After those spaceships landed, they all started opening up to release the alien soldiers and they started shooting at the people killing many and continued to kill. All ready soldiers get in their gear nd take their riffles and go and try to resist. The first targets are their space ships and they blow them up. Police officers are evacuating the remaining survivors and sending them to their homes or refugee camps. At night, the some of the remaining alien soldiers are walking around neighborhoods while the survivors hide. Daniel's family has also survived the attack and are hiding. They tune in on the secret radio and the person says "we are under attack and we advise you to turn off all the lights in the house and all the electronic devices and stay in your hiding spots. One of the houses in Daniel's neighborhood keeps it's lights on and immediately, the alien soldiers walking around quickly enter the house and start shooting at the people inside. They start screaming but then they stop and seconds after, the shooting also stops and the soldiers walk out. This all happens while Daniel's wife and kids are peeking outside their window and are frightened of what they just witnessed. They quietly walk up to the basement and start living there.
The next day in Russia, some police are sent to that forest to look for the bodies of the spies they had sent. But unfortunately, they are nowhere to be seen. The police can't continue the search because of the dangers of the area they were in. They retreat immediately. The commander on the other hand has somehow found a way to go back to the United States and also survived the attack. He failed the mission and wants to help fight this things and is planning to use his tactics and help defeat the aliens. He goes to the nearest army base and offers to command. The base holds over six units which are patrolling the area. One of the units is the one that Daniel and Malcolm were drafted into. Commander Dawson becomes the new commander of the six units since the former commander unfortunately didn't survive the latest attack and it seems like the 6 units have the best commander now. Daniel and Malcolm seem to have gotten along and now talking like friends "these might be the last days we are talking to each other" said Daniel and Malcolm said "I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time I've heard that" "well if this commander is really good he can help us survive this war" said Daniel "do you have a family?" asked Malcolm "yeah. My wife and two kids why?" answered Daniel. But right then, an explosion was heard in the surrounding of the base. "We are under attack now go go go go!!" said the commander while the soldiers put on their gear and got their riffles to go and defend the area. They start walking outside.
But turns out, it was a trap. Immediately when they start going outside, the building is surrounded by the alien soldiers. They started fire taking the upper hand against the human soldiers. This caused the human soldiers to retreat but some of them were shot on the spot and died. This made five of the remaining soldiers bring out RPGs, one for each of the five. They fire at the alien soldiers blowing them up and weakening them. The rest of the human soldiers start shooting at them again and they get the upper hand. Some of the alien soldiers escape others are shot dead and others were killed by the RPGs. The human soldiers start collecting the dead bodies of the alien soldiers. Most of them are really damaged by the RPGs and some of them are in flames. A small number of them were the ones which were only shot. They remove their face covers and reveal that they are some kind of humanoid creatures but they don't have noses. the commander calls them in for a meeting to teach them some of his best tactics. We get to know that the alien soldiers didn't attack that base only. Many bases were attacked at that time around the world.
The commander started his lesson. Someone will be writing the tactics and send to the soldiers' bases around the world. This is to make sure the same tactics are used. The commander then starts saying "so fellas it seems like these aliens are trying to weaken us in every way possible. We have to make sure they don't win because we cannot recover from it. These are the best tactics we must use in this war. First of a troop at war must have the following skills, which are doctrine, discipline, commitment, training and resilience. All times in war, you have to maintain the aim and morale. Even if it seems you're about to lose, never ever lose the hope and maintain your morale. You have to focus on the aim and make sure to not get distracted. You have to plan also to surprise the enemy. This will weaken them physically and mentally because he will start thinking that you might attack anytime and they'll also want to attack. You will have to have trapped them using the tactic and they'll find you ready for them and then shoot at them hard until they are too weak".
The commander continued the principles by saying "security is another thing that should be done. Areas that you should be staying at in war should be protected and highly classified. This is to avoid any surprise attack to cause too much damage and weaken us. The next is concentration of force. By this I'm saying, if those aliens happen to capture some areas, the borders of the remaining uncaptured areas should have a big number of troops protecting it. The next must be economy effort. When at war, armory shouldn't be overused. Because it will lead to shortage and hence losing war. Every soldier should carry a riffle and maybe a pistol and some grenades. You shouldn't throw it all to the enemy. You'll be weak and eventually get defeated. Weapons should be used accordingly and you also have special gear and that also should be worn accordingly. The next is flexibility. Whether it's day or night, winter or summer, drought or floods, a troop at war should be always ready to take action on the enemy at any time and ready to be attacked at any time. That is also something a troop should know.
