- You know, let's talk. - Trigon approached him even though he was cornered in his cave under his mansion...
- I would like to invite you to a treasure hunt in a Dungeon, we will go in a cave, then I will divide 60x40. Trigon said.
- No..., not at all, why like that and not half in half? – Tsuky questioned.
- Because I had the idea. Trigon said.
- So, because I'm going, apparently you can manage on your own without me. – Tsuky said smartly.
- Because there are locks and traps that only you can disarm. Trigon said.
- If so, then I want half in half. Tsuky said.
- Let's just think about France. Tsuky said.
- Why the rush? Trigon questioned.
- I have a date with my boyfriend later. Tsuky said.
- Greedy. - One of them said.
- How much are we talking about exactly? – Tsuky questioned.
- As much as can be taken. Trigon said.
- You are greedy here. Tsuky said.
- I want to go back before my meeting with a partner and a possible affair. Tsuky said.