Chapter 11: Attempted Reconnection

Eliza still couldn't believe it. She was pregnant. She had just returned home from the clinic, the confirmation echoing in her mind. One month along, the doctor had said, perfectly matching the date of conception during her whirlwind cruise trip with Adrian.

As she walked into her small apartment, she looked around, feeling the weight of her new reality. The apartment was a cozy haven filled with warm colors and vibrant decor. She had chosen every piece of furniture, every piece of artwork, creating a space that felt truly her own. The living room was a mix of vintage finds and modern comforts, with a large, overstuffed couch that invited relaxation and a coffee table perpetually covered with fresh flowers from her shop.

Eliza's father, a businessman, was often abroad, immersed in his ventures around the globe. She remembered the rare times he was home, his presence more like a shadow passing through her life. Her mother had passed away in a tragic accident when Eliza was just a little girl, leaving a void that no one else could fill. Growing up as an only child, she had learned to be independent, resilient, and self-sufficient.

She had managed to carve out a life for herself, owning a small but thriving flower shop that had become her sanctuary. The shop was her pride and joy, a place where she could lose herself in the beauty of nature and the joy of creating. The scent of fresh flowers always lingered in her apartment, a constant reminder of the life she had built. At 28, she still couldn't quite grasp the fact that she was going to be a mother. The idea of caring for another life, of being responsible for someone so tiny and fragile, was both terrifying and exhilarating.

She kicked off her shoes and wandered into the kitchen, her mind racing. The table was cluttered with magazines, all featuring Adrian DeLuca. It had been a week since she discovered her pregnancy, but she still couldn't decide if she should inform him. She picked up one of the magazines, staring at his face.

"He looks so different here," she thought, tracing his image with her finger. "So polished, so distant." The man she had known on the cruise had been charming, attentive, and passionate. This man was a powerful CEO, surrounded by rumors and secrets.

Eliza sank into a chair, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. "What if he forces me to abort the baby?" she whispered to herself, the fear gripping her heart. "Or what if he doesn't believe me at all?" The thought of Adrian dismissing her or, worse, being indifferent to their child was terrifying. Yet, another part of her was deeply worried about his rumored connections to the mafia. Could she risk bringing her baby into such a dangerous world?

She had spent the past week diving deep into Adrian's life, determined to gather as much information as she could. Adrian DeLuca wasn't just any CEO; he was the head of DeLuca Enterprises, a sprawling conglomerate with its origins deeply embedded in the heart of Italy. At 32, he held a commanding presence in the business world, respected and feared by many. His company had interests in various sectors, from luxury goods to real estate, and its influence extended globally.

But beyond the polished veneer of his professional success, there were darker whispers that trailed him. His family, the DeLucas, were rumored to have connections to a powerful mafia organization, a shadowy legacy that tainted their every move. These rumors suggested that the DeLucas had built their empire not just through legitimate means but also through more nefarious activities. This dangerous association cast a long shadow over Adrian's accomplishments, making Eliza's already tumultuous emotions even more conflicted.

As she dug deeper, she uncovered more about his personal life. Adrian was often seen in the company of a stunning brunette, a woman the media speculated to be his long-time girlfriend. Though their relationship had never been officially confirmed, they were frequently photographed together at high-profile events, always impeccably dressed and exuding an air of exclusivity. This woman, with her elegant poise and undeniable beauty, seemed like a permanent fixture in Adrian's glamorous life.

Eliza stared at the photos, feeling a pang of inadequacy. The woman's perfect features and sophisticated demeanor made Eliza painfully aware of the vast gulf between their worlds. She couldn't help but wonder how she, an ordinary florist from a small apartment, could ever fit into the extravagant and perilous life of Adrian DeLuca.

Eliza sighed, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. She stood up and walked to the vase on the counter, plucking a single rose. Fresh flowers always adorned her apartment, a perk of owning a flower shop. Whenever she couldn't make a decision, she turned to flowers to guide her. It had been her habit since she was young, a ritual she held onto for comfort and clarity.

Holding the rose delicately, she began plucking the petals, whispering to herself, "Tell him... don't tell him... tell him... don't tell him..." Each petal fluttered to the floor, carrying with it a piece of her indecision. As the last petal fell, it landed on "tell him." She let out a shaky breath, her fingers trembling slightly. The flowers had spoken. It was decided. She would tell Adrian.


A few days later, Eliza found herself standing nervously in the lobby of DeLuca Enterprises. The sleek, modern building towered above her, a symbol of power and prestige. She approached the receptionist, a polished woman with a professional smile.

"Hi, I'd like to see Mr. Adrian DeLuca," Eliza said, her voice trembling slightly.

"Do you have an appointment?" the receptionist asked, her tone courteous but firm.

"No, I don't, but it's important. Could you please inform him that I'm here? If he can't see me today, I'll schedule an appointment."

The receptionist looked skeptical but picked up the phone, making a call. After a brief conversation, she hung up and nodded. "Mr. DeLuca's secretary will see you. Please proceed to the top floor."

Eliza's heart raced as she rode the elevator to the top floor. She was doing this for her baby, she reminded herself. She had to be strong. Stepping out, she was greeted by Adrian's secretary, a sharp-looking woman who guided her to a luxurious lounge area. The office was impeccably decorated, exuding wealth and sophistication.

After a few minutes, the door to Adrian's office opened, and there he was. Adrian looked as handsome as ever, his presence commanding yet somehow comforting. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him.

"Eliza," he greeted, a smile playing on his lips. "What a surprise. Please, come in."

She followed him into his office, trying to steady her racing heart. The office was expansive, with floor-to-ceiling windows offering a breathtaking view of the city. It was filled with elegant furniture and tasteful art, a testament to Adrian's refined taste.

"So, what brings you here?" Adrian asked, sitting down across from her, his eyes curious.

Before Eliza could respond, the secretary knocked and entered. "Mr. DeLuca, there's a call on line 2. They're quite insistent."

Adrian sighed, clearly annoyed. "Excuse me for a moment, Eliza." He picked up the phone, turning his chair to face the window.

Eliza couldn't hear the other end of the conversation, but she could see Adrian's expression darken. "I told you, I'm not interested in discussing marriage right now," he said, his voice low and angry. "If she's pregnant, she can deal with it on her own. I have no plans for children anytime soon." There was a pause, then Adrian added in a chilling tone, "If she doesn't handle this, I'll make sure she regrets it."

Cold sweat formed on Eliza's forehead. Her breath quickened as panic set in. She couldn't stay here. She had to get out. Quietly, she stood up and made her way to the door, her heart pounding in her chest.

As she reached the receptionist's desk, the woman looked up, surprised. "Miss, where are you going? Mr. DeLuca will see you now."

But Eliza didn't stop. She pushed open the door and ran toward the elevator, tears streaming down her face. She pressed the button repeatedly, willing the doors to open faster. Finally, the elevator arrived, and she stepped inside, feeling like she could finally breathe again. As the doors closed, she collapsed against the wall, sobbing. Coming here had been a huge mistake. Adrian wasn't the man she thought he was. He was dangerous, and she couldn't risk her baby's safety.

As the elevator descended, Eliza's thoughts raced. She had to protect her child. She had to find a way to move forward without Adrian. This dream had ended, and now she had to face the harsh reality on her own.