- Who else would come up with a mind control plan. - It said. –
Enough money to create a drug that empowers and enslaves - Said.
– And that only one can control. - He said.
– And so far, it started in Golden Valley and spread to Lovecraft County, which is the closest city? - Asked Dark-Dragon.
"Good," she said. – He's so predictable. - Said Circe.
- That's his ego. - Said Dark-Dragon.
“Everyone else who's ever worked with Luthor has encountered the same problem. - He said.
- He wants control. - Said Dark-Dragon.
– And that induces betrayal and, in the end, his own ego and the fact that he believes he is smarter than everyone induces when he betrays, or his plans fail. - He said.
- Did you get tired of chasing Selene? - He asked.
- Don't get me wrong, Dark-Dragon. - She said.
– I will still pursue Selene. - He said.
"Good," he said toward her.
– If what you want is to play. - He said.
- I love a good game. - She said winking at him.