The commander adds "another principle is co-operation. As most of you have heard, teamwork makes the dreamwork. So this means I do not want some bastards to go out there and want to work alone. I'll make sure people like those get punished and kicked out of the army. We don't want some idiots wanting to do something stupid of such sort. So please have teamwork and a high team spirit. The next principle goes to me. It's administration, as you all know troops at war need basic supplies such as food and water. This must be the responsibility of the commander in charge to provide the basic supplies. Another one is attrition. I really do not recommend this one but it's important for you to know it too. This is a method used by troops. They destroy their enemies' resources and supplies in order to weaken them. But again the reason I don't recommend it is because you also might need the supplies and the resources that you destroyed.
The next and also the opposite of attrition is manoeuvrist approach. This the method I truly recommend since you don't have to destroy those supplies and resources. You have to focus on the enemy and the way of defeating him. Because if you win the war, you might need to use the resources. The next is attacking the weakness. As you all know everybody has a weakness. Those are not people but it doesn't mean they don't have a weakness. We are gonna find it out and use it against them. And last but not least, cut communication. If you cut your enemies communication, it'll be hard for them to talk to each other and you will use that to your advantage and it'll be easier to defeat them. All these tactics and principles that I told you, I quoted them from Sun Tzu, an ancient Chinese commander and war expert". The person who was writing on the other hand prints many copies to be sent to other bases around the world. Meanwhile, Israel, as the best spying country, is helping by sending bugs to where the alien bases are suspected to be located. SpaceX on the other hand has been building another flat planet in space that people shall evacuate if the war is lost. It is surrounded with a dome. But living for someone to go there, they will have to be conditions.
The papers are sent by a big drone that is moving around the world and dropping the papers at the bases. But when it's returning, it gets shot and blows up. It immediately falls on the land it was above of and it turns out, it is an alien base. When the drone control team loses the drones signal, they suspect it's the aliens that have shot at it. They immediately inform NASA which also informs the government. The government also sends spying bugs to the location. When the bugs reach there, sure enough, it's an alien base. They inform the nearest army base from that location and they prepare to drop a nuclear bomb at the perimeter. The jet carrying the bomb flies to the area. When it is near, it informs the control team and ask for permission to nuke the area. "Sir we are two minutes from arriving at the area. We ask for permission to drop the bomb sir" the general in the control room grants the permission by saying "permission granted, you can proceed" "copied sir" said the pilot of the plane. The plane finally reaches the area and simply drops the bomb, nuking the area. The place explodes severely like no other explosion in history. The control team celebrates and also informs the government. But what they didn't care about was the consequences of the action. After a couple of minutes, Russia was being attacked.
The attack soon kept advancing to the rest of Europe and some countries had already been conquered. This was making the human army weaker and weaker overtime. Some countries like the United Kingdom and Russia were still holding on and fighting back and by this, they bought time for the United States and China in their power, to evacuate the rest of Europe to the southern part of the earth. Fighter jets were being sent to the area and help the army. But the aliens had more advanced and dangerous weapons and easily destroyed many of them. Seemed like an upper hand by the aliens. The human army tried to send as many missiles as they can to the alien conquered areas but it was all in vain. The people in the areas that had been captured are continuously being killed for no reason. The aliens wanted to show what they will do.
At this rate, almost half of the earth will be captured in five days. Commanders start lining up soldiers in their respective areas of protection. They are ready that anytime, aliens can attack their areas. A whole night passes which seemed like an eternity but no action from the invaders. But right the next morning, the United States get attacked. Luckily, many people have been evacuated and others are also going. This gives more confidence to the soldiers and all units protecting the United States meet at once and fight back. In Europe, other countries have also been captured. The countries which are still fighting back are United Kingdom, Russia, Germany, France and Italy. While the others have failed to fight and the rest of Europe has been conquered.
The war in the United States intensified and the after online 15 hours, the aliens had already conquered five States. At this speed, these aliens are conquering the whole world in no time. Since the aliens have already conquered Washington DC, the president has also evacuated and is now in Australia. The soldiers in America continued to fight back but the aliens were finding their weak links and use them against the soldiers. Many soldiers are dying and their bases are being destroyed. Meanwhile, Germany and France have already been captured. Aliens have now reached at the base where Daniel's unit is. Daniel's unit was in the south and it was the last area in America that the aliens hadn't captured yet. This conquering war was going faster than we thought. The six units tried to fight as much as they can. Tanks, jets and even drones were being used just to defend the area. Missiles were being sent to the aliens to weaken them but the alien soldiers were just too many
Russia on the other hand was still resisting but half of it had been captured including its capital Moscow. Meanwhile, the planet that had been being built for evacuation has been completed and two large space ships will be responsible for taking the evacuated to the planet. The planet is flat and it was surrounded with a dome. The ships will be first taking the high profile people. But the trips will be starting the next day. The first people to be taken are all going to Australia to wait for the next day and leave. Back to the war in America, the last area is tough to capture for the aliens. Daniel and Malcolm are also on the battlefield and are also shooting at the enemy. In the gunshot sounds, Daniel says to Malcolm "Look Malcolm, if this our last moment together, I just wanted to say, even though you didn't like me talking to you, I really thought we could be good friends" "we are good friends, you are the only one that handled my attitude and I felt that someone was close to me again, never has anybody tried to be friends with me since it happened. Thank you for everything Daniel". Right then, a spherical object was thrown in the middle of the soldiers and started beeping. They immediately figured out that it was a grenade and then Malcolm said to Daniel "I hope you win this war buddy. And promise me you will fight until victory" "what are you talking about?" asked Daniel realising what he's about to do. But Malcolm only smiled and winked at him. Then he ran and sacrificed himself and covered the grenade in time to save the rest.
