The Mark Of A Sword (Slash II)

"Holy crap-you-you-! Slow down, will you!"

Zayn hears Excalibur shout in her head, their flamboyant voice never shy to hammer each and every syllable in her mind, but Zayn can't seem to care, too occupied with following the trail of black smoke miles away.

Zayn knows she's running as fast as she can, the wind hitting her metal helmet in crushing force and running trails around her armor like fingertips. Her metal boots-she feels the wear-in-tear demolishing with every heavy step she takes while heading towards the chaos, but she can't care, not if there's people who need her.

"Hey! Hey! Do you even know your strength?!" Excalibur exclaims, suddenly forcing Zayn to a sudden stop, "Like holy crap, do you see the damage you're causing?!"

Zayn raises an eyebrow and turns around, suddenly shakily pointing to the craters behind her, each step that she took caused the earth to cry and take on wounds in the form of holes in the ground. 

"S-sorry," Zayn said, rubbing the back of her helmet, "I-I was just preoccupied trying to get to the scene and-you know what, um-hopefully they don't think it's me?"

Excalibur lets out a heavy sign as Zayn continues to rush forward; if the spear could roll its eyes, it definitely would, just so Zayn can see it do so.


Avia is a beautiful country.

Avia has one the biggest kingdom's in the world, which makes sense, as their division of knightage is one of the most powerful in decades. Although the country of Easia is comparable with its military strength and magic, Avia's knight's reputation is on par to the reputation of the kingdom of Avia itself; one of the things you associate the kingdom with is its knights.

Avia is huge, with it being made out of many towns and small cities, its biggest city, of course, is its capitol, Star, which has one of the biggest populations in comparison to other kingdoms. Because of this, Zayn and her friends stayed far away in the outskirts of the beautiful capitol, mainly because of how populated Avia's capitol is, but the great thing about the kingdom is the opportunities that lie around it without much push, which explains how fast Chase and Amur found their current jobs. 

So, in comparison to its capitol, Kush is a small, pathetic little town that mainly elderly, really small families, or kids under the age of five populate. It's old and worn out, but the one thing that Kush is known for is its stone, one of the main components to creating many knights' weapons, so Zayn at least figured that the town won't be just abandoned--help will come because Kush comes with value--which explains why Excalibur was found not many miles away from Kush--or more like it's been sleeping at its border, hidden beneath one of the finest rock blacksmith use for swords--bleke--a unique, dark material that strengthens weaponry.

Zayn comes to a halt, flailing her arms to force her body to stop. She watches as families and children run away from the town's chaos, grabbing all and whatever they can to evade and evacuate the premise from the villain standing in the middle of the square, a tall, fuming green fiend with their long tongue out and fanged hands scraping and breaking anything it can get it's hands on. The slime from it's tongue is forcing innocent people to trip and slide, the innocent failing to run away to safety due to the impracticality of the silk texture of the newly covered ground.

"Have you ever fought before?" Excalibur asked, their voice filled with disgust at the creature, "because wow--that's disgusting. I really don't want my beautiful body touching such monstourities! Gross!"

Zayn shakes her head, rolling her neck as she moves forward, clenching her fists as she heads to the large monster.

"I've never really fought before, no." Zayn said, taking in a deep breath, "should I just go for it?"

"Probably not!" Excalibur said, whining in pain, "least have a plan! Please tell me you have a plan!"

Zayn shakes her head, but she freezes, seeing a mother and child run and trip over the large mountains of slime, eyes wide and looking up in fear as the monster chuckles, readying it's long tongue and fanged nails at them-.

"I don't think I have time for that," Zayn said, swallowing before she leans on her front leg, pushing herself forward, her hands lunged behind her, but she feels Excalibur, as reluctant as they are, forming itself in her hands, "but we'll do what we can!" Zayn said, "Because--well--that's all sometimes we can do!"

Zayn smiles, ignoring Excalibur many complaints before she lunges forward, the rush of adnreline and her strength combined filling her veins, causing the ground behind her to break, creating a hallway of holes and trenches behind her.

"You stupid humans!" The monster cackles, readying to kill the innocent family, "I told you to give me Excalibur! Where is the hero?! Give me Excalibur, or I'll kill you all! Give it to me-!"

Zayn doesn't really know how to fight--yeah, she has really bad control of her strength--and she's more of a lover then a fighter, but if she has to wing a fight to help some innocent people because of her stupid mistakes, she certainly will try.

