- Curse you. - The mage said, trying to protect himself from the explosion field, but Suzako was fleeing between the debris that fell with the pillars seconds before everything collapsed.
He was in the middle of the street, when the worst happened, tremors erupted around them, as the mage appeared behind them...
At that hour, he called for reinforcements on the communicator, vampires and werewolves appeared like the police corps, to witness the scene, from the bowels of the earth, as if sprouting around them, at that hour, wild beasts like hellhounds, red-eyed of various eyes, as big and scaly as elephants, they looked like demons.
- I think this is a side effect of the stone's destruction. – Gabriel said, protecting him, as he launched himself in front of the beast that was jumping towards him.
- So these are the uncontrolled hellhounds? - The mage said, when trying to dodge and run away, he tried to sneak, but was surprised by Hikaru.