Gods of Destruction

Ask what you will ask.


What did you mean by saying that I determine the abilities you will gain?

What part of that didn't you understand, Taşkın?

I am the one who determines it.

Remember Eli-

Yes, yes, I know. There's no need to repeat the same thing over and over.

... (grumbling)

So, my powers? Do you also decide how powerful I will become?


I can't decide that.

But no matter how powerful you become, raw strength alone won't be enough.

The abilities you will gain in the future are very important.

Don't worry. You will gain abilities that will be useful.

I assure you.

So, this means I am dependent on you, right?

Hehe. Yes.

Aren't you dependent on me too?

... (grumbling)


I want to decide on the abilities I will gain myself.

You haven't yet earned the right to gain a new symbol.

I can't just give you a symbol at my whim.

I don't have that power.

You need to earn it.

To gain a new symbol.

Taşkın falls into thought.

Yes, you are thinking correctly. You must take lives. You must spill blood.

So, when I earn the right to gain a new symbol, will you give me the ability I want?


Let me explain it this way.

You will tell me what you want to do.

For example, let's take Özkan.


Yes, Özkan.

Let's assume you said you want to kill Özkan without difficulty, to tear him apart.

I will then give you an ability suitable for this desire.

Is it really possible for me to defeat Özkan?

Haha. You have no idea how powerful you will become as you grow.


I understand.

One more question.


You said I need to earn the symbols, that I can't get them arbitrarily.


Who decides if I have earned those symbols?

The Gods of Destruction.

The Gods of Destruction?


What are they?


Milaz remains silent for a while.

Ancient beings who have built their powers on chaos and destruction.


You usually answer immediately. This time you don't seem to want to talk.

I don't want to mention their name.

They frighten me.

Are you scared of them too?


The symbol resembling an eye on your right hand is their emblem.

You said we should make a deal, but I made a deal with not you, bu-

Milaz cuts Taşkın off.

It was the Gods of Destruction, yes.

I am just the intermediary.

You forced me to make a deal with them!

If you hadn't made a deal -

I don't even know what they are!

Listen to me!

If you hadn't made a deal, you would have died!

Would it have been better if you had died?

Won't you take revenge on those who have tormented you!?


Look, Taşkın.

One way or another, we are connected to each other.

We have to get along.

Fighting won't benefit either of us.


So what exactly are they?

I mean, the Gods of Destruction.

That's enough talking.

What do you mean eno-

Sleep now.

No. You will answer me.

No, I won't.

Tell me about them. Come on!


Milaz! I am talking to you!


So you are this scared!

You call me a coward!

The real coward is-

Milaz shouted at Taşkın with a deafeningly loud and deep voice


Taşkın suddenly sat up from where he was lying. His eyes were filled with pain. The ringing in his head felt like it was deafening him.

He pressed his hands to his ears, but it was useless. He couldn't escape from that sound. His head was throbbing terribly.

He shook his head rapidly from side to side, but it only made the pain worse.

A thin line of blood trickled from his nose and ears.

Milaz had raised his voice at Taşkın many times before, but it had never been this severe.

Seeing Taşkın in this state, Ahmet also sat up from where he was lying.


"Taşkın, are you okay?"

Taşkın couldn't hear Ahmet and continued to hold his ears.

Realizing this approach wasn't working, Ahmet went over to Taşkın, held his hands, and pulled them away from his ears.

"Taşkın, get a grip. Look into my eyes."

"A-Ahmet... W-What happened?"

"You should be the one telling me what happened."

"For some reason, I can't sleep tonight. Let's go outside and talk on the stairs."

I nodded positively and we went outside.

I was feeling a bit better now. The ringing and buzzing in my head were subsiding.

Ahmet turned on the outside light and we stepped outside.

As soon as I stepped outside, Ahmet spoke in fear.

"What happened to you, Taşkın!? There's blood on your face!"

It must have been too dark inside for him to notice.

I didn't know what to say.

I needed to minimize their concern.

"I'm fine, Ahmet. It happens occasionally. It's nothing."

"What!? What do you mean it happens occasionally!?"

"Does this happen regularly!?"

Yes... I probably gave the worst possible answer.

"Ahmet, I'm really fine. It's nothing."

"Wait here. I'll get a tissue from inside and wipe the blood before it dries."


He hurried inside and came back with a tissue within seconds.

"Come sit on the stairs."


He sat down next to me.

He started to wipe the blood from my nose and ears.

"Now tell me what really happened."

