Chapter 7: Last Night

Eliza woke up the next morning, her thoughts still tangled from the previous night. As she stretched and rubbed her eyes, a soft knock echoed from the door. Reluctantly, she opened it to find a resort attendant holding a breakfast tray adorned with a delicate arrangement of flowers.

"Compliments of Mr. Adrian," the attendant said with a warm smile before leaving.

Eliza's heart fluttered with mixed emotions as she stared at the breakfast. The flowers were beautiful, and the gesture was sweet, but it only deepened her confusion. She ate mechanically, her mind racing with questions about Adrian and the warnings she had received. Desperate for clarity, she decided a swim might help clear her head.

On her way to the pool, she passed by a group of resort staff chatting in hushed tones. She slowed her pace, her curiosity piqued when she caught Adrian's family name being mentioned.

"I heard the DeLuca family owns this place," one of the staff whispered conspiratorially.

"Yeah, and the only heir is staying here right now," another replied.

Eliza's stomach churned. Could they be referring to Adrian? She wanted to ask the staff for more details, but before she could step forward, a manager appeared, scolding the group for gossiping instead of working. They scattered, leaving Eliza with her growing suspicions.

"Great, now I'm a character in a mob movie," she muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes at the absurdity of it all. But the nervous laughter did little to ease her unease.

After lunch, Eliza's curiosity got the better of her again. She ventured back to the maintenance shed, the scene of her earlier discoveries. This time, she saw Adrian entering the shed, his face set in a stern expression. She crept closer, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Come on, Eliza. You should really take up knitting or something," she whispered to herself, knowing her curiosity could lead her into trouble.

From a small hole in the shed's wall, Eliza peered inside. The sight made her blood run cold. Adrian sat in a chair, his demeanor icy and authoritative. The soft candlelight flickered, casting harsh shadows on his face. Around him stood several men, their expressions grim, holding another man who was clearly in distress. The man's face was bloodied, and he trembled with fear.

"You think you can betray me?" Adrian's voice was low and menacing, a stark contrast to the gentle tone Eliza was used to. "Did you really believe there would be no consequences?"

"P-please, I didn't mean to!" the distressed man stammered, his voice cracking with desperation. "It was a mistake, I swear!"

Adrian leaned forward, his gaze piercing. "A mistake? You cost me, and my family, dearly. Do you think an apology can fix that?"

"I'll make it right, I promise!" the man pleaded, tears streaming down his face. "Just give me a chance!"

Adrian's expression remained cold, unyielding. He glanced at one of his men, who stepped forward and delivered a hard punch to the man's gut. The man doubled over in pain, gasping for breath.

"Adrian, please," he begged, his voice barely a whisper.

Adrian stood up slowly, his movements deliberate and controlled. He walked over to the man and grabbed him by the collar, lifting his face to meet his own. "You were warned," he said quietly, his tone almost sorrowful. "Now, you must face the consequences."

He released the man, who collapsed to the ground, sobbing. Adrian turned to his men, his face hardening once more. "Finish it."

"Please, no!" the man screamed, his voice echoing in the small shed.

The sound of the gunshot was deafening. Eliza's body went numb as she watched the man slump to the ground, lifeless. She stumbled back, barely able to process what she had witnessed. The Adrian she had known, who had been so gentle and kind, seemed like a different person entirely. His cold, ruthless demeanor was terrifying.

Eliza's mind raced as she ran back to the resort, her heart pounding in her chest. The image of Adrian's cold eyes and the lifeless body haunted her. How could he be capable of such cruelty? The man she had begun to care for deeply was now a stranger to her.

In the lobby, a cheerful staff member approached Eliza with a bright smile. "Good news, Ms. Eliza! The ship's repairs are complete, and we'll be setting sail first thing in the morning."

Eliza tried to muster a smile but could only manage a weak nod. "That's… great news. Thanks."

Not picking up on her distress, the staff member continued, "Oh, and by the way, there's a farewell party for all the guests tonight. It's going to be quite the event! We're talking fancy food, music, dancing – the whole shebang. You wouldn't want to miss it!"

