Chapter 9: You Don’t Deserve To Be An Educator

Dave’s face darkened at the revelation.

He was Crestmont University’s main sponsor and had been funding their scholarships for years. Justin handled the dealings with the school, so Dave hadn’t expected this.

Suddenly, they heard an angry outburst from the next table. “This is your specialty! Why isn’t it available? Are you even in business if you can’t serve your specialty?”

It turned out Mia’s favorite dish was sold out. When the waiter told her, she got really upset.

“I’m really sorry, ma’am, but we’re out of that dish. Can I suggest something else?” the waiter said, trying to help.

Mia looked around and saw Bianca’s table. She pointed at Bianca’s dish and yelled, “They got it! Why can’t I?”

But when she looked closer, she saw Bianca and was shocked.

“B-Bianca? What are you doing here?”

Since Mia noticed her, Bianca stood up from her seat.

Mia seemed flustered and avoided eye contact. “Did you... Did you hear what we said just now?”

“Every word,” Bianca replied sharply, her expression cold.

Mia panicked and turned to Samuel. “See? I told you! Bianca not only flirts with guys at school but also hangs out with rich men outside!”

After all, only wealthy people could afford to eat at this fancy restaurant. And the man sitting next to Bianca looked like a high-class person, exuding a serious, cool vibe. His simple black outfit only added to his sophistication.

Mia became even more irritated when she saw the handsome man Bianca was with.

Suddenly, Samuel approached and glared at Bianca with anger.

Seeing Mia twist things and make accusations, Bianca wanted to laugh out of frustration.

“Mia, you might look nice, but your personality is ugly. You know who’s really behaving badly here.”

Then, Bianca shifted her gaze to Samuel and scolded him ruthlessly, “And you… you’re the dean of our department, yet you’re having an affair with your student. As though that wasn’t disgusting enough, you oppressed other more deserving students in order to provide benefits for your lover. You don’t deserve to be an educator!”

Hearing this, the crowd around them glared at Mia and Samuel, showing their disapproval.

“Disgusting! How could the dean be involved with a student like that?”

“And who does she think she is, accusing that other girl? It’s obvious the young couple is in love. They’re perfect together! But that girl and her old man—it’s painful to even look at them!”

The people’s comments embarrassed Mia, and her face turned bright red. She was so angry that she raised her hand to slap Bianca!

But before she could, someone grabbed her wrist tightly.

Dave swiftly intervened, catching Mia’s wrist before she could slap Bianca. With little effort, he deflected her hand, causing Mia to stumble back a few steps.

Bianca stared at him in surprise, amazed that he had stepped in to protect her.

Samuel rushed forward aggressively, pointing at Dave. “How dare you push her! I’ll have you thrown out of this restaurant, you jerk!”

Then, he turned to Bianca, his expression fierce. “And you!” he said, “Don’t bother coming to class tomorrow. You’re expelled!”

Bianca stood her ground, crossing her arms defiantly. “Oh, yeah? On what grounds?” she demanded, meeting his gaze fearlessly.

At this, Samuel took a hesitant step back, his face turning red. He stuttered, “I-I’m the dean! I have the right to expel you!”

Without even looking at Samuel, Dave calmly instructed the waiter beside him, “Get your manager here. There’s a disturbance, and I want him to deal with it.”

The waiter nodded nervously and hurried off to find the manager.

Soon, the manager arrived. At first, he looked annoyed, but when he saw Dave, his expression changed to one of shock and fear. Who would dare to cause trouble with such a powerful figure around?

Approaching cautiously, the manager was about to greet Dave when Dave shot him a warning glance, silencing him instantly.

The restaurateur, catching on quickly, addressed Mia and Samuel with authority. “Sorry, but there’s been a complaint about your behavior. I have to ask you to leave.”

Mia and Samuel were taken aback. “Who do you think you are? We’re paying customers! The customer is always right!”

“I’m the owner, and I have the right to refuse service,” the restaurateur replied firmly.

He signaled to some security guards nearby, who approached Mia and Samuel.

“Do you want to go quietly, or should they escort you out?”

Mia and Samuel exchanged doubtful glances, realizing they were outnumbered and outmatched. Reluctantly, they chose to leave quietly rather than escalate the situation further.

As they exited, muttering angrily to themselves, Dave turned to Bianca with a reassuring smile. “Are you alright?” he asked softly.

Bianca nodded, still somewhat shaken but grateful. “Thank you, Mr. Evans. I appreciate your help.”

Dave nodded in return, his expression serious yet comforting. “Anytime. Let’s get out of here too.”

As they walked down the street, the tension of the restaurant scene slowly faded.

Bianca glanced at Dave with curiosity. “You really surprised me back there, Mr. Evans. I didn’t expect you to step in like that.”

Dave chuckled softly. “I guess I have a skill for getting involved in unexpected situations. But seriously, I couldn’t ignore what was happening. No one deserves to be treated like that.”

Bianca nodded in agreement. “I really appreciate your help. You handled it so calmly.”

They found a cozy coffee shop nearby and settled into a corner booth. Dave ordered two coffees, and they sat silently for a moment, sipping their drinks.

Finally, Bianca broke the silence. “So, what made you decide to help me out?”

Dave leaned back, thoughtful. “You’ve always stood up for what’s right, even when it’s not easy. I couldn’t just stand by and watch someone unfairly accused.”

Bianca smiled gratefully. “I appreciate that, Dave. It means a lot to me.”

They chatted longer, discussing lighter topics and enjoying each other’s company.

Bianca couldn’t stop sneaking glances at Dave. She could feel her heart pounding.

‘This guy is amazing, but it’s a shame he’s just a regular office worker,’ Bianca thought to herself.

Dave noticed her silence and glanced at her, catching her staring at him. He raised an eyebrow, a bit amused by her silent attention.

“Is there something on my face?” Dave asked with a playful tone.

Bianca blushed and quickly looked away. “N-no, it’s nothing. I was just thinking about something. School stuff, you know.”

Dave nodded. “Still worried about what happened at the restaurant earlier? Don’t stress. It’ll all get sorted out, and you won’t get kicked out of school.”

Bianca gave a weak smile. “Mr. Evans, you’re just trying to make me feel better. You don’t know how nasty Mia can be. She’ll do anything to ruin my reputation.”

Dave reached out and gently held her hand. “Come on, you’re stronger than to be scared by their empty threats. Besides, you did nothing wrong. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”