- Is it okay to have sex with me now? - He asked, amid the thrusts in and out and his shrill screams and he really felt pleasure.
- Tasty. - Panted amid the beats inside him.
- Why do you think that? - He asked in the midst of his attacks.
- Planets to conquer... - Panted...
- None of that matters right now. - He said, in between his strokes in and out, sucking her neck.
Several times he fucked him and amidst the thrusts and the sinful whispers in and out, he tried to ask.
- You will not leave here until I fuck you completely. - He said. - Until you leave here marked by me. - It said. - And I can eat every part of your body.
- It's so good inside you - he said between the thrusts, that delicious body he was marking between his hickeys on your neck and caressing your body.
Then he took her lips and took them in a feverish, dominant kiss, without asking permission to enter and he gasped and said amidst Kurayami' slamming cock hitting his prostate.