- I want you to sculpt the beauty of my daughter. – He said, when he called him to his mansion.

So the next day he drove like any ordinary day at the moment, to a secluded country mansion in the seaside town of Golden Valley, he walked in, it was when talking to the old man of a mansion, he was introduced to what would be something phenomenal..

- I want you to meet my daughter, Frida, she will be your model, I want you to immortalize her, in a series of sculptures, mannequins and paintings to leave her for life, showing the world her true beauty.

In Leonardo's opinion at that time, Mario was the thickset rich man, he was one of those rich people affected with ugly daughters, but because of the money, he thought they were the most beautiful in the world, he was prepared for an ogress, it was then, that the truth surprised.

A diva, the goddess of love and beauty incarnate, just over 21 years old, with a long purple blue dress, was walking down the stairs, her beautiful sculpture, defined body, made him say.

- You are my inspirational muse. - Leonardo said, when starting his work that besides finishing he saw his future wife, mother of his children, in front of him.

He managed to enrich himself by writing, painting and sculpting thanks to his beauty muse, when he asked her to marry him, but happiness was short-lived, his father-in-law died months before his wedding.

Even though there was no time to have children, five years later, his muse fell ill, being just over 26 years old.

One of the most famous and richest sculptors in the world was in trouble, recently his wife, his muse and model, who was considered the most beautiful woman in the world, a German was dying.

He sought out experts, first the humans, then the obscure, when they sought out the mages, but each one of them always said.

- Leave your affairs in order, she had her time and her time has come. – Every one of them said.

- I had a fulfilled and happy life, it was good to be with you while it lasted... - She said, in her bed.

For a young woman, she accepted her end of life, her premature death, well, the same could not be said of a wizard of over a thousand years, he was afraid, one of those fears was loneliness...

He did everything to prolong her life, even if it was to carve the real one and rip the life out of her, in one of his sculptures, he always heard the excuse, he always heard the same things from every mage, doctor and specialist.

She recently found out that a cancer of the uterus that had spread to her ovaries, had metastasized to her bone marrow, spread throughout her body, was in stage 4...

- You only have six more months to live. - He said.

So he even went after the werewolf and vampire clans, hearing the same things.

- She is dead, accepts her life, had a happy life, let her have her affairs in order. – He heard from one of the mages of each of the cult clans.

At that time, he refused to let it go, so he created a series of mannequins, a series of statues...

Over the months, they didn't see the young lady anymore, but a month after they isolated themselves, he resumed sculpting by making statues, in the midst of an advertisement, he began to make advertisements, looking for young models and sculptors, with the promise of that they would be rich and would have the fact that they would be their new muses....

That's how young women between the ages of 17 to 26 began to answer the ads and disappear, not to be found.

In one of the advertisements, a group of police officers decided to answer when they entered an old building as was the advertisement, they said that according to reports of disappearances and occurrences of high cases, one of the sculptors was found dead, without their heads and without blood.

They followed one last 17 year old girl, who responded to the ad, in which she entered the building, she followed unaware that she was used as bait, when Tsuki asked her to answer.

- Nothing will happen to you, we will follow and save you if something happens. - Tsuki said.

Tsuki followed a tracker and a GPS, alongside Apsu Nimurta as they both sniffed out what would be...

- We smell blood. – Apsu said.

The girl was surrounded by sculptures with bleeding and severed heads, she ran deeper, when she came across the dead and lying body of Leonardo's muse with catheters and around her lying, several bodies of other models, who had bags and syringes that they transferred blood with magic circles.

- This is to save her and keep her life, so that she lives forever and you will be one of her sacrifices. - He said chasing her.

The girl screamed, running from there, hearing from the room.

-Take her and rip her head off, bring her body to me. – He ordered.

Among her sculptures with heads, which were chasing her.

- You heard him, your head will be ours. – Then, several headless mannequins, various sculptures, were chasing her through the corridors.

The girl walked away almost surrounded at the end of a corridor entering a room, trying to get away when she used chairs as a barricade, to be destroyed in her path, when chasing the girl.

Meanwhile, still going in and running while destroying the headless mannequins.

- It's very concentrated in the background. – Nimurta who headed towards a long corridor in a building in pieces that was abandoned and in need of repair.

So, they were surprised and surrounded by something very strange and abnormal, they were the headless mannequins, they entered the corridors, when they saw that in a room there were decapitated heads.

They were statues, not just any statue, but they were marble sculptures that were alive, using the decapitated heads of all the missing teenagers, they were strong, but they weren't stronger than a vampire and a werewolf,

She was almost dragged out of the room when the werewolf saved her by destroying the statues.

They surrounded Leonardo, at that hour, huddled in a corner, trying to use his last resort to save his muse.

- Forget it, that's a corpse. - Nimurta said.

- She died a long time ago, her time has come. – Apsu said.

- No... - He said, when Tsuki advanced and turned off the devices that kept her alive...

Reinforcements, experts and medics, arrived soon after, enter to take the mad old mage arrested.

- She is dead. – An expert said, seeing the inert body in that bed.

- Magic can't bring humans back without consequences. – Apsu said. “She wouldn't be human anymore. - He said.

A few weeks ago.

City of Lovecraft County.

They were dating, going to the movies, it was a relatively normal day, until they returned from their date towards the museum, all for them to run into a mage blowing up the entrance with stone monsters charging at gods.

Then, Nimurta the werewolf god attacked a colossal beast that was in front of him entering the museum, while monsters scared the visitors, making them run, while an immense bird of bones flew and destroyed the roof of the building, opening it, while Apsu transformed into a huge bat, charging at the creature.

About that.

Tsuki had to face a mage who invaded the city, breaking into the museum and destroying everything in front of him, in which this mage in question was one of the villains and enemies of the Warriors Society, the Society of Darkness, he a mage. obscure part of a terrorist order with a member who believed in the end of the world, it happened that he had two gods by his side, one being a god of vampires and the god of werewolves, who had the blessed jewel in their possession.

Turns out he'd put her in his possession in a museum, to top it off, according to informants.

- They say they want the End Times Gem, the one that led to the war against Marduk.

- Do you happen to have them? - Tsuki questioned.

- Our organization came together to protect the stone, it brings plague and famine, destroying and drying up crops, making people sick. – Apsu said.

- How did this happen? – Tsuki questioned in the midst of the fight they were having.

- There was a fight between dimensions that shook and divided magical nations. - Nimurta said.

Tsuki used a shield to knock down and reflect the spell that bounced back towards the mage and trapped him there in a dome.

Then came the containment group to take the mage away, albeit trapped in a barrier.

- Let's have lunch and we'll tell you. – Apsu said, pulling him with them, as he left what was left of the museum, in the midst of renovation and disaster prevention he began to restore the place.

Thousands of years ago.

When the gods were at their peak, in power and command of the human and magical races, the gods reigned and the portals were opened, amid the division of obligations between magical beings, a group of each species, who were greedy, who they were the youngest sons of every king and god of a nation.

So, consumed by greed and not resigned to the fact that they were not the firstborn and did not inherit power as they wished, they came together and created an organization, with them, they united their arcane knowledge and their greatest selfish desires, then, they summoned a demon., with him at their disposal, they deceived them and using his skin, flesh and essence as a sacrifice.