Where all the bad souls go

Yuan gently nodded once, barely taking his eyes off Deacon who signaled one of his men to open the door. No sooner the door was opened than Yuan walked in and the door was locked again. One of the gunmen pointed a gun to Yuan's head who still kept his hands in the air. Without losing his cool, the detective looked around and asked, "Is anyone hurt?" Deacon looking at him attentively announced coldly, "Six people are dead. Charge their blood on my head. I've three more hostages. Whatever that will happen to them will be on your account. No funny business."

"Can I take a look?" Inquired Yuan.

"You have ten seconds," Deacon replied.

Yuan nodded, dropped his hands and walked to inspect the dead bodies. Walking back to where Deacon, "Quiet a mess you have created here. I feel you could have done better."

"This is no place for feelings old man. Lest I forget, where's my van?" Deacon asked. "It was parked at the spot you stood."

Deacon made reference to the mini- bus they came with. It was a black mini- beast that had served the gang faithfully in countless operations. It had tinted wind- shields and windows. No one could see anything therein from outside. It was, perhaps, the gang's lucky charm.

Yuan gave reply in a flash of a second, "Oh, I didn't know that was yours. It was towed away."

Deacon exhaled heavily, "You have five seconds to bring it back and to ensure that your stooges are at least fifty meters from it or the security officer dies."

"No need for that. You're surrounded." Yuan negotiated. "This is not taking you anyway. We can end it now and I ensure you and your men can get reduced sentences."

"We counted the cost. It's either we die here or face the electric chair in the execution room," Deacon countered.

Yuan was not backing down either, "You are smarter than this."

Deacon looked at Yuan and broadcasted, "Kill him."

The man who held the gun to the security officer's head pulled the hammer down and locked his finger around the trigger. The Officer closed his eyes – ready to be rendered lifeless. Yuan, raised his hands again and yelled, "Wait! Wait! You will get your wish! Van on its spot and a fifty meters radius! Just don't kill him. Please."

Deacon nodded and the gunmen withheld his finger from pulling the trigger. He looked at Yuan and remarked, "You better get moving. I don't have the whole day." Yuan nodded and one of the gunmen opened the door for him to exit. The door was locked again. Yuan was seeing from afar yelling instructions to his men. And without further ado, the armed police contingents moved back to allow for a fifty- meter radius. They however kept vigil – Their weaponry still poised at the bank, waiting for a signal to attack the gang. Ten seconds went by but the Van was yet to be brought. Deacon instructed one of his men, "bring him." He shoveled Crystal away from his grip and placed the Security Officer against the glass door. Of course, Deacon placed his gun to the head for Yuan to see. The detective rushed to the door waving his hands and shouting, "What are you doing!? The van is coming!" Deacon pulled the trigger – gunshot rang out aloud – blood splatted from the officer's head as he fell dead. "Five seconds is all you had! Five! It's now a minute! If you don't bring my van in the next five seconds he dies!" Deacon yelled pointing at Mateo.

Yuan, breathing heavily and with anger burning in his eyes, looked at Deacon, "Okay! Give me a little more time." But the Kingpin was hell- bent to his time allowances, "Van! Five Seconds or he dies!" Yuan nodded.

The count- down was immediately on. Luckily, the tow truck sped to the scene with the Van dangling at its tail. The Van was parked right at the spot where it was found. And the tow truck was driven out of sight immediately. Yuan exhaled heavily. He knocked at the door of the bank. Deacon signaled his man to open for him. The moment he walked in, Yuan rushed to Deacon and yelled, "What was that for!?" Deacon, serious as it were, pointed his gun at Crystal and replied, "Time wasted."

Yuan paced about – gathered his thoughts and emphasized, "No more shedding of blood."

Deacon shook his head and remarked, "I didn't kill him. You did."

Yuan, startled, wondered aloud, "How?"

"Let my men and I get to the van safely and drive away. I will drop off the two hostages after hundred meters," Deacon made mention.

Yuan, failing to believe his ears, he sought for assurance, "you expect me to trust you after killing all these people?"

"You can still save someone," Deacon parried instantly. "Besides we don't have time. The bomb is detonating in less than fifteen minutes. What do you say?"

Yuan nodded intently, "How about I grant you a safe passage to wherever you want to go in exchange for the two hostages? You leave them and I let you go."

"I'm not stupid old man," Deacon shook his head. "They are probably the reason am still alive. I've given you my word, I drive away for 100m and you can have them."

The timer on the bomb glued to Crystal's vest read thirteen minutes. Cognizant of this, Yuan gave another nod and consented, "You can have a safe passage and hundred metre allowance. Just make sure you spare the hostages or I will drag you to hell myself."

"One more thing, any of your men follow me or shoot at us, I detonate the bomb and we all die," Deacon warned. "Don't act funny."

Yuan turned and walked out of the bank. As agreed he, together with his team, kept a fifty-meter radius. The men in uniform kept the aim of their guns at the door of the bank. The door to the bank opened again and Mateo, with his hands up walked. To his head, a gun held by one of the robbers was firmly placed. The Sweeper followed next closely with the backpack full of jewelries on his back and cash- filled trunk in his hand. He wheeled the trunk with easy. Next, Deacon emerged with a firm arm- grip around Crystal neck. His gun pointed to her head emphasized the fact that he was not ready to give up. The other two gunmen provided cover.

In a single file, the robbers and the hostages marched and one after the other disappeared into the tinted mini- bus. The doors to the automobile were locked. Yuan and his men watched on from a distance. A number of minutes went by but the vehicle was still stationary. No movement was noticed. No word was heard. It was quiet. Yuan beckoned his men to close in on the vehicle where Deacon and cronies hid. The moment they halved the radius from the mini- bus, the automobile exploded and a huge fire ensued. The men in uniform scampered back for dear life. The fire grew with each second that passed. Yuan, with an awe- stricken face, yelled, "No!!!" He watched hopeless as the fire consumed the bus.