After a few days, the head of the health department still refused to drop down the case. Agatha put on her black suit, black cape and black sunglasses in her bag after ordering all her workers to go for a day holiday. She therefore took her sniper riffle and quickly went to her car and drove. There are some things that ran in her blood that she found so hard to understand. She was naturally a perfect killer and knew how to hide her traces.
She suddenly stopped in the middle of the road. She seemed to be in deep thoughts. She took her bag then looked at the gun. She kissed the gun proudly and pointed it towards the incoming. She immediately shot the driver of the car that was approaching her car and drove away faster. Luckily the car she had choose that day did not have a number late. Fortunately, she made sure that everything she did was approachable.
As soon as she arrived outside the Mr. Morgan the head of health department house, Agatha dressed into her black suit and black mask then drove into the house past the gate which caused a huge break on the gate. She parked her car and put on her black sunglasses and her mask. She carried her gun using her left arm and got out of the car. The family of Mr. Morgan out of the house astonished. Morgan lived with his wife and two daughters. Luckily, their eldest daughter was not in. Morgan’s wife immediately took her phone and wanted to dial a number in order to make a phone call but Agatha immediately shot her arm.
‘Stubborn is good for the kind hearted who want to help the society but not really good for the wicked who want to get whatever they want no matter what’ said Agatha who immediately shot Morgan’s daughter on the head using her silent bullet in order not catch anybody’s attention around the neighborhood.
Her lifeless body slowly kissed the ground as Morgan and his wife looked at her tears welling down her eyes.
‘Don’t even dare mourn her. I know it’s the most painful thing. Death is pain. Have you ever asked yourself if people will mourn you sincerely? Maybe the answer to that is vague but death was built and death must be accomplished’ said Agatha again who shot both Morgan and his wife on the head.
Agatha quickly went back to her car and drove off without caring if all of them were dead or not. She felt that she had accomplished her task at the end and nobody was in the position to dare tell her anything.
On arrival at home, Agatha took out her gun then put it in her bag. She went to her backyard and dug a small portion of the backyard then buried the gun inside including her mask and sunglasses. She therefore went inside her house, took her cancer drugs and slept on the couch after switching on her television even though she was eager to hear the latest news in town.
Since the last few days, Agatha remained silent. She neither went for the sweet wife set nor even dared to go and look for Talia. Her phone was totally switched off. This really drained Talia emotionally since Amina was still angry with her after she tried to make out with Agatha. Talia tried so many times to apologize to Talia but Talia never dared to listen to her even for a single minute.
Talia decided to slowly park her belongings from her closet. Her ego never allowed her to stay where she was not wanted. As soon as she finished parking her belongings, she slowly carried her suitcase to the living room where Amina was seated playing with Melody. Talia widened her eyes in disbelief since for the past few days, Amina had avoided Melody. This still made her angry to an extent that she quickly went to where Melody was seated and carried her away from Amina. Amina immediately stood and followed her trying to stop her from leaving.
‘Haven’t you heard from the news? Mr. Morgan is dead and my hotel is opened right now and running like before’ said Amina smiling.
Talia put Melody down who goes back to play and remove her phone from her pocket. She goes through her social media handles and is astonished to find out that whatever Amina has told her is the truth.
‘He’s been shot. Have you done it?’ Talia asked Amina.
‘Is this what you can think of me? I am not capable of killing anyone and you know that even while I was out of town. Many people mocked me so much. I had the power to kill them but I couldn’t because I felt that killing a person is not really a good thing.’ Said Amina.
‘I am sorry Amina for every thing’ said Talia.
‘It’s okay. You are free to love whoever you want. I will support you’ said Amina.
Talia nodded her head and immediately left. She wanted to know the main reason why Mr. Morgan was shot and she had only one person in mind, Agatha.
Talia drove quickly to Agatha’s house and entered without Agatha noticing since Agatha was still asleep. She was astonished to see medicines on top of the table. She went and checked through the medicines and tried to research about them. She felt terribly sad as soon as she found out that the medicines were for a cancer patient. Talia looked at Agatha as she wept bitterly till Agatha opened her eyes due hearing her cries.
She stood from her couch and looked at Agatha filled with lots of anger.
‘What are you doing in my place?’ asked Agatha filled with lots of anger.
‘I…I ….why have you never told me that you have cancer?’ asked Talia.
‘What brings you to my home’ Agatha asked a little bit irritated.
Talia looked at Agatha speechless. She felt that Agatha was the one who murdered Mr. Morgan and his family but felt it was useless to confront Agatha.