Chapter 88: I’m Silently Cheering For You

People even found Bianca’s personal Twitter account. Suddenly, her followers increased by half a million! But most of them were haters, following her just to insult and attack her. They were waiting for her to mess up.

However, there were some who supported Bianca. Many of them had been mistreated by Zoey in the industry and were tired of her behavior.

One account caught Bianca’s attention—SmithJessica.

Just as Bianca thought of SmithJessica, her phone rang. It was Jessica.

“Hey, Jessica! It’s been so long! How have you been?”

“I’m traveling and having a great time. But I’ve seen your name popping up everywhere. How are you? Are you okay?” Jessica sounded genuinely concerned.

“I’m holding up, doing okay,” Bianca replied, trying to sound positive. “Actually, Jessica, I wanted to ask you something. You worked at Phoenix Entertainment for a while. What do you think of Zoey?”