I Can See Through You (Slash II)

It is chaos.

Which is ironic, mainly because the God of Chaos, Vivic, skips all meeting pertaining to the Gods--like this one, yet each God is bickering with the other, picking fights when not needed, needlessly picking and prodding when their business is not asked upon--it is a mess, it has been since Plasmatio has gone to rest. Awfully enough, rest doesn't mean dead, so the chosen nisf daw's cannot be crowned, which also means that until the new King is assigned, the Gods do not have a leader which means--fuck.

The chaos pauses, however, as a man--tall, pale, with pale grey eyes and matching hair climbs the long stone steps to the council lounge of the Gods. It's a room that floats on a rock, decorated with large soft chairs and large couches, as well as many water fountains and tables fill with every exotic fruit.

Yet, the tall man with grey features has always been unimpressed by the Gods fine dining, especially in a time of crisis that seems to bestow chaos between various realms.

"Look who decided to show up," it's a man with a white robe and bright green hair that lazily eyes the man and rolls his eyes, "always late and playing with the humans. What did you do this time?"

The man with gray eyes silently eyes the men, ignoring his speech and rolling his eyes.

"You aren't my mother," the man said, "Nor King, so I feel no need to respond."

The man with green hair sits up, looking almost ready to give the other man a peace of his mind before a woman--one with long purplish silver hair and pale pink eyes--raises her hand at the man with green hair, which instantly stops the man.

"Whatever." The man with gray mumbles, rolling his eyes at the scene.

"Dismiss me all you want, but we have much to discuss." The woman said, to which causes the men with green hair to whistle and for the man with gray eyes to glare at her. "Why are you late? To such an important meeting?"

"Discuss my plump cheeks!" It's a small girl with bright pink hair and eyes who whines, plopping on her back as she eyes the grey skies before her, "we keep arguing! We're never going to get squat done! Urghhh, I just want my candy!"

A man beside her--with white hair and black eyes, just shakes his head, signaling with his hands a message that means "waste of time."

"I agree." This time it's a burly man--muscled and elder--with bright red hair and brown eyes. "Seems to me like ya youngin's don't know how to converse about war!"

"War?!" The man with green hair exclaims. "Old man, you just like to piss me off, huh?"

"Enough." the woman with purplish-silver hair said, bringing back order amongst the Gods, "why are you late, Karvinia."

The man with grey eyes--Karvinia--sighs, rubbing the back of his neck before he chooses to open his mouth.

"So I may have made a mistake," Karvinia said, avoiding any and all eye contact, "there may be more than one heir on my end. Shit. Crap. I have to stop drinking man."


"Hey Zayn, cheer up!" Amur said, nudging her best friend, "you started like three days ago! Give yourself some slack."

"Enough that you don't start a cosmic war or something, of course." Chase chimes in, scoping up a spoon of vegetables to shove in his mouth. "Then, everything should be fine-ow!"

Zayn deflates, leaning her head in her arms as she plays with her food. It's been a few days since her and Jeremiah's training session together and they've been...not so great. Mainly because Jeremiah gave her the task to only knock down a dummies head, which even after hours of trying, she can't seem to do (she did get close once, but ended up destroying another mountain--she really hopes Jeremiah does't have to pay for that). Like can't a girl just destroy a dummies head without causing chaos and destroying everything around her? Jeez, why is she born like this?

"Zayn, you got this!" Amur said, poking Zayn's shoulder and smiling down at her, "plus we'll help! We can practice together after dinner if you want!"

Zayn smiles, reaching for Amur to snuggle her close.

"I love you so much." Zayn said, holding the small girl tight, "what would I do without you?"

"You'll never find out." Amur said, grinning and rubbing Zayn's metal shoulder, "plus ditto! Like girl, without you I'd have to deal with Chase, and he's...just a man."

Chase rolls his eyes, grumbling under his breath as he shoves another mouthful of veggies in his mouth.

"'Sup losers." it's a familiar voice that sits next to Zayn. Zayn looks up, watching as Ramon slides in the seat next to Zayn and starts to eat her food.

Amur and Chase share a look before Amur pouts, eyeing the tall girl.

"Why are you sitting here?" Amur asked, eyeing Ramon suspisously.

Ramon stills, tensing up. She takes a swing of water from her cup and gulps it down, slamming it on the table as she wipes her mouth.

"'Cause I want to," Ramon said, "problem?"

Chase rolls his eyes, rubbing his forehead as he attempts to mind his business and silently continues to eat.

"You're lonely and you have no friends," Amur bluntly said, "that it?"

Face aflame and words stuttering out, Ramon slams her hands down at her table as she rudely jams a finger in Amur's face.

"I-I-do have friends!" She yells, causing the other knights to watch as she flinches, her pale face more on fire, "j-just not here. At the moment. That's all."

Amur, Chase, and Zayn share a look before Zayn happily signals to the seat next to her, beckoning Ramon closer.

"That's okay!" Zayn said, a smile in her voice. "We are all still pretty new to each other, so making friends can be tough! We wouldn't mind being friends, right guys?"

Chase awkwardly plays with his food while Amur gives Zayn a wide eye look, mumbling some very choices words.

"I-Zayn-why, ugh-." Amur said, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Whatever, but keep your stank attitude to yourself-what are you doing?"

Amur confusedly watches as Ramon politely and very mannerly takes Zayn's plate and stacks it with Ramon's serving of chicken, which Chase is clearly eyeing with lust.

"Why are you being nice to Zayn?" Amur said, holding Zayn's hand tight. "What are you up to?"

"What, pipsqueak?" Ramon said, clearing her throat, an evident blush on her face. "I just like girls with armor, that's all."

Chase chokes on his spoonful of veggies.