Zayn blinks, opening her eyes to one of her hands holding Excalibur, the other outstretched, blocking the remains of dust and ash from the woman's attack. Zayn breathes in heavily, feeling the cool night air penetrate in and out of her nostrils. She licks her chapped lips, raising her hands to see one arm's armor is torn to shreds, its material ripped to tatters and lying on the ground while her metal armor from her hand and sleeve is broken on the stone ground, bent and twisted from the attack's impact.
Zayn looks up, watching as the beautiful lady stares at her with surprise. She eyes Zayn with big eyes as she clenches her sword in her hand.
"Kid..." Excalibur said, "your arm-."
Zayn looks to her right arm, noticing the large glowing blue markings that establish her as Excalibur's master are now larger. They spread down her arm and on each fingertip like a vein. Her light brown arm glows with a pretty, gently blue light, like an angel halo.
"Exi," Zayn said, watching her arm glow, "what is this?"
"It seems like my mark is starting to truly form." Excalibur said. "You are truly the real deal, kid."
"Are you wielding Excalibur?" The woman asked, eyeing Zayn's arm with distaste. "How the hell did I find Excalibur and Aliashmizazz-?"
The woman slowly looks up, her sword bursting into another big red and white flame as she stares at Zayn with wide eyes.
"I-I'm not sure what A-A-ali-whatever that is." Zayn said, nervously stepping back. "But whatever you're trying to do, it looks really dangerous-!
The woman lunges forward, bringing her sword to her hip to swing it, but Zayn reacts, gripping Excalibur's body and stepping back, slamming the bud of the spear on the ground, breaking the earth and releasing a gust of air. Zayn gasps, staring wide-eyed at the large, translucent-like large seven marbles surrounding her. Each large marble has a red kanji on it, yet most of them are light, pure blue, except for one, which is slightly tilted black, but similar to its kin. Each marble floats in the air effortlessly, bouncing softly up and down.
"E-Exi." Zayn said, eyeing the large marbles around her. "What's going on?"
One of the marbles--the one with the '怒り' kanji glows, swirling around Zayn until it floats in her hand, changing from fluorescent blue to a deep, charcoal black.
"It looks like her sins are grave." Excalibur said. "What an evil woman."
"What's going on Excalibur?!" Zayn asked, watching as the orb glows. "What is this?"
"You may not be too informed yet kid." Excalibur said. "but I'm the weapon of gods and heroes; the image or whomever the user is. One of my biggest strengths is to see evil--especially the evil in people's souls, you hear?"
Zayn gulps, watching the orb burn brighter.
"You said you don't want to kill, right?" Excalibur asked with a smile in their tone. The woman glares at Zayn, holding her sword in her hands and casting down a deeper, redder flame. "Well let me show you a close second technique. You don't kill anyone, I get to eat, and this wrench is put to rest. Let's try it."
Zayn swallows, stepping back as she readies to parry another attack.
"I-I'm listening!" Zayn said. "B-but please be quick. She looks like she really wants to kill me."
"Good! See that orb in front of you?" Excalibur asked, "Aim the spear to it and use all your strength."
"I don't think that's a good idea!" Zayn said. "I can't control my strength a-and if I aim it at the orb then I'll kill the lady-."
"Trust me." Excalibur said. "Trust me, Zayn."
Zayn pauses, before finally she nods, pushing one leg behind her, widening her stance, and using her other arm to help guide her in her throw. Zayn closes her eyes and breathes, gulping down all her anxiety, all her fears, all her nervousness before she widens her eyes, grits her teeth, and lunges the spear at the marble.
The spear hurdles through the wind and straight through the orb, changing from its once black and gold body to a pure white and gold color. The spear digs into the earth, ripping through stone and dirt before it skips forward and twirls straight to the beautiful woman, whose mouth opens wide right before the spear pierces the woman's shoulder.
The woman glares at the spear in surprise, grabbing its body to pull it out of her body, but she screams, looking at her hands, now boiling in red like she touched a hot stove. The woman struggles to pull the spear out, but her face slowly tattoos itself with dark veins, and her once-red hair and eyes turn a pure, pale white.
The woman drops to the floor, reaching for her blade to realize the blade is a dull color, the flames penetrating out of it before dulls to a small, white flame.
The woman looks up, her eyes surprised and pitiful as Zayn watches the woman struggle to stand. The woman, however, trips over her own two feet, and Zayn rushes forward to help her, but a sudden gust of wind pushes her back. Zayn looks up to the woman being carried by a hooded figure, but the figure's eyes--a burning, bright purple, linger in Zayn's vision before the figure and woman escape, leaving without leaving a trace behind.
"What...just happened?" Zayn asked, watching the spear that was stuck in the woman's shoulder now appear in her hands. "What did I-what was that, wait-!"
Zayn staggers back, suddenly feeling dizzy and weak. Zayn trips and falls back, but it is a strong pair of hands that hold her--ground her--comfort her hammering heart.
"It appears that was enough fuel to let me form." It is a soft voice that explains, but Zayn's vision is blurry, and she can only see a pale figure in front of her, their skin changing into a tan hue and their pales eyes turning a ruby red, like the ladies. "How about you take a quick rest while I signal those dumb knights? Ah...and I should cover your arm and-..."
Zayn doesn't catch the rest, she just lets herself fade into unconscious and sweet, sweet oblivion.