Being helped to his feet, he had the sheets unrolled and so his butler asked.
- Do you have any idea what day it is today sir? – He asked with a superior air.
Sitting up in bed, he looked at the curtains and around him and then a shadow passed outside the door a familiar shade of red someone from his dreams with a wink.
- Sir, do you know where you are? – Asked the butler.
- No. - Said Tsuki Miki.
- Who's at the door William? - Asked with apparent fear.
- A chief next to the tent. - Said the butler turning his face and coming back passing his hand on his boss's forehead and speaking with exasperation.
- Don't change the subject, sir. William said.
- No, William. - He said lowering his head and feeling a sudden cold hugging his body with his hands.
- I'm disappointed, sir. - William said sitting next to the man on the bed.