Miscalculations Cost (Slash II)

Teleporting to the temple is never fun, especially under pretentious reasons, but after many years of working for the royal family and being Captain of Black Fawne, Jeremiah is sadly used to it.

Himself, Aliane, and Lia teleport to the outskirts of the large temple. Since there's a barrier that protects the church from outside magic, Aliane can only teleport them to a central point of interest--that being where the carriages drop off the rich and foolish--and then they must walk a distance to finally get to the temple's large doors.

It's built like a fancy, crystal cathedral with its light blue accents and delicate infasctruce. The building cost mountains-full of golden coins just to build its outer layer, and if Jeremiah hadn't been called here under the guise of business to only be forced to do the temple's dirty work, Jeremiah would have been mesmerized.

"Let's hurry up and fucking leave." Lia grumbles, dragging herself forward.

"Agreed." Aliane said. Jeremiah nods his head in response.

The trio greet other cloaked priest or young maiden priestess throughout their walk through inside the large, hollow temple. After many steps and levels below, suprsingly not surprising, Prince Miuoi is waiting for the three of them by a large door tucked in the corner of the hallway.

"You work fast, Prince Miuoi." Jeremiah said, nodding his head like he's impressed. "I was sure we'd beat you here."

"I wonder when you'll finally address me as a brother rather than an employer, Jeremiah." Miuoi said, softly smiling. "But I just used the ole' carpet to arrive, even though Tex hates it."

"That's because you often arrive in places without knights." Jeremiah said. "You do remember being a prince, correct?"

"That's why I have you." Miuoi said, smiling. "Now shall we carry on?"

Jeremiah sighs before he steps forward, ushering the doors open by pushing the doors with his hands. The doors creak open to reveal a room with candles surrounding every corner, illuminating the room with a golden light. There are rows of wooden seats leading towards the front of the room, where a large altar with glasses of wine and bread reside. Standing down in front of the altar is a woman, her back turned, yet her silky golden hair tries to hide itself in her black and white priestess veil, as her hourglass-shaped body fails to unreveal itself, even under such holy garbs. 

"Miss." Miuoi calls, followed by a-opened-mouth-appalled Lia. "We are looking for the priest-."

"That bastard?" The woman asked, turning her head to reveal her ruby eyes and annoyed expression. "He's always fucking leaving when you need him--oh, hi Lia."

The three men in the room stare at Lia, who shrugs and lets out an awkward chuckle.

"Yeah uh--right, hi." Lia said, clearing her throat. "Hi Kalia."

"She is...?" Aliane asked, eyeing the beautiful woman disinterestedly.

"She's my cousin." Lia mutters. "And a crazy one at that."

"Lia, how are you?" The woman said. She fiddles in her pockets until she takes out a cigar, using a candle near her to light the small cigar aflame before putting it to her lips. "Mages treating you well?"

Lia makes a soar face until she cries, running over to Dalia to hug her closely.

"Horrible!" Lia whines. "Not one cute freaking guy--just surrounded by old people!"

Dalia sighs, petting Lia's head as she scrunches up her face in frustration.

"Figures, the temple is shit too." Dalia said. "All old men and no pretty ones available."

"I wouldn't call myself old." A soft, light voice said from behind the crowd, causing everyone to turn around to spot a tall man with pale skin and black eyes and hair in priest robes, wearing a large silver cross on his neck and small cross earrings to dangle in his ears. "but I don't think I'm too bad in looks either, Priestess Dalia."

"Fuck." Dalia mutters, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Annoying prick."

"Wow." Lia said, standing up straight and tapping Dalia's shoulder. "He's hot."

"The Gods forgive us all." Aliane mutters under his breath.

"Well hello Priest Null." It's Prince Miuoi who steps forward and bows his head. "It's been awhile."

"Likewise, Your Highness." Null said, "I apologize for Dalia. I've told her time and time again no smoking, but she often resists me."

"Like hell you'll be able to tell me what to do, cherry top." Dalia mumbles. "I hate wearing these stupid robes anyway. Can I take them off?"

Null clears his throat, offering his audience a strained smile. 

"Ms. Dalia, I'd appreciate it if you'd wear them correctly," Nulla said. "your cleavage is showing. As a priestess-."

"Yeah, fuck that. Why hide a good asset?" Dalia said, raising an eyebrow. "Plus this is the closest you've gotten to a woman's bosom, cherry top. Be grateful."

Null stares at Dalia, his pale face burning red as he stutters out a response.

"I do not mean to cut your conversation short." Jeremiah said. "But the matters that you called us upon are important. I do not deem it good to waste time."

"R-right, sorry Duke Jeremiah." Null said, "You're right. We have issues we must discuss. The first being that Aliashmiazazz has been stolen, and Tian has been greatly wounded."

"Right." Miuoi said. "How shall we proceed?"

"We must hurry and find Aliashmiazazz." Null said. "Without the key, the boundary holding Tila will form cracks, and eventually the city will be open to any dark magic or enemy attacks."

"Who know who's grimey hands has Aliashmiazazz!" Lia said. "The more evil the user is the more stained the key will get and--it'll be too dangerous to wield the key and put it back in place. If anything, it'll taint the barrier.

"If we have a strong purity mage, that can be prevented." Null said. "But we must find Aliashmiazazz and purify Tila. If only we had a powerful purity weapon as a temporary defense for Tila's barrier."

"I'm aware Excalibur uses light magic." Miuoi said. "Can't the sword potential help with that?"

"Excalibur?" Null asked, catching Dalia's eye. "We have heard of its light, but no news of the hero being found yet."

Miuoi looks to Jeremiah, who sighs, pinching his nose in annoyance.

"I guess we cannot push this back any longer, sorry Knight Zayn..." Jeremiah mutters below he stands up straighter, bowing his head at Null. "I have not been fully upright. The day the light appeared, Black Fawne made contact with Excalibur's wielder."

"And this wasn't reported?!" Dalia exclaims, "How could you-?"

"In Jeremiah's defense," Miuoi said, looking between Null and Dalia. "I agreed to keep Excalibur a secret until its wielder is more trained, but I guess we can't stall the inevitable forever."

"Your Highness!" Null said. "The temple-."

"Holds powerful authority, alike the royal family, correct." Miuoi said. "I desire to make no enemies. However, putting a young girl in the ring of fire isn't in my desires either."

"As much as I understand your behavior," Null said, "we must hurry and crown the hero. The treaty's meeting date is soon to be set, and we need Excalibur more than ever to tame this barrier."

Jeremiah keeps his gaze away, thinking about how dreadful relaying this to Zayn is going to be. He never really even desired to put her in this position in the first place. If he could never relay the news of Excalibur and its new master, he'd never do so, but times such as this place his morals behind his duties. 

"I will...I will ready Excalibur's master for coronation and the expedition quickly." Jeremiah said, moving his hands to his backside and clenching his fingers. "I will have her ready to help with Tila's barrier problem as well."

"The coronation must be done by the end of the week," Null said. "That is as much time remaining as I can give. Afterwards, the fate of Excalibur's master is in the Gods hands. Gods bless."