What Does It Comes Down To? (Slash III)

"Look who decides to show up," Sierna said, glaring at the trio with her hand holding the back of her head in pain, "look who came to rescue you, Ramon."

"Screw off," Ramon said, eyeing the trio through her dark lashes, "having weird-ass powerful friends suck."

Amur is the first to walk forward, glaring up at Sierna with menacing eyes.

"Repeat what you just said, squid-fish?" Amur asked. "I dare you to repeat what you just said."

"I certainly can, piquesqueak." Sierna said, rolling her eyes and causing her group of friends to laugh. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"

"That can be arranged." Aimer said, pulling out her small paint brush from in her pocket and twirling it, causing each twirl to increase the size of the brush until it's taller than even her short statue. She points her paintbrush to quickly write a kanji in the air before she's suddenly standing on a large steel stool, her small frame peering down at Sirena and her group of friends with menacing eyes. "Now that we're even, speak."

Sirena nervously looks behind her until she crosses her arms, eyeing up at Amur with annoyance.

"I-it's not my fault that you all are getting this weird special treatment. I didn't know Black Fawne had favorites!" Sirena said, smirking nervously up at Amur. "Besides, it's natural for me to assume that there's some foul play here, especially with tin can over there-."

There's a sudden pressure to her eye; Sirena looks up, shakily staring up at Chase who's holding a mini silver knife to Sierna's right eye--his gaze cold, calculating, like he's measuring how much pain he can cause with just one knife. 

"N-no using weapons in the mess hall!" One of Sierna's friends exclaims, causing Chase to whip his head around and glare at the new speaker, who hides behind Sirena, peering through her bangs in fear. 

"You used a weapon first." Chase calmly said, pointing at Ramon's head, "Attacking someone with food can cause damage too."

"That's not at all the same!" Sirena exclaims, shoving a finger in Chase's face. "You're lucky your good looking because you're freaking dumb, farm boy."

"That only makes one of us." Chase sighs, rolling his eyes to walk away. Embarrassed and fuming, Sierna huffs before she grabs a fork abandoned on the ground and throws it at the back of Chase's head. 

Chase holds his head, looking over at Sierna with wide, annoyed eyes. Amur looks ready to use her paint brush menacingly, and Zayn knows this is going too get bad, real bad, so she raises her hands, clearing her throat to gain everyone's attention.

"That was not nice, Chase and Amur--we must not act violently, right?" Zayn said, smiling at her friends, who look away in shame, but with no regrets. "and that wasn't nice either, Sirena. We shouldn't throw things at anyone. We should all apologize and make up and--I believe your words towards us and Captain are cruel too and--if he would have heard that, he may have been hurt as well-."

"Why?" Sirenia laughs, pointing her finger at Zayn. "Oh, wait! I'd be offended to if someone assumed I slept with a ugly tin can-."

Zayn flinches, but doesn't respond because responding with violence does not solve things, it only settles one parties feelings, and even that, its only temporarily, but Zayn can see the angry seeping out of Chase and Amur's bodies--and Zayn reaches out to stop them, but surpringly it isn't Amur or Chase who attacks first, but Ramon, who slaps Sirena so hard the girl staggers back, shockingly looking at the girl above her. Ramon's eyes--however—from once its usual green hue, are now a bright orange. 

"That tin can has been kinder and nicer than any of you ugly shits." Ramon said, shaking the hand she slapped Sirenia with, "so I'd be offended standing next to a bitch who only knows how to sleep around to step up the ladder--don't think we don't know you slept yourself to top five for training. You're not that good at fighting."

Angrily, Sirena grabs a random bystanders tray of food and hurdles it at Ramon, who watches the tray as its seconds from hitting her face, but it's Chase's quick reflexes that causes him to kick the tray forward, the sharp edges to the old tray hurdling back at Sirena and creating a large cut from her nostrils to her neck. 

"Oh..." Chase said, eyeing the mess he made as blood drips from Sierna's face and onto the ground, creating a large puddle by how deep it is, "…shit."

Chaos insures, causing a massive riot between Sierna's friends and Amur, Chase, and Ramon, with Zayn worriedly standing out of the chaos, watching the disaster as people throw trays and food and pull on other's hair and clothing, to sneaking punches and slaps and-.