Zayn twirls Excalibur in her hands, lunges forward, and uses her great strength to push herself in the air, arms open with only her spear in her hands as she spins the spear to where the dagger leans forward, her breaking metal boots point down, and her worries and doubts filter out with every anxiety she's every felt on this earth as she kicks forward, aiming for the top of the monster's head.

"Nah," Zayn said, kicking the monsters head with such great strength, the monster screams and dies on impact, their body splattering to millions of pieces of green gulp and slime. Zayn slams her feet on the ground to land, causing the earth to rumble, creating cracks around her feet and throughout the rest of the town. Her metal boots break on impact, cracking and falling to the ground as a last act of honor. Zayn hears other parts of her armor crack too, and she already knows the armor on her right arm and shoulder are far from gone, and she frantically feels for her helmet, letting out a soft sigh of relief when she feels no cracks.

"Holy crap," Zayn pauses, hearing voices from behind her. She turns around, frozen in place as a small ground of knights stare at her like she's the monster. "W-who are you? Did the king send for you or something?"

It's a tall woman with red hair and warm eyes that speaks to her first, but she gets cut off, as a taller man--humongous in height--with dark, short jet black hair, jasmine green eyes, and dark skin pats the woman's shoulder to make his way to the front of the group of onlookers, eyeing Zayn up and down in suspicion. 

"Name?" The man asked, making Zayn automatically stand up straight; his voice deep, commanding, leaves no room to argue or complain.

"Z-Z-Zayn," Zayn looks to the man before quickly looking away, "s-s-s-sir?"

"Squadron and knightage?" The man asked, eyeing Zayn with blinding green eyes. 

"I-I don't-? I-I'm not in a k-knightage, sir," Zayn said, fidgeting in her spot, "I-I-!

"Zayn!" Zayn hears a scream, followed by a small woman throwing herself to hug her and--oh--that's Amur with Chase rushing behind her, punching Zayn's shoulder with a annoyed look on his face. 

"You're an idiot," Chase said, "Excalibur or not, so not cool to run off like that-."

"You watched her leave!" Amur cries, throwing her head back in frustration, "I blame you too-!"

"Excalibur?" The tall man asked, eyeing Zayn, her two friends, Zayn's spear, and finally lands his eyes at her exposed shoulder, raising a thin, dark eyebrow.

"Clarke," The man calls, nudging the woman with red hair, "is that mark...?"

Clarke--Zayn assumes, looks to Zayn's arm, tilting her head before her eyes go wide, and a large smile makes its way to her face.

"E-excuse me-uh-Zayn?" The woman--Clarke--asked--"can I see your arm?"

Zayn freezes, sharing a look with Amur, who already looks ready to fight, before Zayn grabs Amur by her shoulder's to pulls her back, nodding at Clarke.

"Thank you, my lady." Clarke said, before she sneaks next to Zayn, taking a step behind Zayn to examine Zayn's light brown, caramel toned arm. Clarke's eyes trail up until her warm eyes arrive at Zayn's neck to her bicep, and Clarke suddenly laughs, softly grazing Zayn's arm with her cold fingers.

"This is Excalibur's mark," Clark said, her voice laced with happiness, "we've found the hero! The legend's were true!"

The man—the tall one with green eyes' expression doesn't change, even as his men cheers behind him, laughing in pure, innocent happiness. Zayn swallow, meeting eyes with the tall man, his bright eyes shining even more intensely with the sun's rays.

"It looks like that's one least amount of paper work to accomplish," the man said, turning his back and making moves to walk away. "Men, please be kept about this for now." The man said, watching as the small group behind him nod in respects. 

"And Lady Zayn," the man said, side-eyeing Zayn's still form, "you, come with me. You and I have things to discuss."

"We have things to discuss," Amur said, holding one of Zayn's hands; Chase grabs the other, "you won't take our little precious sister without us!"

The man gives Amur an odd look--then moves his gaze to Zayn, eyeing up and down Zayn's tall statue, wide hips, and mature assets, before he waves Amur off, like he doesn't even want to argue.

Amur huffs in satisfaction while Chase glares at the tall man. Zayn silently watches the other knights disperse, eyeing her exposed arm and barely covered hands.

"Excalibur," Zayn calls, staring at her hands, "should I be afraid of what's about to come next?"

Excalibur snickers in her thoughts, but says nothing else, filling Zayn with twice as much anxiety as before.