- How did you find out? — The general, being his victim, prisoner when he was tortured, one of his hostages.
- I have informants. - Kurayami said, amid the torture of his prisoners.
- I'll talk to an ally. – Kurayami said, the man was literally whipping and electrocuting the man in his dungeon, the prisons that had so many of them screaming everywhere.
He contacted Um-Mu's order, bringing a follower.
- So, they have weaknesses, they are dying. – Selenian said, passing through the portal, there looking at the sovereign of Akropolis, who was torturing other prisoners.
- Let us surprise them. Selenian said.
- We will give only one decision. – Kurayami said.
Organizing a horde of his warriors, where they took over the central kingdom, with the shock weapons and toxic and corrosive energy.
Amidst a swift and decisive battle, subduing the other race.
Then Kurayami in a following battle when he invaded the realm's core planet.