Chapter 13: Stop The Car!

Bianca pretended to be shy, but she knew what Stacey really wanted.

Stacey invited so many guests to embarrass Bianca in front of them all. The more people, the bigger the spectacle.

Bianca smiled brightly. “Thank you.”

Haris felt relieved that Bianca seemed unaware of their scheme. Lately, he had felt that she was avoiding him, which made him restless.

After dinner, Bianca linked arms with Haris lovingly. “Let’s go for a walk, Haris!”

“Sounds good.” Haris was thrilled that Bianca invited him for a walk.

Stacey felt jealous but couldn’t stop them without raising suspicion. She shot Haris a warning glance before they left.

Once they passed the neighborhood gate, Haris couldn’t contain his excitement. He put his arm around Bianca and asked, “Where are we going, honey?”

Haris couldn’t help but admire Bianca’s beauty. If Stacey weren’t in the picture, he would have gladly slept with her that time he drugged her. Why bother finding a homeless man to do it?

Now that Stacey was out of the way, he was determined to get intimate with this beautiful woman!

Unexpectedly, Bianca leaned against him. Haris, feeling a connection, wanted to hold her, but she pulled away and walked ahead. Feeling rejected, Haris rubbed his hands awkwardly and followed her.

“It’s not convenient here…” With a shy smile, Bianca hailed a taxi. She opened the door and nodded toward the interior, gesturing for Haris to get in.

Haris thought Bianca wanted to get a room with him, so he eagerly got in.

“Come on, Bianca!” Haris patted the seat beside him, urging her to join him in the taxi.

Bianca smiled sweetly.

“To Greenview Apartments, please. My boyfriend’s drunk. Please send him home safely.” Bianca quickly relayed the instructions to the driver through the open window before shutting the door.

The taxi pulled away, leaving Haris panicked and angry. He banged his fist on the door, shouting at the driver, “Stop the car! Stop this fucking car, now!”

Ignoring Haris’s outburst, the driver dismissed him with a disdainful glance in the rearview mirror, convinced he was just another drunken passenger.

After ensuring Haris was gone, Bianca retrieved a phone she had secretly taken from him earlier. She swiftly powered it off, removed the SIM card, and discarded it in the bushes nearby, all while wearing a subtle smile.

Lost in her thoughts, Bianca strolled down the dimly lit streets as the night settled over the city like a mysterious cloak. The ambiance reminded her of Dave, prompting a sudden urge to call him.

But why should she call him?

Dave had only promised to be her boyfriend on the day of her engagement party. He wasn’t obligated to talk to her outside of that.

After thinking it over for a while, Bianca sighed and put her phone away.

An hour later, she got back home. Stacey jumped up from the sofa and rushed over, asking anxiously, “What took you so long? And what happened with Haris? Did he bother you?”

Bianca tilted her head and rubbed her neck. “No, everything’s fine. I’m just a bit tired. I’m going to my room to rest.”

After that, she went to her room.

Stacey, however, wasn’t convinced. She went to the balcony and tried calling Haris, but his phone was off. What could have happened between him and Bianca? Why did he turn off his phone? Stacey paced back and forth, feeling restless. After a while, she decided to confront Haris in person the next day.

Meanwhile, in her room, Bianca messaged her private detective. “Make sure to take more photos when Stacey meets up with Haris tomorrow, okay?”

Bianca put her phone away and climbed into bed.

Her private detective had been keeping a close eye on Stacey and Haris, but hadn’t found any evidence of them cheating.

Since the couple seemed to be cautious now, Bianca planned to set up a meeting between them herself. A mischievous smile crossed her face as she thought about what might happen the next day.


In no time, it was the night before the engagement party. Bianca had a clear plan in mind, and the key part of it involved Dave.

So, she called him as soon as her class was over.

Dave was in a crucial meeting when his phone buzzed. He was about to ignore it when he noticed Bianca’s name flashing on the screen.

Everyone in the room held their breath, waiting for Dave’s next move. Surprisingly, he grabbed the phone and stepped out of the meeting room, leaving everyone watching in silence.

“What’s going on?” His tone was chilly.

Bianca cleared her throat, feeling a bit nervous. “Mr. Evans, are you free today?”

“Tell me what you need over the phone. I’m swamped,” Dave replied curtly.

He wasn’t lying. Lately, he had been tied up with critical business negotiations with a major corporation. His days were packed with meetings, leaving little time for anything else.

However, there was another reason for his coldness towards her; he still felt annoyed, remembering the male voice he heard during their last phone call.

Bianca felt confused. She hadn’t reached out to him for just a few days, so why was he suddenly so distant?

“Oh, um, I just wanted to discuss the engagement party with you. Is this a bad time?” Bianca asked tentatively.

Dave listened as Bianca explained her plan briefly.

“Understood,” he responded in a neutral tone.

“Mr. Evans, will you be able to attend the engagement party?” Bianca asked, feeling a bit uneasy about his response. “I could send you a down payment in advance if that helps.”

Bianca thought that maybe if she paid him upfront, he wouldn’t back out later on.

“No need,” Dave declined the offer without any hesitation.

Sensing her distress, he reassured her, “Don’t worry. I won’t go back on my promise.”

Bianca felt relieved hearing his words. Despite not knowing him for long, she trusted him.

“Okay, see you this weekend,” Bianca said briskly before ending the call.

Twenty minutes passed, and Dave still hadn’t returned to the meeting room. Everyone grew increasingly confused. It was unusual for Dave to answer a call during a meeting, and even if he did, he’d keep it short. They couldn’t help but wonder who he was talking to and why he spent so much time on the call.

Speculation buzzed around the room until Dave finally returned, causing the room to fall into dead silence.

He had spent an unusually long time on that one phone call. Something big must have happened! Everyone sat upright, paying close attention to him, not daring to even breathe too loudly.

“Carry on,” Dave said calmly, as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred, and continued looking through the documents on his desk.

Confused glances were exchanged among the staff, but they didn’t dare to question their boss, so they resumed the meeting.