"Is this what is know as a cat fight?" Excalibur asked from within her thoughts, but Zayn doesn't have time to respond as a loud voice booms from the mess hall's doors.

"Enough!" The voice yells, the partipants from the fight draw their eyes to Lia, who's standing at the mess hall with disgust and anger on her face, and Clarke, who slaps a hand on her face in despair.


"I cannot believe I am truly dealing with this," Jeremiah said, sighing as he rubs his temples in annoyance. "Please, someone enlighten me on what occurred this morning in the mess hall...why was there a food fight?"

"Mess," Zayn snorts, "in the mess hall-oh, sorry, bad timing."

Jeremiah gives her a unamused look before staring at Amur, Chase, Ramon, Zayn, and Sirena as he looks between the mountains of paperwork he has to finish by the end of today and the five knights in his face that started a food fight.

"She started it." Chase said, pointing to Sirena, and he said nothing more. 

"Who cares!" Sirenia said, pointing towards her face covered in bloody bandages, "look what you did to my pretty face! What am I going to do?! You ruined my face!"

"Pretty is questionable." Amur said, but she said no more.

"You-!" Sirenia said, but Jeremiah holds his hand up, stopping the onslaught from furthering.

"Someone tell me what happened." Jeremiah said, before his eyes land on Zayn, "Zayn, please."

Zayn gulps, looking between her friends before she nods her head. 

"Me, Amur, and Chase walked into the mess hall to catch Sirena and her friends bullying Ramon," Zayn said, "a-and Sirenia said some hurtful words, which then well--Amur and Chase only reacted to protect my honor. I swear that was all! A-and then Sirenia threw a tray at Ramon and Chase...reacted by--well, sending back the meal to the kitchen, if you catch my drift! W-which explains the injury and--if you're going to punish anyone, I-I'll take it-!"

"It was my fault!" Amur said, stepping forward. "Punish me!"

"I'm the one who dealt that really cool kick," Chase raised his hand, "I'll take it."

"I'll...I'll also take it." Ramon mumbles, raising her hand. What they did was because they didn't want to witness an injustice, and if you punish them, you may as well punish me too."

Jeremiah looks at each knight, letting out a loud sigh before he turns his attention to Sirena first. 

"Is what they say true, Knight Sirena?" Jeremiah asked, causing Sirena to flinch.

"W-well-." Sirena stutters, to quickly get caught of by Jeremiah.

"My next question will be what was said." Jeremiah said, staring at Sirenia with a blank expression. "So choose wisely what comes out your mouth."

Sirenia only bows her head, muttering a small apology.

"I will be questioning other knights about any previous offenses as well, but I do not work with knights who bully their peers," Jeremiah said, waving Sirenia off, "so I'll give you until the end of tomorrow to say your farewells and head home, Ms. Sierna. Any other punishments will be handing out after investigation."

"What?" Sirena yells, slamming her hands on Jeremiah's desk. "B-b-but it's not my-they-but I'm top five and-."

"Your actions today bring that into question, Ms. Sierna," Jeremiah sighs. "Please save you dignity and head out. Clarke will assist you with the resignation procedure."

Sirena screams in Jeremiah's face, throwing whatever papers on his desk at his face and storming out of his office. Jeremiah seems unfazed, however, as he looks to the four other knights in his room.

"However, as I know your intentions weren't malice," Jeremiah said, "you did bring you're weapons into the mess hall, so I need to at least give you some sort of punishment. Chase and Amur, you two will be cleaning the toilets today, and you're forbidden of using you're powers until you resume training." 

Chase shrugs and Amur makes a face of disgust, but they don't agrue any further.

"I-I'll also help, Captain." Zayn said. "They did it to protect me and Ramon and-it wouldn't be chivalrous to leave it to just them."

Jeremiah, first shocked but then his expression remains unreadable, only nods his head, not arguing further.

"You are dismissed." Jeremiah said, to which the four of them walk out, yet Zayn turns her head, meeting eyes with Jermeiah, who nods at her, causing her to smile.