The Will of A Lady (Slash I)

Ramond attacks first to Amur a second ahead of her, dodging away from Ramon's swing and jumping high in the air. 

Ramond blinks, turning her head and looking up, and there is Amur, he big indigo eyes blinding as she reaches for the paint brush in her hand and twirls it, carefully brushing a series of paint strokes in the air until thin, yet blinding bolts of beams shoot from her brush, bursting through the sky and plumnmneting into the training grounds.

The training grounds fill with a thick, heavy grey smoke. A series of coughing fits and hacks reveal itself first before Ramon, who looks surprised and confused, searching for Amur through the heavy smoke.

"You haven't seen nothing yet!" Amur chirps, before some of the smoke clears, and Amur is pointing her now enlarged paint brush at Ramon, a large smirk on her face.

"That was pathetic," Ramon said, rolling her big pale green eyes.

"Oh really?" Amur said, twirling the large paint brush in her hands, "allow me to change that!"

Ramon rolls her eyes again and lunges forward, but she suddenly stops, watching as Amur quickly draws a kanji in the air before she disappears--then Ramon blinks--and Amur is back, but she's running quickly through the training grounds on the back of a large spotted leopard, using the remaining of the heavy smoke to hide and reappear at her pleasure. 

Ramon turns and swings her scythe, to only be pea'red by Amur. Ramon grits her teeth, swinging again to be plunged in the back by the bottom of Amur's big paint brush. Ramon then staggers, angrily turning around to swing her scythe again, but the leopard that Amur rides slides away, quickly dodging the attack and opening another path for Amur to strike Ramon's shoulder blade before she hides again in the smoke.

"That weasel!" Ramon screeches, gripping her scythe in her hands, her pale green eyes blazed with anger. "I swear when I catch you-!"

"You won't!" Amur said, lunging low, jumping above through the smoke on the back of the large wild leopard, one of her hands holding her large paint brush, the other hand swinging wildly behind her, free, until suddenly there's a flash of silver--and Amur catches it and looks in her hand to see a small knife.

Amur quickly turns her head, catching eyes with a grinning Chase, and Amur grins too, hopping off the leopard mid air, skiting to slide to a jolted stop, and sliding the knife as close as she can to Ramon's neck without cutting it too deep.

Ramon, shocked and speechless, drops her scythe and raises her hands, silently admitting defeat.

There's a moment of silence before the crowd of trainees goes wild, clapping their hands and cheering for Amur. Amur shrugs and grins, running her small hand through the leopards fur and grinning, shining a large peace sign with her small fingers to Chase and Zayn--Chase smiles and thumbs her up, and Zayn copies Amur; Zayn grins and shoots Amur back a peace sign.

"As alright as that was," the elder knight said as he stands up and dusts off his black armor, "you cheated. No interfeces within matches."

"You never said that wasn't allowed," Amur said, huffing and folding her arms, "sounds to me like you should have announced that before we started squabbling, ain't that right?"

The elder man glares at Amur, readily aiming a angry finger at her small head, but Chase intervenes, letting out a soft sigh and waving the older man off.

"I'll go next," Chase said, "don't get your old man panties in a bunch."

"You rude-fine! Who wants to go next with this guy?" The elder man asked. He searches in the crowd for any volunteers--to no one raises their hand, nervously looking away from the older man and Chase. 

"You all scared fools!" The man yells. He whips his head, grabbing a random victim--a skinny boy with terrified eyes sitting among the recruitments--and shoves him in the arena, almost causing the small boy to fall into Chase.

"You'll be his opponent, squirt," the elder man said, but then he eyes Amur, shoving a finger in her face, "and after we're done here, expect to do at least 100 laps around the grounds as punishment."

"Y-you see how big this place is?!" Amur yells, raising her small fist, "like hell I'll-."

"Are you talking back to a Squardron leader, squirt," the elder man said, smirking, Amur glares at him, clenching her small fist, "I thought not." He said.

"I'll run with you, Amur." Zayn said, patting Amur's back, "don't worry about it. I'll carry you too if I have to."

