When the vampire was knocked down between a grave, the old wolf took a sword, for a few centimeters, didn't cut his groin, slamming the sword with everything in the ground piercing a concrete grave between his open legs, the vampire in turn, gave a somersault backwards, with a flying, knocking him down, pushing the old wolf, when he threw his sword, when the old man took what he had in his hands, a scarecrow.
Then, thrown there with a huge stake, he almost didn't pierce the boy's groin again, apparently, that was more his intention than simply piercing his heart, in the midst of the fight, when the boy, tried to impose home the old wolf, narrowly missing his forehead.
With each blow, then, the vampire was punching his shoulder, giving the old vampire a chance to kick his groin, this was his chance, when he realized too late that this was his target, he wanted to eliminate from the earth. your offspring.