"There's really nothing, Ahmet. I'm fine."

"Don't be ridiculous, Taşkın! Why would someone in good health have blood coming from their nose and ears!?"

He was right. I was giving nonsensical answers. I was just trying to brush him off.

"Ahmet. I don't know why either. It just happens occasionally, like I said before, and then it passes."

"Have you ever seen a doctor?"

"I haven't. I didn't think it was anything serious."

"Blood comes from your nose and ears, but you don't think it's serious, huh?"

I was starting to make less sense.

I just stared at Ahmet. I couldn't think of anything else to say.

"This won't do. We are taking you to a doctor as soon as possible."


"I said we'll go, Taşkın!"

There was no point in arguing.

I had to agree.

"Okay, fine."

Hearing this, Ahmet seemed to calm down a bit.

We sat side by side on the steps under the dim light.

Ahmet would occasionally turn his head to look at me.

It seemed like he wanted to say something, but he was holding back.

Ahmet felt guilty after seeing Taşkın like that.

A few hours ago, he had attacked Taşkın in a moment of anger.

He thought that Taşkın had experienced many things in his past that he didn't want to talk about, and when he attacked him, those memories resurfaced, causing Taşkın to have these sudden crises.

"The weather is a bit cold, isn't it, Taşkın?"

Yes, as I guessed, he wanted to say something but was trying to start a conversation first.

"The weather gets colder at night."

"Y-yes, that's right."

This isn't going to work. I'm really starting to feel cold. I want to go inside.



We both started speaking at the same time.

"You go first, Ahmet."

"Ehh... Okay. I'll go first then."

Let's see what he's been trying to say for minutes.

"Actually, well... It's a simple thing to say, but I can't get the words out."

I was listening without saying anything.

"I-I'm sorry, Taşkın! For what happened a few hours ago. F-For attacking you."

Honestly, I had already forgotten about it. I hadn't cared at all. Plus, he had every right to attack me.

I found it a bit funny that he was saying this. I thought it was something more important.

(Taşkın occasionally laughs as he speaks)

"Ahmet, have you been trying to say this for minutes?" (laughs)

Ahmet was trying to look angry, but he was also smiling a little.

"Taşkın, don't laugh (grins) it was really hard for me to say this." (grins)

"Okay, okay. I won't laugh." (laughs)

"Look, you're still laughing."

"I'm sorry. I'm really not laughing."

We both struggled to hold back our laughter.

It wasn't really that funny, but for some reason, it seemed funny to us.

As we were laughing, we heard Kerem's laughter from behind.

Ahmet and I quickly turned our heads back.

Kerem was laughing and holding his stomach.

"I couldn't hold it any longer. (laughs) I told you not to make me laugh." (laughs)

Ahmet looked surprised and asked, "How long have you been listening to us, Kerem?"

Kerem was still laughing. After his laughter subsided, he spoke.

"Long enough to hear you apologize."

Ahmet was embarrassed.

"This is probably a first, Ahmet. I've never heard you apologize before."

I turned to Ahmet. He was looking around quickly, embarrassed and tense.

"Don't look around, you won't see anything. It's too dark." (laughs)

I was laughing, but I was also starting to feel really cold.

"That's enough, I'm really starting to get cold. Let's go inside."

Ahmet immediately supported me.

"Yes, I think so too. I'm very cold as well."

Kerem headed towards the door.

He was talking as he went.

"Honestly, you don't seem cold to me. In fact, you look like you're sweating. Your face is all red."

"Stop talking and get inside, Kerem."

"Haha. Okay, okay, I'm going in."

We quietly laughed as we went inside.

Cengiz was sleeping deeply.

Ahmet said, "I'll have some water before going to bed," and went to the kitchen to get a drink.

Kerem stood looking at Cengiz and chuckled quietly.

"How can this guy sleep like that? If those guys who beat me up came back and attacked all three of us, Cengiz wouldn't notice a thing."

I think Ahmet was drinking his water at that moment.

When he heard Kerem say this, he spit out the water.

(Ahmet, speaking quietly while laughing)

(Laughing) "You're right, Kerem. We really shouldn't rely on Cengiz." (Laughing)

I smiled and said, "Let's stop talking. We'll wake Cengiz up. It's clear we won't get any sleep, but at least let Cengiz rest."

Kerem spoke with sleepy eyes.

"You're right. Let's stop talking and get some sleep ourselves."

We got back into our beds, closed our eyes, and let ourselves drift off to sleep.