there was a corridor turning right ahead. I glanced quickly. Then I fixed my eyes on the ground again. After a while, the woman stopped.

"Wait for me here."

She went and closed the open doors. It was clear she didn't trust me and didn't want me to see inside the rooms. She came back to me, and we started walking again. We entered the room opposite straight ahead. It was a dazzling room. It seemed to be shining.

"I'll adjust the water in the bathtub, start taking off your clothes."

I started sweating coldly. Memories of what happened before came to my mind. Tears started flowing from my eyes. My hands and legs were trembling. I looked at the wounds on my right and left arms. The blood had dried. Also, the bathtub seemed to be what she filled with water. In the middle of the room, there was a large oval surface with high edges. It was empty at first, and the woman started filling it with water. It was almost half full. I should start taking off my clothes now, or who knows what would happen. As I took off my shorts, I noticed something. There was too much steam coming from the bathtub. I was left with only the boxer I had been wearing for a long time. The bathtub was almost full. The woman turned off the tap where hot water was flowing.

She looked at me and said, "When I said take off everything, I meant everything, you dog."

I took off the boxer too, trembling. I was naked and scared. I kept looking at the ground. For the first time in a long time, I saw my body. Thin legs and lots of scars, bruises, and wounds dominated my body.

"Come on and get into the bathtub," the woman said.

I approached her but was afraid to get in. What if she's testing me, and if I get in, she'll burn me. But even if I didn't get in, she could beat me.

"Come on, I can't deal with you all day, get in there right away."

I put my right foot into the bathtub and screamed. What kind of heat was this? It felt like I was being boiled alive. I pulled my foot out with a reflex and got a violent slap, falling to the ground. Blood was flowing from my lips.