Miraculous Woman and Ultra Woman entered as the unlikely duo, alongside two other Amazons, to be seen alongside their opponents, giant orange women with multiple heads and arms, in addition to six legs, they were muscular with open monster mouths, when they were prepared.

While they would punch their opponents, in the midst of a hand-to-hand fight, to be kicked and with blows from their arms, lifting them.

Such as huge blows of impacts, with successive punches of several arms, being a fight without any equally, totally harmful, with screams of lightning that launched them towards the other side of the ring.

Where the other women were punching and kicking, where they were throwing them into the air, when they tried to fly, to be swatted and punched with several successive punches, where they were being stomped, with swings of their arms, with knees to their feet. stomachs.