A Bum, A Lady, and A Sword (Slash III)

"Hey!" The weird-talking-spear said, "are you going to keep on freaking screaming?! My ears!"

Zayn pauses in her screaming, eyeing the spear in distaste and sighs, sitting up to where her elbows comfortable touch her knees and her cheek lazily rest on her palm.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, screaming is so not fun," Zayn said, letting out a huff of air, "but oh right, never heard of you."

The voice that's been granting Zayn's ears for the last few minutes goes strangely silently, like they're at loss for words.

"N-never...?" The voice asked. "You've never heard of the great Excalibur? The God item to the legendary--really? Like be forreal-."

"I'm being so real," Zayn said picking up a pebble beside her and throwing it as far as she can, ignoring the loud sound it made across the room, "so for real-."

"Like not joking?" The voice asked, sounding actually concerned, "like at all-?"

"As serious as I can be-." Zayn sighs, pinching her nose, "who cares? Let me go man."

"You're the who picked me up," the voice hissed, "how do you pick up a glowing sword and not think of the consequences of your actions?!"

Zayn opens her mouth, shuts it, and groans, shrugging to the spear like it won whatever argument they were having. 

"For you information," the voice said, "The legend kind of goes like if you pick me up, you're stuck with me until you die or I break-wow-what are you doing?!"

Zayn raises an eyebrow, both of her hands on the spear and her knee held high in the air, like she's getting ready to break the spear in half.

"You said-." Zayn starts, to get cut off by Excalibur.

'"I did," Excalibur said, "but to kind of just like, go for it without considering my feelings made me sad, not going to lie-."

"I'm sorry, I-." Zayn clears her throat, placing Excalibur back on the ground, "that wasn't very nice of me-."

"It wasn't," Excalibur snaps, letting out a deep huff, "but we're tied to each other for life, unless one of us dies so...that means...you know...no, I can't let go. You literally picked up the legendary Excalibur and you want to get rid of me? Not a chance."

Zayn deflates, rubbing her helmet's temples in frustration. "Can you at least change shape? Maybe into something less like this?" Zayn shakes her wrist and points to the long spear on the ground, "I kind of have to go home and it'll be pretty weird to-uh-well--come home with a talking spear."

There's a moment of silence before Excalibur huffs, muttering some choice words before the spear and chains blind Zayn, both items lighting a golden hue and illuminating the cave until after a few moments, the light dims, and Zayn finally can open her eyes. She looks around her, confused to where the spear and chains went.

"You can find all that later," Excalibur said, and Zayn freezes, holding her helmet in disbelief.

"Are you in my head?" Zayn said, confused and honestly, really, really concerned that a spear is talking through her thoughts. 

"Yeah, yeah, freak out now to get it out your system," Excalibur said, snickering at Zayn's weird movements, "I don't want to really know what you're thinking either--not too much is going on in here--so I guess to be fair it doesn't matter."

Zayn freezes, feeling very offended, before Excalibur talks again.

"So can we go now?" Excalibur asked.

"Oh yeah," Zayn said, clearing her throat, looking around at the very damaged cave, but making no move to go anywhere.

"You don't know where you're going, do you?" Excalibur asked, sounding very displeased and unimpressed with Zayn.

"N-no," Zayn said, sagging her shoulders.

"Follow me," Excalibur said, already sounding very tired, "I already regret getting woke up."


Zayn took way more than twenty minutes, and she certainly did not bring back anything worth bragging about except for a talking spear, but on the way home, Zayn and Excalibur decided to keep said talking spear a secret. Mainly, of course, until they can figure out how to let Amur and Chase know how bad Zayn screwed up today, because that's the one thing she seems to do very well.

Zayn knocks on the hut's door for it to swing open and for Chase to grab her by her metal arm and pull her, Amur, and himself into a bare hug. Zayn, surprised at the sudden warm embraces, pats Chase and Amur on the back, looking down at them both as they hug her tight.

"You didn't come back!" Amur yells, her face painted with worry, "we were so worried."

"Where were you?" Chase asked, raising an ash blonde eyebrow, "and you didn't bring any meat back."

"Yeah I-uh-s-sorry-I ended up getting really lost," Zayn said, fiddling with her hands nervously, "I didn't mean to come this late and Chase, sorry about the meat. Seems like you both were right. About me."

Amur and Chase share a look before Chase sighs and pats Zayn's back while Amur shakes her head, smiling up at Zayn.

"To be fair, I did forget you're really bad with directions," Amur said, "so next time, I'll give you a detailed map to help you out, okay?"

Zayn grins, nodding her head and letting out a bountiful laugh. "Thanks, guys!" She said.

Amur and Chase share a smile before Amur freezes, suddenly stopping in her tracks.

"Oh yeah, while you were out, did you see that big beam in the sky?" Amur said, pointing to their hut's roof, "the ground shook so much that me and Chase peaked through the window and-and wow! The light in the sky was crazy. I thought one of the Gods came down for a second."

"O-oh," Zayn said, avoiding all and every point of eye contact available.

"Yeah it's probably chaos at the capitol," Chase said. He sits down in a seat in their small kitchenette, and picks up his almost empty glass, finishing up the glass of water, "I think that beam means Excalibur was moved from it's rock."

"Huh?" Zayn said, "H-huh? There's a specific b-beam for that-?"

"Oh yeah," Amur said, "it's about to be insane! The legendary hero is now here, which means everyone is going to want their grimy hands on them as soon as they're announced! Sucks to be them, aha!"

"R-right," Zayn said, swallowing heavy, "r-right, so w-what does that mean for the hero?"

"Ah," Amur said, pursuing her lips, "so that means that that hero will be working overtime, and the captain knight guards are definitely going to want them on their side--what did you do?" 

Amur and Chase meet eyes and Zayn, looking at Amur's very nervous and self-aware face, already knows that after Zayn explains herself, the three of their lives--Chase, Amur, and Zayn's--are going to change forever.

"So I didn't pick up meat," Zayn said, swallowing--hard--"but I-it turns out that I picked up a holy sword—or spear? Small world, right?"