Chapter 116: Where Do You Live?

However, when Bianca visited the academy, she found that the teachers weren’t willing to help. They said they were too busy with their schedules, even when offered generous payment.

Bianca found it strange.

She had a feeling Zoey might have influenced things behind the scenes. But it seemed unlikely that Zoey could sway all the teachers from such a prestigious institution to refuse Bianca’s offer.

Lost in thought, Bianca wandered through the academy’s campus, deep in contemplation.

Suddenly, the screech of brakes grabbed her attention. She looked up and saw an elderly woman lying in the middle of the road, her bag of oranges scattered around her.

A man leaned out of his car and angrily scolded the elderly woman, muttering, “You foolish old lady! Can’t you watch where you’re going?”

After his outburst, he quickly drove away in his car.

Bianca hurried over and reached out to help the elderly woman up. She gathered the spilled oranges, only to find a big hole in the bag.