"Fantastic," Eliza replied, her tone more sarcastic than enthusiastic. "Because nothing says 'relaxing vacation' like a good old-fashioned murder mystery party."

The staff member laughed, assuming she was joking. "You have such a great sense of humor, Ms. Eliza! I'm sure it'll be a night to remember."

"Oh, I'm sure it will," she muttered under her breath. "Just not for the reasons you think."

Eliza forced another smile as the staff member walked away, leaving her standing in the lobby, her mind swirling with the events of the day. She needed to get to her room and process everything, but the idea of facing Adrian again made her feel sick.

As she turned to head towards her room, she bumped into another guest. "Oh, excuse me," she said, trying to sidestep the burly man who was more focused on his phone than his surroundings.

"No problem," he grunted, barely glancing up.

"Yep, definitely a night to remember," she whispered to herself. "With any luck, it'll end with me actually getting off this island in one piece."

With that, she made her way to her room, trying to shake off the sense of dread that had settled over her. As much as she wanted to ignore the upcoming party, a part of her knew she needed to keep her wits about her and stay alert. After all, the resort had proven to be anything but the paradise it seemed.

Once in her room, Eliza locked the door and collapsed on the bed. Tremors wracked her body as she cried, the image of Adrian's cold, cruel demeanor playing over and over in her mind. She had no idea what to believe anymore.

Night fell, casting a deep shadow over the resort, and Eliza woke with a start, realizing she had cried herself to sleep. Her cheeks were damp with tears, and the quiet of her room was interrupted by a persistent knocking at her door. It was almost as if the universe had decided she needed to face her troubles head-on.

With a shaky breath, she opened the door, finding Adrian standing there. His face was a mask of concern, eyes filled with a mix of worry and desperation.

"Eliza, I've been calling you for about thirty minutes now. Are you okay? You're not dressed for the party," he said, his voice laced with anxiety.

Eliza trembled slightly, her resolve hardening as she forced herself to meet his gaze. "Actually, no, Adrian. I'm not going to the party. I just… I can't."

Adrian's eyebrows knitted together in concern. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine," she said, her voice faltering. She could barely look at him. "It's just… I have to go."

She attempted to close the door, but Adrian's hand shot out, stopping it with a gentle yet firm grip. "Do you want me to accompany you? I can order some food, and—"

"No!" Eliza interrupted, her voice sharp and unsteady. Adrian stepped back, taken aback by her sudden outburst. "I mean, I want to pack and rest. I'm really tired."

His eyes softened, and his voice grew warmer, almost making her forget the chilling sight she had witnessed earlier. "Are you sure? I can stay if you need—"

"Yes, I'm sure," she cut him off, her voice resolute even though her heart was breaking. She could feel her resolve crumbling under his gentle demeanor. But the image of him commanding the men in the shed haunted her thoughts, and she shuddered involuntarily.

"Okay," Adrian said quietly, resignation clear in his tone. He turned to leave, but before he did, she felt a sudden surge of courage.

"And Adrian," she called after him, her voice trembling, "I think it would be best if we stopped seeing each other. The ship is repaired now, and maybe it's time we resumed our lives… back to when we didn't know each other."

Adrian looked back at her, his eyes filled with a pain that mirrored her own. They stood there in silence, the weight of unspoken words and unshared feelings hanging heavily in the air. Adrian finally broke eye contact, giving a slow, pained nod before walking away.

As the door closed behind him, Eliza felt a fresh wave of tears spill down her cheeks. She sank onto the edge of her bed, her emotions a tangled mess of confusion and sorrow. She had been so sure of her decision, yet the pain in her heart felt like it had surpassed even the hurt from discovering her ex-boyfriend's infidelity.

The resort, once a promised escape, now felt like a cruel reminder of her tumultuous emotions. Maybe this cruise vacation had been a mistake after all. She tried to steel herself, reminding herself of the need to stay strong. Yet, no amount of self-talk could quell the ache that had settled deep within her.

As she lay down, her tears continuing to fall, Eliza wondered how she had ended up here, in this strange and painful situation. She wished for clarity, for a resolution that would make sense of the chaos she had found herself in. But for now, all she could do was cry, clutching at the shreds of her heart as she faced the lonely silence of her room.