Amur smiles, grabbing Zayn's hand and squeezing it in assurance.

"To your seats, ladies and bulk of metal," the elder man starts, eyeing the two boys standing in the large space, "you may begin."

After the three ladies sit--with Ramon still in shock, folding her hands and staring into space while Amur lazily slouches and leans her head on Zayn's lap, the older man cheers to start the match-.

Chase launches forward, dodging a soft punch from the skinny male and side stepping to his opponent's side. Chase grabs his opponent's arm, spins the skinny male, and pins his arms on his back. Chase then grabs his opponent's forearms and pins him to his knees by his foot, looking down at the other man with unamusement. 

"Am I done now?" Chase said, scowling at the man on his knees, whining in pain, "lunch is soon."

Infuriated, the elder man stands up, shouting and letting out a series of cusses. He stomps to where Chase is, grabbing him by the collar before he throws Chase to lands on his butt and on the palms of his hands.

"You all are weak!" The elder man said, throwing his hands up, "how do you not even last a second in the ring! You've had to had cheated too!"

Chase rolls his eyes, standing on his feet and dusting himself off.

"You're really starting to piss me off," Chase said, scowling at the elder man, "a knight with no freaking dignity seems to have more problems with me than the guy who just got his ass beat--figures."

"What did you say?!" The elder man said, lifting a hand to swing at Chase's face, "I'll show you no dignity-!"

The elder man swings, aiming for Chase's face. Chase sighs, closing his eyes to settle to take on the punch, but the impact never comes. As a result, Chase opens his eyes, looking wide-eyed at Zayn, holding the older man's fist in her palm as she stands above him, silently watching the elder man struggle to get out of her grip.

"I can understand criticism," Zayn said, her head tilted down as she talks to the elder man, "but I do not agree with unsolicited violence, especially towards my friends. That's not very chilvarious."

The elder man struggles until Zayn let's go of his fist. He holds his throbbing wrist, glaring up at Zayn and baring his teeth.

"You dare talk about chilvary like you know what that means!" The man yells, pointing at Zayn, "you--I'll show you--you're next, and I-I'll make an example out of you!"

"I-uh-wait, um," Zayn said, nervously pointing to herself, "then I-who's going to be-?"

"Me, stupid girl," the elder man said, pointing to one of the racks of weapons, "grab a weapon and get ready to really spar."

"Sir, that's not fair." Chase said, placing a hand on Zayn's wrist, "we all at least fought our peers-."

"Shut up and sit, twat," the older man spewed, glaring down at Chase, "and it's Squadron Leader Kevon to you, little boy."

Chase glares down at the man, ready to open his mouth to say more, but Zayn taps Chase's shoulder, shaking her head.

"O-okay, yeah, sure uh-I'll just do that!" Zayn said, eyeing the weaponry, "do I just like pick one or-."

"Hurry up!" The elder man said, waving Chase and his opponent back in their chairs and heading over to the middle of the field, annoying tapping his feet away in impatience.

"You don't have to fight him, Zayn." Chase said, "I appreciate you sticking up for me, but I'll just apologize."

"No, it wasn't right," Zayn said, shaking her head, "a-and I'll make sure to be super duper careful, promise!"

Chase sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, "just don't break too many things," Chase said, eyeing Kevon with disdain, "and don't hurt him--too much--maybe a lil' though."

Zayn nods her head, patting Chase's shoulder and heading to the line of weapons. She awkwardly roams her eyes across the line of various weapons, debating on which one to choose.

"You could just use me, you know?" Excalibur exclaims, their voice filled with annoyance, "I wanna have at 'em too. He's so annoying."

"You can't be seen yet," Zayn said, muttering to herself, "be patient, hm?"

"Hurry up," Kevon said, eyeing Zayn with annoyance, "I haven't all day."

Zayn gulps, quickly grabbing a random sword and rushing towards the elder man.

"Well here goes nothing," Zayn said, heavily swallowing her nerves down, "I'm so gonna break something."