- And he hid that he had done the mutation procedures himself and there was a confidential sheet. - He said.
- And the difference was that not only that, but he was also taking alpha hormone cocktails to the point of permanently changing his caste to Serenitatis base. - He said.
– And that explains the cure of his cancer and his temporary disappearance he would have to do after his investigation. - He said.
“And it couldn't go on until Luthor switched sexes and changed castes so he couldn't be protected by the law. - He said.
– And finally, in the problems that arose, drugs became a health problem.
– There were treatments. - He said.
- And he would have to do something to arrest Luthor for good and not send him to Arkham, but apparently it was too late. - He said.
– You know, he had already done it and his plan was altered by the joker's madness he wasn't an omega he was a greedy man from a harem of omegas… plus an army.