The business advisers are in the room. - Delmos said, when he was getting up.
Heading towards your bathroom.
- I'll be down in half an hour. – He said, the door, when he closed it.
He stayed in the bathtub thinking about his commitments.
That's when he walked down the European-style stairs, when he saw his aide.
- We have news. – He said, he was a short and bald man.
We have new stakeholders, in addition to agreeing to our ventures, besides, we will have a business meeting party, he had a laptop in his hands, he said, as Hikaru ate, accompanying him to what was a new conference, but waiting for an aide in his office, wearing a robe.
- But you would have to do something for them. – The assistant said.
- What would it be...? – He questioned her.
- You will see. – The assistant said.
In the midst of a party, where he had an appointment with the masters of wolves and vampires.
Hikaru was their representative and mediator.