Meanwhile, Tsuki Miki thought towards the computer...

Kurayami, Tsuki Miki realized that the new god, must be bisexual or his appearance was enough to stun the new god, attract the opposite sex and the same sex, the god was receptive after all, for seconds.

The data said that he should read more, when, he froze when he saw her face, and so he thought about the possibilities that could occur if he got caught...

He could use his physical allures to seduce or control Kurayami this was foul play, but there is also the possibility that Kurayami will return to force him to case the new god again...

Even if he didn't want to, and to solve the riddle of the spores after all, he had planted bombs to destroy Akropolis Yomi millions of times, more than four times by his calculations, he had a high chance of being kidnapped...

He would come to him, and pick him up to play...