What looked like their leader, challenged him. – You will not be able to defeat us, nor save your allies. - He said.

- So, you are only one, if we don't arrive in time, they will come after us, there will be no way to defeat all our armies. - The other said.

- Well, I have a proposal for an agreement to deal with you. - A deep voice rumbles from the darkness. – If he appears, I have a business to do with you. - He said.

- Who says that? - A voice said in the middle of the group.

- If you are brave to negotiate with a human, put yourself forward. - He said.

- I do not speak and do not deal with darkness. – Their leader introduced himself to the front of the group.

Their leader, was a 3 meter demon, with curved and twisted horns, he had red eyes, a purplish body and a muscular body.

- Do not think that by leaving here, I will not take revenge, nor think that you can keep us indefinitely. - He said, in front of everyone.