To Train a Beast (Slash I)

"So Zayn, right?" Zayn looks to her right, and she mets eyes with the tall woman--Clarke--right--"It's not everyday you meet the holder of the holy artifact. It's my honor to meet you."

Zayn doesn't say much at first, she just soaks up Clarke's words--and her beauty, because wow, does Black Fawne have unlimited beautiful people--where does she fit in-?

"Oh right, I won't think of it like that," Zayn said, "I'm really just someone who accidental found it and-well, here I am? If anything, thank you and Captain for being so kind."

Clark blinks, her expression drawn in surprise, before she smiles, softly patting Zayn's back.

"No need for all the thanks, but it's much appreciated," Clarke said, her eyes wandering to her left, "but they definitely would appreciate seeing you about now."

Zayn moves her head to face her left, her eyes barely focused before Amur runs to her and hugs her, squeezing her tight while Chase follows closely behind, squeezing the two of them in a barehug.

"W-well hello there!" Zayn laughs out, ruffling Chase's hair and softly petting Amur's, "I've been missed it seems-!"

"You big oaf!" Amur said, squeezing Zayn tight, her small statue barely reaching Zayn's breast, "you know how worried we were? And that humongous man took you away! Did he do anything to you-?!"

"No, not at all!" Zayn said, chuckling softly at Amur's pouting face, "he was very kind and um-I guess I start training tomorrow-."

"We are start training tomorrow," Chase said, fixing his black gloves.

"W-we?" Zayn said, confusedly looking at the trio as they avoid her eyes, "I-I thought-."

"We'll be with you," Amur said, eyeing behind her, "they'll make sure of it."

Zayn follows her eyes to a short man--his baby face and freckle cheeks make him look harmless, and the nervous expression he has on his face as he quickly avoids Zayn's eyes makes him appear a lot less threatening then the every-day Black Fawne knight.

"You both didn't do anything bad," Zayn looks at both of her friends, both Amur and Chase looking away from Zayn's face, "right?"

"Of course not!" Amur said, smiling, but the smile on her pretty face seems empty, "we should go though, they want to take our measurements for our training armor and knight armor, and we even get a free meal! Maybe being a knight was smart! We can save sooo much money!"

"You think if I ask for meat, they'd say yes?" Chase said, turning to Amur with squinted eyes, "I really want tender, barqued meat-."

Zayn and Clarke share a look, and Clarke, her kind soul, only laughs at their antics. Clarke beckons them to follow her, and Zayn, Chase, and Amur follow behind, straight towards and unpredicted future and towards a fresh, new uniform.


 After Zayn, Amur, and Chase have their body's touched, prickled, and measured for their armor, Clarke takes the trio to their room--or more so, Zayn and Amur's room.

Clarke hurriedly pulls Chase back when he tries to step inside the small, wooden room.

"Captain would like to speak with you," Clarke said, smiling at Chase, "then I will bring you to another room. You can't stay with the ladies, you know?"

Chase deflates, perking his lips and dropping his shoulders.

"I'll make sure the Captain fills your plate with meat." Clarke smiles, and that definitely helps cheer Chase up, who nods and quickly waves to his friends before him and Clarke leave, shutting the door behind them.

"Traitor," Amur mumbles, rolling her eyes at the closed door, "he didn't even fight for our friendship. What a joke."

Zayn chuckles, shrugging her shoulders, "you know him and his meat-!"

There's a small knock on their door. Zayn and Amur share a look until Amur walks to the door, stills at the door handle, and slowly opens it, her expression suddenly painted in annoyance.

"What?" Amur asked, looking at the short blonde man from earlier, his expression just as nervous from the first time Zayn has seen him.

"I'm here to bring you dinner," the boy awkwardly hands Amur the plates, all of them preserved by silver covers, "uh-enjoy-."

"And my request," Amur asked, shooting a soft glare at the small man, "what about it?"

"Y-yes, you both can stay and train with Zayn," the small man nervously steps out in the hallway, "training for everyone begins an hour after sunrise at the dot-don't be late—okay bye!"

The small man rushes away, leaving Zayn and Amur with large plates and drinks in their hands.

"Should we wait for Chase?" Zayn asked, watching Amur throw her plate cover somewhere in the room and starts to hound down her food, "g-guess not."

"He'll come back soon," Amur said, swalling a large bite of chicken and licking her small, plump lips, "I'm sure he'll be okay with us eating before him!"

Zayn smiles, grabbing her cup of water and sipping it slowly down. She'll wait a few minutes.

"Hey Amur," Zayn said, looking up from her cup of water, "thank you."

Amur stops eating, licking her lips again and dropping a large chicken leg that Zayn notes she was definitely inhaling down. Amur clears her throat and turns to Zayn, a soft smile on her pretty face.

"Always," Amur said, "that's why we're here!"

Amur happily continues to eat her food, and Zayn hesitates to continue to talk--to let her thoughts out, something she isn't always comfortable doing--but she takes a deep breath and she continues.

"But I'm not really a princess anymore," Zayn said, her eyes nervously shifting away from Amur's, "so I understand if you want to back out now. It's going to get crazy and--well--I can't even tell you-."

"You don't have to," Amur said, taking a sip of water, her indigo eyes meeting Zayn's, mainly hidden by the sturdy helmet she always wears, "before we're your guardians, we're your friends first. Princess or not, we'll stand with you-."

"Amur's right," Zayn and Amur look over to the door, where Chase kicks open with his legs, his hands layered with plates of food and drinks, "you can't get rid of us so easily. Sorry."

Zayn smiles, laughing in glee.

"Thank you guys," Zayn said, lifting her plate in the air, "how about we eat?!"