Yue thought of a way to control the corruption-proof police, organized crime, crime syndicate and the mafia.
- What do you propose, Mr. Delphos? – One of the demons, who allied themselves with them, amidst being their new partners.
- Offer magic to the police in exchange for a contract worth your freedom and your soul that would be renewed every 10 years. – Yue said.
- Privatized services with actions to fight corruption. – Yue said.
- Very clear, but how are you going to do it, if you want to offer magic and resources in social actions, which could benefit us? – One of them said.
- With breach of contract, it's literally going back to what it was before. – Yue said.
As the city became a private administration under the control of the Delphos company after the scandal of politicians who stole money from the public coffers of investments and funds, the security was also privatized, under the control of the Delphos company.