The grenade blew up and instantly killed him on the spot. There was a moment of silence. Daniel had just lost his friend at war. It was devastating. Then, aliens continued shooting at them but now, the aliens have seen that the soldiers are becoming weaker and soon, they won't be able to defend the area anymore. The aliens take advantage of the opportunity and shoot at them even more. The human army in the area can't continue fighting back. This prompts their leader on the battlefield to tell their commander that they are backing down. "Sir, we can't fight anymore. This has gone out of hand we are backing down I repeat we are backing down" then the commander answered "ok captain, seems like we don't have a choice anyway" "copied sir" replies the leader on the battlefield. For Daniel's family, they have also been evacuated and are now in the third class of the people to be taken to the flat planet. The captain calls out 9n the war and tells one of his soldiers to take a white flag as a sign of backing down. All the states of America had been captured. The United Kingdom on the other hand has been captured too. Asia, Africa, Australia and South America were the next targets.
The rest of the people find out that America has been captured and now they start panicking. This might be the end of the world. As for the soldiers who were fighting in America, they were also withdrawn from the area. They were taken to Australia and they were all in the fourth class of the people to be evacuated. Daniel finally reunites with his family in Australia and because he was a NASA director, he asked the responsibles to move his family to the second class. The request was accepted.
For the rest of the six hours, Africa and South America were also at war. These were the easiest continents to battle. For Asia, China, North and South Korea and Japan were the most resistant countries in Asia and were teamed up so the area would take a while to capture. Meanwhile, the first class of the rich was taken to the flat planet in two huge space ships. Others were waiting hoping to also go before the aliens reach and attack Australia. The next day, Africa was captured. This happened overnight. This happened so fast and when the news came out, the lower class of evacuation started thinking they won't make it on the ship. We then see a spherical object that looks a lot like the ones that were roaming around in the skies. It is a drone and it can also shoot bullets. Unfortunately, it is in the skies of Australia. It seems like it's here for something. Back to the commander, he is in an apartment and is reading a book. He has no family. The spherical drone is targeting the commander in the apartment. It shoots and the bullet goes through the commander's head eventually killing him.
The news circulate around the world and to the people already at the flat planet. Now the people of the second class are getting ready to depart. Daniel's family is also departing with the second class. Daniel and his family share their goodbyes and hope to see each other again at the flat planet. "promise me you are gonna come safe as sound and we will finally unite as a family" said his wife "I'm sure and I promise we will finally be together once again. But I can't believe we are losing this war. This shouldn't be happening" said Daniel and his wife quickly said "don't worry, I'm sure something will be figured out but first we should all be safe as a family" "okay. I hope so" said Daniel. Then a huge space ship lands and they prepare for take of. Hudson says " dad, promise me you'll join us" "yeah dad" said his sister "I promise" answered Daniel. Then the family walked into the ship. After some minutes, the space ship flew away. While walking around the camp, Daniel heard some people saying "did you hear what happened to the commander?" "yeah I heard he was killed but the killer is unknown" turns out, the two people who were talking about the commander were in the same unit as Daniel used to be. He approaches them and asks them "Hey, did you just say the commander was killed" then one of them said "who are you to talk to us?"
"this is Malcolm's friend remember" said the one he was with. "oh, I remember you" said the other one. "so what were you saying about the commander?" asked Daniel "oh yeah he was shot in the head and eventually died" answered one of the two. Daniel then walked away and started wondering how that could have happened. Meanwhile, South America has now been conquered too. And also Japan and both Koreas had been captured. Now China was surrounded but now the aliens brought their advanced weapons and many more soldiers to capture China.
The next day, the third class was to be taken. Meanwhile in China, things escalated quickly with the aliens already conquering half of it overnight. Since the rest of the world had been colonised, some people didn't get a chance of being evacuated with the others. Especially in Africa and South America. The aliens were continuously killing the innocent people. The third class on the other hand is taken too and the fourth class of the survived soldiers will be taken the next day.
The next day, China was also conquered and now the whole Asia was conquered. Australia and New Zealand were the only ones left. The evacuation ships were arriving while the survived soldiers prepare to get into the ship and leave. But a few seconds later, strange looking jets start flying over Australia while also shooting at the people. One crashes into the two evacuation ships and blowing them up. This gives the rest of the people no way of escaping the planet.